People in these families don't have so many scruples when shooting. Everyone is thinking about their own lives. As for other people, just let them die!

As a result, sporadic gunshots from other people quickly rang out in the venue. These people's shots were not very accurate. The stray bullets they fired randomly selected lucky spectators in the venue.

If you don't want to be killed, you have to find a bunker around you as soon as possible, hide behind it and don't move.

Penguin opened his little umbrella, and several muffled"bang bang" sounds could be heard from the umbrella, and then the sound of metal falling to the ground.

He just almost got shot

"It seems that our big shots have also put aside their gentlemanly manners. Of course, that's just your nature, isn't it?"

"Why? Why are you doing this! Penguin-man!"

In the darkness, someone asked him this.

Penguin could tell that this voice came from someone who had just stood in Cobot's camp. Listening to his painful voice, could this kid have been shot?

"Why? You actually asked me why?"The Penguin's laughter was so recognizable even in the hail of bullets.

Suddenly his laughter stopped abruptly:"Because this is what I want! You filthy, despicable Cobot bastards, ever since you killed my mother, I swore that one day I would kill you disgusting trash with my own hands! The man seemed to be silent for a moment before he said:"Oswald, don't forget, you are also a Cobot..."

Through the sound, the Penguin judged the other party's position. He moved his umbrella and pointed his finger. Pressed a button on the umbrella handle

"With a bang, sparks erupted from the tip of the umbrella, and the bullet was fired from it, seemingly hitting a human body.

The person who spoke screamed loudly. The bullet did not kill him, but it must have hit his body. Which part?

The Penguin was a little regretful, but soon he didn't think so, because from his angle, he could see a line of fire passing through his eyes, and then he heard a sound like a watermelon exploding.

That scream. No more, Penguin praised:"As expected of the Red Hood, this killing efficiency is very high!"

I didn't know for a moment whether he was praising or sarcastically.

But the Red Hood was indeed as he said, and his killing efficiency was very high.

Every shot he shot must hit a target, and before long, most of the men at the venue were Suffered from his"poisonous hand".

Dick's posture of killing people with his bare hands was very handsome, but the number of kills was less than a fraction of the Red Hood.

This made Jason couldn't help but ridicule:"Fancy!"

As expected of a gymnast, her moves are really cool, and her butt is really perky and perky, which is really useful for the battle situation....It can only be said that it is not zero, and Jason will not give a higher evaluation.

In terms of large-scale killing efficiency, close combat and horse shooting cannot keep up with firearms.

Penguin saw that everyone on the field was almost killed, and quietly pressed a small device on the umbrella handle.

He knows full well that he is as much a target to the Red Hood as any other villain.

Once the venue has been cleared of guests, it's his turn next!

Not only the Red Hood knows this, but the Penguin is also self-aware.

But it's impossible to capture him without mercy, so Penguin prepares to save himself.

Red Hood continued to kill the"high-ranking officials" at the venue until he met one person.

The guy who had been chatting with them since they arrived at the venue.

Red Hood discovered something interesting.

His eyepiece has some special functions, so he can see what's hidden in the opponent's suit.

Red Hood pulled off the thing that the other party had installed on his suit, put it in his palm and saw that it was actually a pinhole probe!

"who are you?"Red Hood picked him up with one hand.

The man gritted his teeth and showed an expression that was obviously lying.

"I do not know what you're talking about!"

Red Hood put the pinhole probe in his palm and squeezed it slightly.

No matter what this man planned to do with him, it's useless now.

"What have you done!"The man seemed to have heard the sound of the camera breaking, and said anxiously.

The red hood did not answer him, but just let go of his hand and threw him to the ground.

But the other party did not fall directly as he imagined, but squatted down. He did a sweeping kick and hit one of the Red Hood's legs.

Because his movements were so smooth, the Red Hood couldn't react for a moment.

But even though his suit is not as heavy as Batman's suit, But it also weighs close to half a ton, plus the weight of the red hood itself....

Therefore, the opponent's sweeping kick did not achieve the desired results, but only caused the Red Hood to stagger a little.

Seeing that there was nothing he could do, the man was very decisive and turned around to run away, but before escaping, he took off his suit very quickly and threw it accurately into the face of the red hood.

This blocked Jason's infrared vision.

It was a very smart move and the timing was just right.

It's just that my physical skills are a bit poor.

Red Hood can be sure that the purpose of the other party's coming here is by no means simple.

However, this is like running away from him, which is a bit too contemptuous of him.

The Red Hood flicked his wrist, and a nano-rope was launched, directly"grabbing" the ankle of the fleeing man.

Jason pulled hard and pulled the other person over.

Due to the angle, the man was pulled down and his head hit the ground directly. If he hadn't been smart enough to use his arms to cushion himself in time, he would have suffered a concussion.

After pulling the man back, the red hood still thought about giving him a hard blow if he dared to struggle.

However, the other party did not give him this opportunity. Instead, he raised his hands in a gesture of surrender in a cooperative manner, leaving no room for him to make excuses.

"whispering sound!"

Red Hood smacked his lips in displeasure, pulled out a rope composed of nanoparticles from his suit, tied the opponent tightly, and gave him a death buckle.

With the strength of nanomaterials, unless the opponent cuts off his hands and feet, otherwise It was absolutely impossible to escape.

After doing this, he threw the person to a safe place to prevent him from being accidentally injured by stray bullets, and then entered the venue to"roll call".

After the efforts of him and Dick, all the people on the list were finally cleared Before coming, they specially drew a list, and all the unscrupulous capitalists on it should die.

And those women, as long as they were not accidentally injured, are basically still alive and well, but even if they survive today, I am afraid that their future lives will be We have to live in fear all the time.

After the last capitalist was killed by them, the two of them approached Penguin by chance.

Although Penguin couldn't see the situation clearly, he could hear the sound and sensed it with his natural intuition. some danger

"Are we going to kill each other so soon?"Penguin raised his hands. He knew that he had no chance of winning by himself, so he could only show weakness to the enemy.

"In that opera house, you set off a grand fireworks."Red Hood said coldly.

"Yeah? I didn't even know you liked this."Penguin sounded like he was a little surprised, but Red Hood was not in such a good mood.

"I would really like it if there weren't a few innocent people's corpses in it."

"Can't we discuss it?"The Penguin tried to make a last-ditch effort.

But the Red Hood was unmoved. He must kill the Penguin.

Facing the Penguin, the Red Hood slowly raised his guns with both hands. Under his special armor-piercing bullet, the Penguin The umbrella was of no use at all.

The Penguin himself knew this, so a drop of cold sweat rolled down his chubby face. But the Red Hood failed to pull the trigger, just when he was about to kill the Penguin too. At that moment, the door to the venue suddenly opened, and a group of policemen with loaded guns rushed in.

"Everyone, put down your weapons and raise your hands!"

Red Hood turned back to look at Penguin:"Did you call the police?"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


But this does not prevent the Penguin from using these people to escape the pursuit of the Red Hood.

"I'm a legal citizen, right? The Penguin raised his hands directly and shouted at the door:"I am Oswald Chesterfield Copot, the heir of the Copot family. Mr. Police, I need help!""

The entire Gotham City knows that the founding families of Gotham City colluded with government agencies, but this does not mean that the official power can be ignored at will. After all, the Justice League is still cooperating with the federal government. , you can't slap him in the face so directly.

But the Penguin obviously doesn't know who the Red Hood is, and he doesn't know that he doesn't care about this kind of thing at all!

"Do you think these people can help you save your life?"

What a naive idea.

Not only did the Red Hood not stop, but he continued to raise the pistol. Even after being warned by the US police, he still wanted to kill the Penguin! The

Penguin's face changed, and he realized that he was in the most danger now. But just when the Red Hood was about to shoot, a dart flew over and cut off his pistol. The dart was in the shape of a bat. The Red Hood suddenly raised his head and saw that Batman was standing in the room. Somewhere in the beam.

He swooped down like a shadow and landed between the Red Hood and the Penguin.

"That's enough, that's the end of it."

The half-broken pistol in Red Hood's hand turned into particles again and scattered into his suit. He looked at Batman coldly.

"You owe me a gun!"

Then he looked at the Penguin behind Batman:"What should he do?"

"He and his accomplices will go to jail"


A few minutes ago, when the Penguin asked people to close the door of the venue, the

Penguin Gang among the mercenaries suddenly tore off their disguises and opened fire on the ignorant people around them who were still wearing mercenary uniforms..The

Riddler is hiding on a commanding height somewhere, using a laptop to control the explosion of cars on the field.

They have installed bombs under their cars long after these guys entered here, and many of them are still sitting in the car without knowing anything. The mercenaries were blown up into the sky with doubts.

The remaining soldiers also fell into chaos and were accurately targeted and killed by the Penguin Gang gunmen who had already planned.

Moreover, among the Penguin Gang, there was also Deadshot occupying the commanding heights, facing The harried officers carried out precise strikes.

In just ten minutes, when the battle in the venue came to an end, the battlefield outside was also cleaned up. At this time, Two-Face received the Penguin's distress signal.

But suddenly, The sky seemed a little darker. Two-Face looked up suddenly and found that only a cloud temporarily blocked the remaining moonlight.

He felt slightly relieved, but the next second, Deadshot's nervous voice suddenly sounded.

""It s.Batman"

Everyone in the Penguin Gang heard the sound and went out, and found that on the top of the venue, a black shadow almost merged with the dripping mythical beast. It was Batman!

When did he appear there?

Batman looked down at the gang."Old friends", he felt quite emotional for a moment. In his world, many people here no longer exist.

Moreover, not long ago they were comrades fighting in the trenches, and now they are about to meet each other in battle, which is embarrassing.

But Deadshot didn't have this emotion. Because he was a comrade not long ago, he knew very well what Batman was capable of, so he immediately used his advantage and fired a shot at Batman.

Although the suit could withstand it, Batman's His body still turned to the side like a reflex, and the bullet missed him.

The first shot of Deadshot, which was always accurate, missed!

Now that the enemy had launched an attack, Batman was no longer polite and flew down.

In the eyes of everyone in the Penguin Gang, it was as if the God of Death had come to take their lives!

The Riddler was the first to escape. His fighting ability was relatively average, and he spent more time relying on his brain to fool his opponents around.

But in this kind of encounter, He is the most passive.

However, his soft persimmon is exactly what Batman wants to pinch first.

On the way to escape, the Riddler ran into a"pillar" and fell backwards. When he looked up, Wherever there is a pillar, it is clearly a person

"Wait, can you be gentler..." Just as the Riddler finished speaking, a black fist made close contact with his face. The

Riddler's head bounced twice on the ground and fell into a baby-like sleep. At this time ,

Two-Face held a semi-automatic weapon and poured out firepower on Batman. Bullet casings jumped out of the ejection chamber continuously.

Batman covered himself with a cloak, and the bullets hit the black cloak with a"whistle" sound. There was a muffled sound.

When the weapon in Two-Face's hand suddenly jammed, Batman swung his cloak and countless yellow metal pieces flew out, hitting Two-Face like a goddess scattering flowers. He felt like he was being hit countless times at the same time. He fell to the ground instantly like a punch.

Deadshot continued to adjust the angle to shoot, but Batman's tricky positioning gave him no chance to aim.

While Batman was moving, he suddenly threw a batarang.

Deadshot had quick eyes and quick hands. With a"bang" shot, the bullet accurately hit the dart.

What a miracle!

If it were normal times, everyone in the Penguin Gang would not mind giving praise.

But after the dart was hit, it directly turned into two small darts. The left and right shots just scratched Deadshot's arms, which greatly affected his shooting ability. His hands were unstable and his eyesight was useless!

This blow directly disabled their sniper!

The rest of the people rushed Attack Batman with a gun. If you don't fight hard, the whole army will be annihilated!

But Batman is like a ghost in the dark, and the bullets cannot catch up with this black death.

The Penguin Gang only hears the constant sound of wind and physical blows in the darkness. There was a muffled sound, but there was no sound of anyone screaming, which aggravated their fear.

The Scarecrow was panicked, and he quickly took out his"secret weapon", which was a specially made gas bomb!

Although in the open The zone is not very easy to use, but I can't control that much now.

But when he tried to throw the gas bomb, a big black hand pinched his hand and removed the gas bomb.

"Not this time."

There was another muffled sound, and the scarecrow fell to the ground frothing.

At this time, Batman heard a siren not far away. He looked at the time and found it was just right.

It was he who called the police. Although the police station here It sucks, but they always need someone to clear the place.

Batman once again confirmed that no fish had slipped through the net, then put on his cape and flew into the venue to merge with the darkness again.

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