Lian Sheng said, "No." "

I called my uncle and he answered.

After a while, Uncle came, and he really wasn't arrested.

Uncle likes to pretend to be coercive and godly, and Gou Dao cultivates immortals from the beginning of the operation, and when he sees that familiar people can't be fooled, he goes to fool unfamiliar people.

A young man recently came to their place to exhibit cars, saw that there was a tennis court, and was busy playing ball.

Uncle invited him to play doubles together.

He was very happy to see that Uncle was so enthusiastic, and kept praising Uncle for playing the ball well, saying, "Okay! You played this ball so well!"

Ah Bao didn't hear clearly, and asked Lian Sheng, "What is he talking about?"

Lian Sheng heard it clearly, but said, "I don't know, I don't know what he's talking about!"

This young man came from Shenchuan, and Lian Sheng fooled him with his uncle, saying, "I go to Shenchuan to play with you, I often go to Shenchuan." "

Uncle said, "I work in Guangcheng. "

The young man asked, "You're also here on a business trip?"

Uncle said, "No, my home is here, and my headquarters is in Shanghai." "

Uncle said to him: "Come back tomorrow night at half past eight, you don't have to pay tomorrow night, I'll sign the bill." "

Lian Sheng said to him: "You played very well, and you must have spent a lot of money to play to this level." "

He said: "I played in the varsity team at school, and I didn't play much in seven or eight years after I came out. "

Seeing that he was very confused, Uncle said, "It's a pleasure to meet you, you can call me in Guangcheng." "

He said: "I am from Tianjin, headquartered in Beijing, sent me to Shenchuan, I am not leaving, forever there, the house company also bought me, just paid the down payment, my father came with me, this time I was very lucky, found a company to do lithium batteries, he is a senior engineer, a monthly salary of more than 3,000, live with me." "

Said: "The court in Fukagawa is 50 during the day and 100 at night for an hour, 300 for the indoor field, and 150 for the accompanying game. "


Ah Bao was very unaccustomed to his uncle from the beginning, and not long ago he was tricked into playing ball in the manor of his big boss classmate a few times, and this time he saw him fooling a young man from Shenchuan, and he wanted to slap him in the face with a backhand.

On this day, Xiao Liu came to them. Xiao Liu is a foreigner, working as a coach in another court, he is very handsome, and he sprays himself fragrant every day.

Group A is an information center, and it is also a rumor center, saying that he is a duck in a hotel.

Uncle asked Xiao Liu if he was still selling auctions.

He thought that his uncle wanted to buy it, and said, "Yes, do you want to buy it?"

Uncle took out the racket he bought in Guangcheng not long ago and asked, "How much do you guess my racket is worth, I bought it in Guangcheng?"

He was disappointed and asked, "How much did you buy?"

The uncle said, "Offer 1,000 and pay him back 600." "

Ah Bao remembered that Xiao Liu had taken a white fluorescent racket not long ago, and asked, "The white racket you used last time looks quite high-end, what is it called?"

He said: "Yonex, imported from Japan. "

Po asked, "How much?"

He said, "One thousand two." "

After speaking, he went to show the beat to Po as if he was doing a trick.

Po took it to try it out and thought it was too good, not only was it comfortable to hold, but the ball he hit was also very powerful.

A woman who couldn't catch the ball he hit cried out and said, "What racket are you holding in your hand?!".

After Po hit it, he took the racket in his hand and looked at it again, and he couldn't put it down.

Xiao Liu saw it in his eyes and asked, "How is it?"

Po pretended to say, "It's too heavy." "

He said: "It's better to be this one, like you sweating type, you don't have to put so much effort into it, this is the best." "

As he spoke, he squeezed his eyes at Po, like a nymphomaniac.

He just brought two rackets at the same time, and Po pretended to ask, "How much is the other one?"

"The other one is cheaper," he said. "

Lian Sheng felt that Ah Bao's things were also his things, and hoped that Ah Bao would buy a good one, saying: "That one is useless, if you want to buy it, you can buy this one." "

Po asked, "How much?"

He said, "One thousand two." "

Po knew that he was talking about a brand new price, bargained with him, and asked, "How about a thousand?"

He immediately said, "Forget it." "

Po took out his wallet and found that he had just bought medicine for his father, and there were only more than 800 left in it.

Lian Sheng saw that Ah Bao bought expensive with him, and said, "If you don't have enough money, wait for the next time." "

Po said, "Then wait for next time." "

Xiao Liu saw that Ah Bao didn't want to buy it with him again, and said, "It doesn't matter if the money is not enough." "

Ah Bao said: "Otherwise, you can take the 800 yuan first, and the other 200 yuan will be given to you next time." "

He said, "Okay." "

A lot of people are watching the play.

After Ah Bao went to the locker room to change clothes, Ah Xiao followed him in and said to him, "You bought a thousand yuan from him for that racket?!" I didn't buy it from him the day before yesterday when he offered 500 yuan, 400 yuan is enough. "

Ah Bao knew that he was expensive, but he didn't expect it to be so expensive, and said, "It's only 500 yuan?!".

Ah Xiao said: "The day before yesterday, he sold one to a woman, and it was only two hundred and fifty yuan, and he returned the old one. "

Po said: "This one looks pretty good. "

Ah Xiao said: "Yes, it's not bad, it's just ......".

When Po came out of the locker room, Xiao Liu had already run away.

However, Ah Bao bought this racket mainly because he deliberately threw money to show his uncle, and he was very happy, and when he went home, he told his wife that he had bought this racket, and talked about why the color of this racket is pearl white, which is the same as the mobile phone he bought not long ago.

After a while, Lian Sheng called him and said, "You didn't even ask me to pay him back." "

Po said: "This one looks pretty good, and the ball is very powerful. "

Lian Sheng said: " You put 800 yuan in his place, is it, this is enough, I went to tell him, where is there any 200 yuan, he told me that the new is only 1,000 yuan, where did he find so many new rackets to sell, they are all old, he used to teach in the tennis center, must have unclean hands and feet, I went to tell him that either this, you have to change the string and hand glue or something, otherwise return it to him, be laughed at, you used to buy that yellow racket is also expensive, people only bought more than 400, I went to tell him in the past two days, said that I had to change the string and hand glue to change。 "

A few days later, Ah Bao went to the stadium again, and Master Zhang had already heard about it, and said to Ah Bao: "You are so confused, he took one and sold it to a woman the day before yesterday for only fifty yuan." "

Po said, "Why do you talk less and less?!".

Zhang Zhu said: "It should be regarded as a lesson in life. "

Ah Yang also knew about this, and said to Ah Bao: "I have made money recently! I heard Ah Xiao say it, and I was very angry. "

said: "I will drive him away next time he comes, he has a meal but not a meal, and he will sell it to you if you pay him back 300 yuan." "

A few days later, Xiao Liu came to get the two hundred yuan, Ah Yang didn't let him enter the lounge, and the two of them confronted each other like cockfights at the door for a long time.

At this time, Ah Bao and Lian Sheng were playing on the court, and Lian Sheng went to find him.

When I came back, I said to Bao, "I'll tell him about it." "

Po asked, "What did he say?"

Lian Sheng said: "He didn't say anything, you have already paid him the price, it's okay, eight hundred yuan is not very expensive." "

Uncle witnessed the whole process of this incident, but he didn't dare to let go of a fart from beginning to end, Ah Bao deliberately teased him and said: "Sometimes I use this racket and sometimes I use that racket, it's the same as changing my wife, it feels so wonderful." "

His head drooped lower and lower, and he looked stupid.


Uncle Gou Dao Xiuxian started from the operation of the sau, and wanted to pull Ah Bao into the set, saying: "Jiabao, you didn't go to find something to do, no, what are you doing at home all day, what will you do in the future?"

Said: "Go and do business, don't be too big, act as an agent or something." "

Said: "Same as me in Guangcheng, do it smoothly and steadily, sometimes you have to go to other people's doors, which one are you more familiar with, which one are you doing, by the way, you are not familiar with the auto repair shop, I have a friend who is acting as an agent for engine oil or something, you can earn 100,000 yuan a month, you can come to be the regional general agent with him." "


One day, Shaohong heard that the new mayor often came to the court after coming to play, and when he saw his uncle, he immediately wanted to make friends with him.

Shaohong looks amazing and is the reincarnation of the empress. The empress when she played was a madman, and the empress who didn't play was also a madman.

Uncle thought he was going to have peach blossom luck and had a good chat with her.

Lian Sheng knew that his uncle liked to fool people, and after he couldn't fool acquaintances, he went to fool strangers, afraid that he wouldn't be fooled by Shaohong but would be fooled by Shaohong, so he said to him: "You must not have a good chat with her!".

Uncle was very faceless and argued, "I didn't have a good chat with her!"

Lian Sheng said: "She asked you to call her, you must not call her, if you call her, she will always look for you in the future." "

He said, "I didn't call her!".

Lian Sheng said: "We people here call her crazy. "

He pretended to be apprehensive and said, "That's it?!".

Lian Sheng said: "If you are entangled by her, you will be in great trouble." "

A few days later, Shaohong came to the court again.

When she saw her uncle, she shouted, "Teacher!"

"I was dressed too casually that night and didn't dress up," he said. "

Uncle Lian Sheng told him not to talk to her very happily, and when he saw that everyone was watching, he didn't dare to say a word to her.

She thought it was weird.

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