After bidding farewell to Yuan Meng, Luo Chen returned to the Lord's Mansion Chamber.

After coming to the conference hall, he summoned Leng Yue, Mu Jianxing, Zhan Wushuang and Mei Wear Underwear. When the four of them came to the council hall, they heard Luo Chen say: "Now our territory is already a mid-level building, and other buildings will be upgraded in a few days." I thought about it for a moment, in addition to that, we need to form a player army organization, and the four of you will be the captains of the player's army, what do you think?".

Mei wore underwear and said excitedly: "Big brother, this can be had." I've wanted to lead the army for a long time, but we don't have a huge NPC soldier yet. Now it's time to build an army of players, I'll see it. "

Zhan Wushuang said: "There are a lot of brothers on my side, and there should be many who are willing to participate." I can go and make a proposal with them and see who is willing to join. "

Mu Jianxing said: "Luo Chen, although your proposal is good, how should we implement it? Do you have specific ideas?"

Leng Yue also nodded, agreeing with Mu Jianxing's statement.

Luo Chen said: "First of all, we choose from the 'honorary residents' of the territory, and they are all famous for all the preferential policies of the territory. I think there will be a lot of people who will be willing to participate, so there is no shortage of players on the player side. Furthermore, there is the distribution of tasks among the various armies, and each army has to take up different posts. Now I'm going to talk about the assignment of tasks, and see if you have any comments!".

Task Assignment:

1. Wooden Sword Army: Wooden Sword Xing serves as the military commander. It belongs to the main army and is responsible for the security of the territory. The number of participants is limited to 500.

2. Cold Moon Army, Cold Moon served as the commander. It belongs to the logistics support army, responsible for the security of the territory, and needs to assist the wooden sword army in wartime, and the number is limited to 200 people. (Female players only).

3. Wushuang army, Zhan Wushuang served as the commander. Belongs to the field army. In wartime, it is mainly in the wild, and in non-wartime, you can lead the army to fight monsters outside to upgrade and improve your strength. The number of participants is limited to 200.

4. Mei wears the army: Mei wears underwear as a military commander. Belongs to the vanguard army. In wartime, it is mainly vanguard, and in wartime, it can lead the army to fight monsters and upgrade outside to improve its strength. The number of participants is limited to 200.

After listening to it, everyone had no opinions, and felt that Luo Chen's arrangement was also appropriate.

Then, Luo Chen said: "Now we have 5 bloody soldiers, this is just the current number, there will be more NPC soldiers in the future." It's okay to use them to upgrade and fight monsters now, but as for guarding the territory, their level is not high, so let them upgrade first, and then make plans later. Okay, now that it's all confirmed, let's hurry up and implement it. The sooner the army is completed, the sooner our territory will be secured. "

Leng Yue, Mu Jianxing and the other four people took the order and left.

Everyone is busy building their own armies, which is good for the realm and for other players.

Because as long as you join the army, you will be a person who belongs to Luochen's territory. Although the number of players in the territory is only 100, it is not possible to break this rule once you form an army like this. Therefore, when Mu Jianxing and the other four people went out to recruit military personnel, everyone actively participated in the registration.

After doing this, Luo Chen also breathed a sigh of relief, because if a territory wants to develop faster, in addition to comprehensive construction and upgrading buildings, it is necessary to unite players and get the support of players.

Moreover, after the player organization can be formalized, it can also ensure the defense and security of the territory to a greater extent.

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