When he heard Batman say the word"companion", Penguin's expression immediately changed.

No wonder, no wonder the Penguin Gang didn't rush in immediately. No wonder he clearly informed the Penguin Gang, but it was the police who came.

It turns out to be Batman!

Although the Penguin has an ugly face, he is a person who understands current affairs as he thinks.

Therefore, knowing that there was nothing he could do, he immediately raised his hands and said to Batman:"I surrender!"

Seeing that he did not speak, the policeman standing behind Batman took a few steps forward tentatively to see that he had not responded yet. , then he plucked up the courage to cuff Penguin's hands.

Although Penguin is now the head of the Copot family, so many people have died here, and there still needs to be an explanation to the public.

Besides, there are some women here, they are all witnesses.

Penguin was very cooperative, but he still stared at Batman

"Batman, you should know that without us, Bane and the others would have no one to check and balance. What they believe in is the anarchy of the Fool!"

It was Batman who simply said:"You are not as important as you think, Penguin."

Under the urging of the police, Penguin was finally escorted out of the venue.

Other police officers also walked in, cleaning up the dead bodies and taking the frightened women away from the"slaughterhouse."

Red Hood's gun was so powerful that even some old policemen dared not look at the appearance of many corpses for fear of having nightmares at night.

Batman looked at the headless corpses on the ground and frowned.

"Jason, you've gone too far!"

He doesn't care about Jason's use of the gun. It's not that he doesn't want to care about it, but that he can't.

Even if he is stopped today, tomorrow he will still be able to"Zero Sixty" carry a big sniper and aim everywhere in the city unless he is locked up..

But it is obviously impossible for Batman to do that. This is not the first time he has said this kind of thing, but Jason never listened.

This time he still did not offend Batman, but walked away on his own. Behind a stone pillar that could be used as a shelter, the red hood slipped a man out.

This was the man he had just tied up and thrown aside.

This man tried for a long time from behind, and even with all his strength he could not Get rid of this nano-rope.

Batman felt a little strange when he saw that this was an unknown person. The

Red Hood was already searching, but he searched the man's body and found nothing to prove his identity except an invitation. Something.


Red Hood handed the invitation to Dick, who picked it up and took a look at it, and then said with certainty:"This is a forgery!"

As"Little Thomas Wayne", Dick can be said to be well-informed. You can tell that the hot stamping on this invitation is not genuine just by touching it.

"Use a fake invitation letter to enter this place where only the upper class can enter. Your name is also fake, right?"

Dick said. There was a name on the invitation. The name was not important. What was important was that there was a surname that was very powerful in the local area.

Dick suddenly thought, so he was trying to get close to him in the past, but he was actually talking about it, right?

He In fact, I don’t even know Thomas Wayne Jr., but thanks to him pretending to be so similar, I almost didn’t suspect him at all.

"Who are you?"Red Hood asked him.

But the young man lowered his head and said nothing.

Seeing that he had been silent, the Red Hood was ready to take measures. He had learned a lot of interrogation techniques and believed that the other party would become submissive without a set of procedures..

But while he and Dick were questioning each other, Batman had already found the young man's information through the Internet.

After all, he had access to Wayne Group's commercial satellites, and government information was also covered by his system. within

"His name was Timothy Jackson Drake, or at least that's what he was registered as, and he was a private investigator."

The young man raised his head and looked at Batman

"My name is Tim, Tim Drake.

Then he shifted his gaze to Dick's face:"You are the person who just talked to me, right?" You're no Thomas Wayne Jr.!"

Dick was surprised that he was actually seen through!

"You are Talon! And if I'm not wrong, you should start with Talon, Night Owl's number one lackey!"

Dick made a sound, and stretched out his alloy fingertips. He wanted to tear off the other person's"honey-covered" mouth.

But Tim still didn't restrain himself. He turned to look at the Red Hood:"You are the one just now? adopted son…"


Red Hood's armor-piercing bullet passed by Tim's ear, and the sound of airflow and gunshots made his head buzz.

Even the other police officers who were working suddenly pulled out their guns and pointed them at the Red Hood.

But Batman could see that they were shaking.

After all, the Red Hood is the only member of the Justice League who is on par with the Syndicate in terms of killing.

As much as they feared the Syndicate before, they fear the Red Hood now.

"Be careful, man."The red hood pointed the hot muzzle of the gun at Tim's head,"You should pay more attention to your words."

Tim had to admit that he did have a feeling of fear for a moment just now. This instinctive reaction made him feel ashamed.

He stared at the red hood with some annoyance, as if he wanted to try the other person's with his iron head this time. How hard are the bullets?

Batman said to the police around him:"It's none of your business here, get out."

Because the police here were all mud and couldn't hold up the wall, so Batman didn't have a good tone. When the police heard this, they didn't dare to blame Batman for his attitude, and hurriedly led the people to run out the door, for fear of running too slow. Being targeted by the Red Hood,

Batman diverted the police and then turned to take a closer look at the young man named"Tim".

From his actions and tone just now, it can be seen that this is a very smart young man. , and he is also very daring to take risks.

Considering the enemies faced by this world, Tim dared to sneak into this place even though he knew that he might encounter terrible treatment. His courage had to make him look at him with suspicion.

This is a very A young man with great potential, and he doesn't seem to agree with Gotham's powerful families.

Batman found out that when Tim became a private detective, he often helped those who could not seek justice for themselves to speak out. This was not the first time that Tim Sneaking into the private banquets of these families.

And he was once hunted by the GCPD for illegally sneaking into the Elliott family to spy on intelligence. That time made a big fuss. In the end, he was forced to withdraw from Gotham City and hid under pressure from all parties. He went to other cities or other countries to hide.

Batman also knew that Tim was one of Nite Owl's targets at the beginning, but he was an alternative.

He also just connected the young man's files with Nite Owl's Yes, after all, there are still many differences in appearance between adults and children.

Batman happened to understand this matter. When Night Owl felt that Tim was a little too sensitive, he was worried that he would notice it early in the process of adopting him. The truth.

And when it comes to learning abilities, Tim seems to be better at using his brain. His talent in combat is not as good as Dick's, so Night Owl finally chose Dick, who prefers to use his hands, as his claw.

At that time, Night Owl chose Dick and there was another A very important reason is that Dick's parents are thieves, and he will not feel any guilt in killing them.

And Ye Xiao expected that even if Dick accidentally found out the truth in the end, when he found out that his parents were thieves, Dick would There is a certain chance that Night Owl will choose to forgive what he did.

As long as it is not revealed that this is a designed murder, then Night Owl can still try to PUA him, and everything is not irreversible.

It can be said that Tim has to Thanks to Dick, he sacrificed his whole family in exchange for Tim's parents.

But apparently Tim's good luck did not last long. When he was in high school, the Night Owl's rule in Gotham had gradually reached its peak..

His parents witnessed the scene during a mission of the Court of Owls, and were silenced. In the end, the Court of Owls disposed of the bodies, and Tim did not even see the portraits of his parents. They became the most common disappearance in Gotham City. Population.

From that day on, Tim swore that he would become the greatest detective in the world, find out the reason for the disappearance of his parents, and find them, whether alive or dead.

Recently, due to the attack of the Justice League, he was outside He also knew the situation in Gotham, and thanked the news media for letting Tim know that Gotham had temporarily become safer.

He took the opportunity to sneak back again, and he was very courageous. As soon as he came back, he targeted the Cobot family. This time, as usual, he came here to spy on intelligence.

He had already known about the Cobot family. They were a family that had roots in Gotham before it was founded. They were the"original sin" that essentially controlled the city like the Wayne family."one.

The Penguin was actually a member of the Cobot family. This news was something he had never heard before.

Moreover, he learned from black market information that many"Tianhuang nobles" would gather here, so he would definitely not miss this good opportunity to find out the news.

Some information cannot be found by the outside world, but the actual participants within these families may have some clues about the Court of Owls0....

Unexpectedly, when he went out to investigate again, he caught up with another killing feast.

The last time he saw such a scene was at the Elliot house, when young Thomas shot his parents to death and randomly shot other guests at Thomas Elliot's bar mitzvah.

At that time, Tim escaped by pretending to be dead, but he was still discovered by Thomas while escaping quietly.

Because Tim was trespassing illegally, he was once slandered as the murderer of the tragedy. It was not until he released the video from the pinhole camera to the Internet that he was cleared of suspicion.

But this also caused Thomas Elliot to hate him to the core, and the real murderer even put a bounty on his head on the black market.

Tim had to flee Gotham City because of this. Not only were the killers looking for him, but even the police wanted to use his head in exchange for money.

Gotham City lacks everything except poor outlaws.

Tim felt that his little fist and foot skills would not survive 24 hours in a place like Gotham City, surrounded by wolves.

So he fled the city the same day he saw the reward.

Batman appreciates his courage and ability. He may not be the best fighter, but his brains can completely make up for his lack of combat power.

Besides, Tim himself is not a soldier, he is a detective.

But Batman feels that he can be more than just a detective

"Take this kid with you, this is not the place to talk."

After speaking, Batman retreated into the shadows and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"How to say?"Dick was all-powerful.

Red Hood made a"cut" sound, grabbed Tim and walked out.

Tim struggled violently, but after receiving two punches from Red Hood, he calmed down a lot.

A few minutes later, There are only countless dead bodies left here, as if they are still silently telling a cruel killing.

It is estimated that these"proud men of heaven" never dreamed that one day they would be wantonly slaughtered like dogs.……


Gotham City's Underground Maze, the old home of the Joker Gang

"My friends, the time has come! Today is the day when we fulfill Rigoletto’s last wish!"

Below Bane, a group of heavily armed mobs raised their automatic weapons high and cheered loudly.

They are preparing to seize secret government locations in various locations in Gotham City today!

They want to destroy this city regime and establish a free port without political power and oppression by rulers! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"They are simply a mob!"

On the other side of Bane and others, there is a group of motley crew observing them secretly.

The person speaking is Beast Girl, she is a superhuman who has just appeared in Gotham City, and she happened to escape from the initial attack of Night Owl. Crazy cleaning.

At this time, she was working for Catwoman's group.

Catwoman heard her words and nodded 1.7 times with a serious face.

"Catwoman, we can't let them go on like this. If their plan succeeds, Gotham will be even worse than when the Night Owls ruled it!"Tonghu frowned and said with some worry.

To be honest, Bain's"anarchy" is still very attractive, especially for people who grew up in the city of Gotham. They always expect to be the founder of the high-ranking city. The families were dragged into hell.

I think the Rigoletto was able to raise such a large team in the first place. His vision of an anarchist utopia was one of the important reasons for attracting talents to join.

"But our military strength is far inferior to Bain, and their power has expanded too quickly."Black Spider's face was hidden behind the mask, and his voice was a little distorted.

"We have to stop them, but not just by ourselves! Catwoman said.

Captain Boomerang suggested:"Do you think we can tell the Penguins about this?" I heard they are also expanding recently"

"Penguin? That damn traitor?"

Logically speaking, Bane's thoughts are more damaging to Gotham City, but the Joker gang generally hates Penguin more.

Because each of them has suffered from Gotham's"nobles" to one degree or another. Because of their persecution, any random person would have a grudge against one or more members of the founding family.

Even the Penguin himself.

But he betrayed them, chose to side with his enemies, and even shamelessly wanted to Exploiting the people of Gotham City together with those garbage.

If Bane and the others are a group of thugs, then the Penguin is a complete class traitor!

He is the target of the Joker Gang's constant confrontation and attack.

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