"The large portion of pickled fish is 168, the whole salted duck is 198, the duck offal platter is 48, and the rice is 12, totaling 426."

Jiang Yan finished the calculation, and the people who paid for it all breathed a sigh of relief.

Such a delicious dish is really one hundred per person?

What Assistant Yang said was actually the truth!

Because the taste was so good, when they ate I was worried that the price might be too expensive, but in the end, four people ate more than 400 yuan, and I suddenly felt that it was very cheap?

"Boss, your food is very delicious!"

The three dishes ordered by the four of them were completely enough to eat, and they were all full.

"Thank you and welcome to come again next time."

Jiang Yan heard a guest praise him for the delicious food more than once today.

This feeling of being constantly surrounded by compliments made him a little embarrassed.

The four employees walked out of the restaurant with their bellies in hand, and again Seeing this festive style, I don’t feel tacky at all, but I feel that this store is really well built.

It makes people feel very sincere and invites them to come back for dinner next time.

Combined with the excellent taste of the food, it is really a good sign.!...

On Kong Guangliang's side, the four of them didn't finish the three dishes they ordered.

Finally, it’s still packing.

Seeing his girlfriend's parents packing leftovers to take home, he really had the urge to stop her.

"Uncle, aunt, if you like it, I'll order a new one and pack it for you to take back. Don't take the leftovers with you."

This is the first time we have met for dinner, so if you ask your future father-in-law to bring leftovers home, what are you saying? Doesn't it make him look stingy?

"No, it’s a waste if you don’t pack it up. It’s the same as taking these back to eat."

Sheng Hui also said it doesn't matter.

Their family is not a wealthy family. They don't like to waste food and will pack up leftovers.

Kong Guangliang couldn't resist, so he could only send them home.

Probably because of Kong Guangliang's disapproval. Guangliang was satisfied. When he got home downstairs, his father and mother took the initiative to invite him upstairs for a meeting.

Hearing this, Kong Guangliang was so happy that he burst out laughing.

Does this mean that his girlfriend's parents approve of him?

Look. The gifts were not in vain.

After Kong Guangliang got out of the car, he took out the gifts from the trunk and prepared to visit him.

His father and mother Sheng were very surprised when they saw this scene, and then they became even more satisfied with him.

This young man It's really good.

We had said in advance that we would have a simple meal, and we had prepared the gifts without even saying that we would come to the door. This shows our sincerity. We cannot get married without sincerity.

Sheng Hui was also very touched by her boyfriend's attentiveness and prepared it in private. There were so many people, their eyes were shining with water, and their smiles were so sweet.

Seeing their reactions, Kong Guangliang silently gave himself a thumbs up.

As expected, opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared.

Isn’t it appropriate to take this?......

In the restaurant, before eight o'clock, all the salted duck and salted duck miscellaneous were sold out.

When a creditor called to ask about Yaza, Jiang Yan could only regretfully say that it was sold out.

After the dinner rush hour, Jiang Yan wasn't very busy anymore.

There were only one or two tables of customers eating in the store.

Jiang Yan took the time to look at tonight's profits, although he felt that he had sold a lot from the time he was cooking.

I was still shocked when the actual statistics came out.

The turnover at noon and evening has exceeded 10,000 so far.

Although the cost has not yet been calculated, the benefits are also considerable.

When Jiang Yan saw the money, his waist and legs no longer ached.

This little bit of hard work is nothing. I can make more money in one day than I did in the previous month, so why don’t I need a bicycle!

Jiang Yan was in a good mood and couldn't help humming a song.

He took out his cell phone and saw the message sent to him by his creditor.

It was just to remind him that it would be too busy during the peak hours in the evening, and there would be no one to entertain the guests outside.

This greatly affects the dining experience of guests.

Jiang Yan understands how busy he is with meals.

It is estimated that with the taste of the dishes he makes now, there will definitely be more and more customers in the future.

Even if there is a shortage of money, recruiting people must be put on the agenda of the hotel. Otherwise, the loss outweighs the gain by dissuading guests because of lack of service.

Moreover, he already owes so much money. He has to pay back a hundred thousand a month, but he still needs a few thousand to hire people?

The worst thing is to make more money and work harder.

There weren't many guests in the hotel before, so he was still busy here alone.

But today the number of people eating suddenly doubled, and he was indeed a little overwhelmed.

Then Jiang Yan seriously replied to his creditors, saying that he had received suggestions and would recruit waiters.

The creditors were all very happy to see Jiang Yan listen to his advice.

After lowering my expectations for Jiang Yan, now I feel that he is rare and valuable when I see him listening to advice.

It was also Jiang Yan's predecessor that cast too great a shadow on creditors.

Only Jiang Yan's current descendants can enjoy the cool weather.

In order to make more money, Jiang Yan closed the store very late.

We also received several tables of customers for late night snacks.

Never miss an opportunity to make money.

By the time I got home and was ready to rest, it was already one o'clock in the morning.

Jiang Yan fell into bed and went to sleep without a dream.

When I woke up the next morning, I was still a little dazed.

I looked at the time and it was past nine o'clock.

It seems that I have been really tired these past few days, and I wake up later and later every day.

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