A lot of people clicked into the video eagerly, and then couldn't get out.

The video starts from the moment you enter the store. There is no background music. It is just a scene full of people. From the background music, you can hear that this restaurant is doing very well.

The barrage at the beginning was full of surprise that Pishi would update the video in the afternoon.

But when the food was served, the style completely changed.

Photographed without a filter, the zoom in the lens allows people to clearly see the appearance of the dishes.

The fat of the salted duck is juicy and you can clearly see it after zooming in.

The fillets of the pickled fish are curly and tender, and you can see them bouncing on the chopsticks when you pick them up, which shows how fresh they are.

The ham is divided into golden and silver hooves, and the perfect cut surface is so delicious.

All kinds of dishes, edited together at the beginning, it’s dazzling to see

"Damn, it looks so appetizing. Which restaurant is this?"

"Oh my god, why do I feel like I can’t afford these home-cooked dishes ordered by Pi Shi?"

"I know, I know, it’s just that the restaurant I recommend to leather food is very popular in our Dongshi market recently."

"Is this the hotel that has been on the hot search list?"

"When I saw it on my scarf before, I was very curious whether this restaurant was as delicious as Mr. Hu"Basanqi" Hou described it. I didn't expect that my favorite blogger also went to visit the restaurant!"

"It looks delicious. How does it taste?"


At the beginning of the main film, the video shows that Pi Shi's expression changed after taking a bite.

Everyone could clearly see that his eyes lit up, and then he brought the half-bitten salted duck to the camera with excitement on his face to show it.

"Family, it’s really delicious. It’s the first time I’ve eaten such tender salted duck. It has the texture of thick duck meat, but when you bite into it, the soup contained in it is not salty, it’s very light, and the duck skin is not greasy. It’s not necessary at all. Peel off the skin. The duck skin also tastes very fragrant, a bit chewy but soft and glutinous, and has no fishy smell at all. I have never eaten such delicious salted duck. Now I can finally understand why this dish is famous all over the country. It’s true. It tastes amazing!"

To simply show it to the camera, I chewed several pieces of skin food. Especially the duck meat is tender, and the parts near the bones are tender pink, but there is no fishy smell at all. On the contrary, the more you chew, the more fragrant it becomes. It is really delicious. want to cry

"And although it is a cold dish or a braised dish, the taste is not salty at all. In order to highlight the taste of the ingredients themselves, it feels light when eating. You can taste all the various aromas of the braised ingredients and the umami flavor of the ingredients themselves. The saltiness is just right, not too bland and not too salty. I couldn't even chew one by myself."

As soon as I finished speaking, the pickled fish was also on the table.

The impact of the color picture attracted people's attention at once.

The white and tender fish fillets were piled on the soup plate, garnished with coriander, and white sesame seeds were sprinkled on the soup surface. Everything was full of Lost appetite

"So tender!"

In the picture, Pi Shi immediately abandoned the boastful salted duck and took his chopsticks towards the pickled fish. The golden sour soup floated on the surface, and the movement of the chopsticks revealed the milky white fish soup underneath, making the soup base look milky yellow.

The fish fillet is tender and white, and you can eat it thinly in your mouth. It is as tender as eating steamed fish. It also has more pickled cabbage flavor than steamed fish. It is not bland, but spicy and satisfying.

"This pickled fish is very fresh. The freshness of the fish fillet is the same as eating steamed fish, but when you eat it, you can taste the pickled cabbage and the spicy flavor of the seasoning. The overall taste is the deliciousness of the fish, as well as the sour and spicy flavor. The taste is It's a bit spicy, but not spicy. I don't know what the spices on it are, but it tastes very fragrant and is very appetizing. But I won't eat today because I ordered too many dishes."

Pishi kept talking and mouthing. While explaining to the camera, he could also invite two companions to eat together. Those who can be food bloggers must either have a big appetite and be good at eating, or they can eat and watch. It makes people very appetizing, and to be able to become a big internet celebrity, there must be something unique about it.

Pi Shi is a northerner, he has a big appetite, and he has an appetite when he eats, and he can eat well, and he doesn't just praise the food dryly. It's delicious, but the praise is justified. It's described in terms of color, flavor, and taste. The greedy fans swallowed their saliva crazily and were so impressed.

This video was posted in just a short time, and the foodies got into the fight. The sound is hot. The popularity of scarves has not subsided. Fans in the comment area have learned about it, and the number of likes, comments, and reposts have all increased. I didn’t expect this, so I casually visited the store. A restaurant recommended by a fan, first I ate delicious food that I had never tasted in my life, and then it became popular.

The data of the popular video is definitely much better than the data of the less popular video.

At the same time, the popularity it brings is not that of ordinary videos. Comparable.

If every video he shoots has such popularity, he will probably make a lot of money.

"It's a good idea to come back to the hotel to please me. You can see the name is very festive. I must stay here for a few more days!"

Pi Shi saw the popularity of the video rising and said happily to his two companions.


If you don't want to come back to the restaurant for delicious food, just say so. It's not like they don't agree.

It’s as if they are willing to leave!

At around five o'clock, Jiang Yan's dishes were almost ready, and he was ready to make staff meals.

He had to try the chicken giblet recipe he paid for.

With such a great name, how delicious is it?

The preparation of Qianjiang chicken offal is not complicated. First wash the fresh chicken intestines, chicken hearts, chicken livers and chicken gizzards and cut them into slices and sections. Add salt, ginger slices, green onions and cooking wine to taste, then add dry fine bean powder. Mix well.

In addition, chop the pickled ginger, cut the soaked red pepper in half, and cut the pickled radish into shreds.

Because it was a new dish, Jiang Yan gave Li Xia a complete demonstration of how many ingredients were needed. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Then Li Xia knew it in his heart

"Is this making pickled pepper chicken? Li

Xia asked, looking at the materials prepared by Jiang Yan.

"Yes, it’s a hidden menu just like duck offal. There aren’t many chicken and duck offal every day, and it’s not even enough to eat on the menu."

"Then I'll take out the frozen chicken giblets and process them."

Li Xia nodded and took out the chicken giblets from the refrigerator to defrost. Once the ingredients are ready, you can fry them.

When the oil in the pan is 80% hot, put the already stacked chicken giblets into the pan and stir-fry until cooked through, add watercress, etc. Stir-fry the seasonings, add the chopped pickled ginger, pickled peppers, and pickled carrots and stir-fry until the chicken is cooked and fragrant. Sprinkle the pepper noodles in the pan, heat the oil in another pan, and serve.

Such a simple preparation method, but do it Making such delicious chicken offal makes people curious, what is the secret?

Because Jiang Yan has a systematic recipe, he can clearly guide the key points of the delicious Qianjiang chicken offal..........

First, only oil can be used in the pot, and more oil should be used. No water can be added.

For this reason, we need to make our own secret sesame oil here, and add spices during refining to make it more delicious and mellow.

The second is"Old Mother and Son Water", which is the"Old Tan Water" of kimchi.

For authentic Qianjiang chicken offal, the kimchi used must be soaked in mother-and-child water that has been used for decades.

The kimchi jar is similar to a cellar. There are many microorganisms in it, which not only changes the original flavor of the ingredients, but these yeasts enter the chicken giblets along with the kimchi and will also change the taste of the chicken giblets.

What makes Qianjiang's pickles unique is that more than a dozen spices or Chinese herbal medicines such as perilla and patchouli are added, as well as sesame sugar cooked by local methods to increase the crispness of the pickles.

In order to keep the water of the old mother and her son from spoiling, the sediment in the pickle jar must be removed every year.

Of course Jiang Yan doesn't have these, but he can buy them directly in the system, as authentic as he wants.

Third, frying a pot of Qianjiang chicken giblets tests the chef's speed. From the time the oil is put in the pan to the time when the hot chicken giblets are served, it probably takes no more than 5 minutes. This fast speed is the secret to keeping the chicken giblets crisp, tender and smooth.

The chicken offal cooked in this way will be full of red color and attractive aroma. The chicken offal is crispy, tender and fragrant, the radish is slightly sour and refreshing, the spiciness is soft and long, and the pickled pepper flavor is outstanding. Numb, spicy, fresh, fragrant and crispy are skillfully blended into one. It has a rich and mellow taste in the mouth, is spicy but not dry after eating, and has the effect of appetizing, strengthening the spleen and increasing appetite!

As the pot of chicken comes out of the pot, the rich aroma fills the kitchen.

An Feibai and Wan Siqi who were outside smelled the fragrance and ran straight in.

"Brother Jiang, are you making new dishes again?"

I have never smelled this strange fragrance before. The boss must have made a new dish!

Wan Siqi ran out of excitement.

What kind of happiness is this, being able to eat new dishes for the first time?

What if? If you think about it, those members are not as happy as the employees like them, being able to eat the first new dish made by the boss!

"Well, seeing as the extra chicken offal is 4.7, it’s a waste if you don’t cook it and eat it."

As soon as Jiang Yan finished speaking, a plate of chicken giblets wrapped in hot red oil and paired with sour shredded radish immediately whetted people's appetites and made them salivate. The numb, spicy, fresh and fragrant smell in the air made people endure it. Can't help but be immersed in it

"This chicken offal looks delicious!"

Wan SiqiWhile sighing, he had already picked up his chopsticks and was ready to start.

"Boss, let me try it for you......"

Before she could finish her words, she had already put a small piece of chicken intestine into her mouth.

The rich numbness and stimulating spiciness spread from the mouth in an instant. Although it is spicy, it is really fragrant!

Wan Siqi is not a big fan of spicy food, and the spiciness of chicken offal was beyond what she could bear, but the delicious aroma spreading on her tongue and the crisp, tender and smooth texture made her couldn't help but continue to take another piece into her mouth. , while having spicy shasha, while frantically using chopsticks to find chicken offal to eat

"Well...So spicy, but so fragrant, not fishy at all, so tender, crunchy, and delicious!"

Li Xia can eat spicy food, but he also thinks it's spicy. It's better with rice.

The sour radish inside is also delicious!

One bite gave him a sour spirit, and his mouth secreted saliva like crazy, but the umami taste after the sourness is really addictive...

Người mua: TheDark

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