Uncle was very happy when he heard it, thinking that he could go to play ball with this big boss classmate in the future and take the opportunity to cling to him.

Uncle used to have a luxury car, because he owed the bank, he was taken to block debts, from a car owner to a car-free family, and he couldn't walk to the suburbs to play ball with the big boss's classmates, so he asked Ah Bao to drive with him, but Ah Bao was in a very bad mood because of his father's illness and didn't want to go with him.

Po didn't want to go with him, but he didn't say it was because his father was sick, but said, "The injury on my hand hasn't healed yet, I'll go back when it's better." "

Uncle saw that he was making excuses and said, "You can come here to fight, what's the difference between fighting here and fighting there, hehe." "

Bao said: "At this time, it is not all right, and when it is all good, I will go there to have a good time." "

Seeing them talking, Lian Sheng asked curiously, "What are you doing with a piece of land?"

Uncle continued: "Just like the manor, dig a pond and raise fish. "

Bao said: "It's better to use it to grow vegetables, and now the vegetables in the vegetable market are easy to sell." "

Uncle said, "Plant a ghost!"

Uncle Gou Dao Xiuxian started from the operation, knowing that Ah Bao was in a bad mood because of his father's illness, and asked Ah Bao not to be too stressed, but he didn't tell him not to pay attention to his father's affairs.

Two or three days later, Uncle Ah called Ah Bao again in the morning and asked, "Is there any scene in the afternoon?"

Ah Bao was at his father's house with his father and asked, "What's the scene?"

Uncle asked, "Can you go in the afternoon?"

Po hoped that he would have some insight to resolve the dilemma in front of him, so he agreed, saying, "Let's go." "

Uncle was overjoyed and said, "Let's go, I didn't have a car that afternoon, did you have it?"

Po said, "Yes, I'll pick you up." "


In the afternoon, Bao drove to pick up his uncle.

Uncle used to drive a luxury car, and after getting on Bao's Jetta, he didn't speak for a long time, and said for a while: "In 2006, the car was cheap, and when the time comes, sell the car and buy a new one." "

Ah Bao deliberately said: "What should I do if I buy a new car, I don't want to give it away." "

Uncle told Bao not long ago that he wanted to buy a car, and said that he saw a flagship-level Fengshen very beautiful, and then asked: "What car should I buy now?"

Bao said: "The market is not good now, buying a car is the same as buying a house, you can choose whatever you want." "

They drove out of town on the road for a while, then turned onto a country road. At this moment, a small car rushed out of it, and several children sat in it, and the look at them looked like they had broken into a private property.

When he arrived at the gate of the manor, Uncle greeted a doorman very politely and said, "I'm here to mess with you again." "

The doorman was also very polite and said, "Say such things!".

After they entered, a person appeared out of nowhere, and Uncle Ah said to Ah Bao: "We are classmates, you see, am I old or he is old?".

Of course, this person was not his big boss classmate, and rushed to say: "I'm old, I'm old." "

Uncle asked him: "I saw Jianhui on the road a few days ago, and he called me loudly, saying that I went fishing, and I caught half a bucket of grass carp, did you come here to fish?"

He said, "Yes." "

The uncle asked him again, "How old is the child?"

He said: "Nineteen years old, graduated from secondary school this year. "

Uncle said, "Nineteen years old is the same as my child, is it a man or a woman?"

He said, "Female." "

Uncle said: "It's easy for a woman, just find a more regular job for her." "

"She loves to do business," he said. "

Looking at my uncle expectantly.

Uncle used to be in business, but now he has no business, so he pretended not to hear.

Then another person came out, who seemed to be a little younger than the first person, and was also a classmate of my uncle.

It turned out that Uncle had a lot of classmates here who managed the manor for the big boss classmates, and they were working on some exotic flowers and plants all day long.

They chatted about the tennis court after greetings.

Uncle asked, "How much does it cost to build this stadium?"

The second classmate said, "Three hundred thousand." "

The first student said, "No." "

The second student said, "Not 300,000?".

The first student said, "No. "

The second student said, "No, how much?" you say!".

The first classmate said, "More than 200,000." "

The second student said, "No, I said 300,000, it's not much!".

The two of them almost made a bet.

Uncle asked, "Will he fight?"

The second classmate said, "He won't, he didn't even go in once." "

The first student said, "Yes, I didn't go in once." "

The second student said, "No, I didn't see him go in, I didn't see him playing, so I called the ball to hit him." "

Uncle originally planned to come and play with this big boss classmate, looking for an opportunity to cling to him, but when he heard that he didn't come to play, he was disappointed and asked, "Then what is he going to build this stadium for?"

The third person came, I don't know if it was also their classmate, and said: "Supporting mile, learn from him, supporting support." "

These classmates of my uncle still have to work and are gone.

Uncle turned his face faster than a book, and he was very polite to them just now, and then said to Bao: "They do them, we play our ball, these people don't have to pay attention to them!"

Ah Baoshu was full of anger and said, "It's not bad to work here, it's very leisurely." "

Uncle said: "The key is the economic problem, the economy is better, a few hundred yuan squatting on the ground all day to pull weeds, almost fainting to death." "

After playing here, Po feels that the biggest advantage of playing here is that he doesn't have to care about whether there are acquaintances near the court, and he doesn't have to worry about not saying hello to them, which is rarely the case before.

After a while, he was going to urinate, but the door of a villa next to him was locked and he couldn't push it open, so he had to go outside the wall, where the infrastructure was still under construction.

Before he could reach the small door of the wall, several wolf dogs in the iron cage barked in unison, so frightened that he almost ran away.

Frightened, he stood at the base of the wall outside the wall for a long time before he peed.

After playing, Po couldn't find another leather shoe when he changed his shoes.

Uncle with glasses saw a dog in the distance holding the leather shoe and ran to help Po retrieve it.

Uncle didn't see his big boss classmate, and when he left, he said: "Next time I come back, he built this manor for people to play, and the more people who come, the happier he is." "

Ah Bao said: "This is the same as the 'Red Mansion' of Lai Chang ~ Xing, which is specially used for people to play. "

Uncle said: "No, no, how can it be compared with Lai Changxing's 'Red Mansion'!"

On the way back to catch the rush hour of commuting to work, my uncle said: "I came to Mr. Gao once not long ago, and it was very crowded on the way back. "


Lian Sheng and Lin Ke heard that their uncle's big boss classmate had a tennis court in the manor and wanted to see it.

At this time, Lin Ke had become a forestry bureau, and he hadn't come down from the district government building for a long time, so Bao had to pick up his uncle first.

Uncle waited for a long time at the gate of the community, and when he saw Po coming, he complained, "It's too late!".

Ah Bao said: "The forest bureau is also going, and I haven't come down after waiting for a long time, so I'll pick you up first." "

He was very upset and said, "Ignore him, let's just go, and tell him to do something!"

The Forestry Bureau used to drive a luxury imported station wagon, but now this car is no longer driven, and it has been replaced by a mini car.

He drove this car with Lian Sheng to follow, and my uncle saw the miniature car in the rearview mirror, and he was afraid that he would lose face after being seen by his classmates, so he was unhappy again, and said, "It's good for four people to go in one car, what the fuck are you doing in that car?!


At the gate of the manor, the uncle still greeted a doorman very politely and said, "I'm here to mess with you again." "

The doorman was still very polite and said, "Say such a thing!"

After they played for a while, they talked about the stadium, and Lian Sheng said: "This stadium has to be reversed so that the sun doesn't hit the eyes." "

The forest bureau also said: "This stadium looks weird, the net belt just covers the bottom line on the opposite side, you can't see if it's out of bounds, and it feels like it's easy to go out of bounds, but the stadium of the International Hotel feels that it's difficult to go out of bounds, and it's best to play around or issue that court." "

When I came back, I passed an artificial lake, and there were several boats decorated with white swans cruising on the lake, and Lian Sheng wanted to bring his children to play, saying, "Next time, bring your children to play." "

Uncle "uh" and said, "We don't want to play with him!

Ah Bao deliberately tortured his uncle, saying, "Unless there is a woman to accompany him." Uncle yawned heavily.

The forest bureau drove the miniature car behind alone, and rushed to the front after getting on the highway.

Lian Sheng saw it and said, "The forest bureau has gone to the front." "

Ah Bao remembered the chat between the forest bureau and Ah Yan not long ago, and said: "The forest bureau is really clever, saying that it will take more than two hours to drive to Shenchuan, and the speed is more than 100 kilometers per hour!".

Uncle usually wants to fool him, but he can't fool him, and says, "He's such an old ghost!"


A few days later, Uncle and Po went to the manor to play again.

This time, Uncle drove his brother's red sports car to pick up Bao.

It's a deck car, and there are a lot of jokes about it.

Lian Sheng once wanted to help his brother-in-law sell the car for 100,000 yuan to Bao, and once borrowed 150,000 yuan from Bao, saying that the car was mortgaged for him.

Later, Lian Sheng also wanted to sell the car to Ah Yan, and that time Ah Bao heard Ah Yan asking Lian Sheng, saying: "Brother Lian Sheng, you were saying a few days ago that your brother-in-law's car was going to be sold, how much money should be sold?".

Lian Sheng forgot about it after saying it, and after thinking about it for a long time, he remembered it and said, "Oh, my brother-in-law wanted to sell that car a few days ago and buy a new one, but now it's all ......."

Ah Yan asked, "I don't want to sell it now, do I?"

Lian Sheng said: "It's useless to sell to acquaintances." "

Ah Yan asked, "How many cylinders does that car have?"

Lian Sheng didn't understand this, and said, "How many cylinders, I don't know." "

Ah Yan saw Lian Sheng's brother-in-law driving that car to play ball, and said, "I see that the car is double exhaust, will it consume a lot of fuel?"

Lian Sheng said: "No, the sports car is good, eight liters of oil for 100 kilometers." "

Ah Yan said: "No, is there a problem with the procedures?"

Lian Sheng said: "Almost." "

Ah Yan said, "Oh, it's almost Nu. "

Lian Sheng said: "It's no problem for us to drive it ourselves." "

Ah Yan said: "You have to be able to review it every year. "

Lian Sheng said: "My brother-in-law often goes out, and the car is always parked, so I sometimes drive it. The two brothers each shared one, Ah Dafen's Lincoln, which was sold to the company, and his boss was driving, and Ah Xiaofen's one. I don't think this one is red, the male one is not good enough to drive the red one, just give it to you women. "

Ah Yan said: "My husband said if he wanted to buy one for me to drive, I thought to myself as a caretaker in this broken stadium, I don't want much. "

Lian Sheng said: "My brother-in-law's car is very old, and I plan to keep it for myself to drive, and if it breaks down, I will buy a new one." "

Ah Yan said: "Yes, if you want to buy a new one, Geely plus the license plate does not need 50,000 yuan." "


Po stood on the side of the road and saw the car for the first time, and saw it flash in the sunlight from a distance.

Po said to his uncle, "This car looks quite new. "

Uncle said, "It's still quite new, it's already very old." "

Po said: "People who don't understand this kind of car will think it's very high-end. "

Uncle immediately borrowed the slope to get off the donkey and said: "It is very high-end, there is an automatic gear, there is a sunroof, and it costs more than 10,000 yuan to open a skylight." "

Po didn't hear the music and asked, "This car doesn't have a stereo?!".

He said, "Yes, it's broken." "I honked the horn and there was no sound

Po asked, "The horn is also broken, isn't it?"

He said, "Yes." "

On this day, the wind is too strong, and the downwind side will fly out of bounds as long as you touch the ball lightly, and the upwind side will not be able to hit the net with all your strength, and there will be no way to play at all.

This time the villa next to it was unlocked, and the two went inside for tea.

Po was lying on the sofa, feeling very comfortable, and asked, "Why don't you classmates come here to enjoy themselves?".

Uncle sneered and said, "No, he invited someone here on his birthday, sat here for a morning, and said that it was so good!"

Po said, "You can come here for your class reunion." "

"Those female classmates come often, and nine out of ten female classmates in the class are unemployed," he said. "

Po asked, "Those men have jobs, don't they?"

He said: "Ten of the male classmates are in his factory, and two or three are here. "

On the way back, Po asked, "Can you see that this classmate will be prosperous today when you are studying?"

He said, "No, I can't see it at all," he said

He said: "His family was very poor, and he had a good relationship with me at that time, and when he was at the 'Labor University', he once went to the army to publish a blackboard newspaper, and I took him with him. There was nothing to eat at the time, and he had a bad stomach and said not to write too fast. After lunchtime, a soldier came to us and asked if we had eaten, and we said no, and the soldier brought us half a bowl of baranfish in a washbasin, and he ate twenty of them in one go, and it became a joke for a while. "

Po said, "Now if anyone makes him look unpleasant, he will be punished by him to eat balan!"

The uncle drove the car very fast, and when he saw "Mercedes-Benz" and "BMW", he deliberately rushed in front of them and then slowed down to block in front of them.

Ah Bao didn't know that the brakes of the car were also broken at this time, so he really sweated for him.

On the way back, I still caught up with the rush hour of commuting traffic, and the car in front stopped, and the uncle's car did not stop, but only braked sharply when it had to stop, and the car behind hit it with a "bang".

Uncle opened the car door as soon as possible, and swaggered to the back to see if his car was damaged.

The driver of the car behind was a soft egg, so he hurried down to compensate him.

After Uncle got into the car, Bao said: "I don't dare to brake like this, the one behind the brake will definitely crash into it." "

"The brakes of the car are not good," he said. "

Po said: "Oh, it's because the braking performance of the car is not good, look at the weird way you drive, you can't follow too closely in the future." "

He was also frightened, and said repeatedly: "You can't follow too close in the future! You can't drive too close in the future!"

Ah Bao went to his uncle three times, but when he saw that his uncle did not have any high insight to solve the predicament in front of him, he did not go with him again.

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