Sinestro has returned to this place again. Now that he has everything he wants, all that remains is to find a way to let the scattered Ringers know that there is a Supreme Ring on the OA planet.

Although he already has the Supreme Power Ring in his hand, Sinestro still feels that it is not safe because he knows these divine rings too well. Revealing the existence of the Supreme Power Ring can only attract those who have strong ambitions and are willing to take risks for it. them.

But there is still a group of people who have no interest in greater strength and power. They only want to dominate their own one-third of an acre of land. Even if there is news about the birth of the Supreme Power Ring, they may not come over. Fight for this ring.

With this kind of divine power ring, they just want to survive until the end of the world and die on the planet they rule.

Although it sounds harmless, it cannot be concluded that these people have always been harmless. Once OA is destroyed, there is no guarantee that these cowardly turtles will not take the opportunity to cause trouble.

Sinestro heard that there are such divine rings, and they like to show"miracles" on some primitive planets, allowing the natives to believe in them and regard themselves as gods.

Then suddenly disappear when those indigenous people have no doubts about this, only enjoying the benefits they bring to themselves and unwilling to perform their duties.

When their faith is weak, they will suddenly appear and show"miracles", and then disappear for fun, just like the scumbag PUA.

After several pulls, over time, this planet will form its own belief system, and devout believers will rack their brains to come up with various excuses and use various reasons for the behavior of"gods" Rationalize it.

When encountering unexplainable problems, he would even use words such as"Don't test your god" to block Youyou's mouth.

Divine rings do not require the power of faith, but the belief of fanatics in them will give these divine rings a layer of gold. Even if they do not have godhead, they actually control the thoughts and will of this civilization.

To this extent, a theistic religion supported by the Divine Power Ring was established from scratch, and these worlds basically lost the potential for civilization to advance.

And the divine power ring can be transformed into various"prophets" or"holy envoys" in the future to intervene in the direction of civilization on these planets, artificially guide the process of civilization, and transform a civilization into The way they want it to be.

It's like playing a real-life historical strategy game.

If it is a type of 05 divine power ring, they may not be moved at all by the birth of the supreme power ring, because playing the development game of the divine power ring does not require stronger power, and the power ring is not always in It stimulates users' desire for power, and there are also people who are satisfied with the status quo.

But Sinestro doesn't want to let them go, even though they don't seem that aggressive now.

He thought about it carefully, and if he wanted to attract such people to OA, he would have to use a more drastic method to force them to return to OA, leaving them with no choice.

So what can be done to make them return to OA no matter what?

After thinking hard, Sinestro came up with an idea. For the ring bearers, what is the most important thing on OA?

Of course it's the lamp furnace, that's the source of their"divine power". Without it, they would just be a bunch of Losers, and all the bullshit"gods" and bullshit"magic powers" would be reduced to prototypes.

So as long as the lamp furnace can be destroyed, those scattered divine power rings will definitely become a mess of ants, and they will definitely need to return to OA to deal with this problem.

But even Sinestro would have a hard time dealing with those numerous divine rings by himself unless...

He lowered his head and glanced at the ring in his hand, and a faint whisper came to his ears again.

"Accept me, accept me, I can give you the strongest power..."

"the strongest force..."Sinestro said to himself,"Is it strong enough to kill all the Rings?"

"I even honor the power ring!"

Sinestro didn't fully trust it, but he did need the power of the Supreme Ring to increase the possibility of success for this plan.

He looked at the yellow ring in his hand:"I believe you, old friend, but you Know how important this is to me."

But Sinestro did not take off the yellow ring, but put the Supreme Ring on the finger of the other hand.

In an instant, the green energy flow eroded Sinestro's whole body, and the yellow energy retreated steadily. It didn't take long. The yellow ring becomes dim and dull, while the green light of the Supreme Ring is as bright as the green sun!

"Ah ~ this fascinating power ~" Sinestro's expression changed drastically, and his face became evil.

He looked at OA from a distance:"This will be the first world I conquer!"

After that, he turned into a green meteor and flew towards OA at an incredible speed.

The guarded Ring Ring Army discovered it and tried to intercept him, but was cut in half by Sinestro's light.!

The power ring came out of Death's divine power ring and was about to fly away in the blink of an eye, but Sinestro used the supreme power ring to immobilize the ring, and then fired a green beam to destroy it

"Enemy attack!"

The remaining ringers alerted OA, and then turned around and ran away without hesitation, with their backs facing OA's direction! As for resistance? What a joke!

Do they look like the kind of warriors who don't care about death?

Can they It was interesting enough to warn them before running away!

But how could Sinestro allow them to escape?

He laughed and manifested the giant monster only found on the planet Koruga, catching those who tried to escape on the spot, Bite to death!

The Power Ring is different from the Green Lantern Ring. It is usually used to manifest living creatures. In theory, any creature can do it, even intelligent creatures!

As long as the energy is enough, it can even manifest Kryptonians. Engraving their power!

But Sinestro didn't do that. The hatred of his home planet being destroyed and his relatives being killed was still echoing in his chest. Even the control of the Supreme Ring could not erase it.

He just wanted to use the creatures on Koruga. Come to slaughter these pretentious garbage. Before Koruga was destroyed, although it had achieved scientific and technological modernization and developed to a relatively high level.

But at that time, there were still many large animals and plants living on the planet. Sinestro kept these creatures firmly in mind, and now under the power of the Ring, they have been vividly embodied. Under the power of the Supreme Ring, an army of green creatures suddenly appeared in the universe.

Sinestro used them to attack the Power Rings that were trying to escape and came for support, and the battlefield showed a one-sided massacre.

The Power Rings were different from the Green Lanterns in that they did not experience too many tough battles. Most of the time, they were They are using the power of the ring to bully the indigenous people who can't even fly.

And because of the reasons mentioned before, interstellar civilizations are very rare in the entire universe, so it is also conducive for them who have a little special power to do evil. Therefore, when facing ruthless people, the Divine Power Ring actually lacks a little one-on-one courage, and is extremely bad at fighting against the wind.

Once the number of Divine Power Rings exceeds three, they will start to hold back each other, and everyone They all try to use the people around them as shields, or as bait.

Just like a basket of crabs that can never crawl out.

And once their number exceeds five, they become a bunch of rabble. In the current surge in power of Senis In front of Sinestro, they had no room to fight back.

Sinestro quickly killed all the Ringers he saw. At this time, more Ringers began to fly out of OA, and they The black cloud flew over like a green cloud.

Although it was a mob, but the number reached this level, Sinestro still had to stay away from it for the time being.

Some of the older power rings saw Sinestro and immediately Shouting:"Sinestro!"

As soon as he shouted out, many newly promoted Divine Power Rings were beating their hearts out.

Sinestro's deeds had already spread throughout OA. His act of massacring the little blue man and the Power Ring had already been on their blacklist.

In the eyes of some new power rings, this Koruga is a legend!

There is a saying that no one who has the power ring dares to face Sinestro alone. This has nothing to do with the color of the power ring.

Even if the light color changes from green Turning yellow only allows Sinestro to control the ring with his own will rather than the other way around, but in terms of energy output and function, there is not much difference between the two.

But the power of color and light is an emotional power after all. The stronger the emotion, the stronger the explosive power.

Sinestro's hatred for the Power Ring and OA makes it easier for him to gain the upper hand when facing the lone Power Ring.

In addition, the God Power Rings generally have low willpower, so many pretentious Power Rings were killed when facing Sinestro alone. This has even become an urban legend among the new Power Rings.

They are afraid of Sinestro and fearful. He would be targeted and killed at any time.

Therefore, although Sinestro did not actively spread fear, many divine rings were still"actively" providing him with the power of fear.

Although it is better than nothing, in a one-on-one situation At that time, it was equivalent to debuffing the opponent, which could effectively increase Sinestro's winning rate.

The same is true now. As soon as they heard that the person who came was Sinestro, there were many divine rings ready to retreat.

They have not enjoyed the experience of being a human being. People feel that if they die in Sinestro's hands, wouldn't it be a big loss?

Especially after they see the corpses of their colleagues floating in space, these divine power rings don't want to fight with Sinestro.

But what these people didn't expect was that after seeing them, Sinestro did not take the initiative to attack. Instead, he turned around and flew towards the OA star. It seemed that he had no intention of fighting them.

But Kilowog, who was the leader When he saw the direction Sinestro was heading, his expression immediately changed:"Not good! He's heading to the central energy room!"

After saying that, he immediately chased in the direction of Sinestro. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The others also reacted immediately after hearing the words, and quickly followed Kilowog to catch up. They Although they were afraid of death, they did not want to lose this"divine power". For this reason, they could take certain risks.

But they still took a step late. With the support of the Supreme Power Ring, Sinestro was extremely fast and far away. He shook off the pursuers behind him


There was someone blocking the road ahead. Sinestro didn't even look at it, he killed it directly, then flew and smashed the body of the divine power ring, and destroyed a power ring that was separated from the body. During the time he lived on the OA planet , Sinestro had already figured out all the information here, so he quickly arrived at the central energy room. Without saying a word, he directly gathered energy to attack the base of the energy room. It was connected to the core of the OA star. As long as it was disconnected, By opening this connection, the lamp stove will no longer be able to absorb energy.


Kilowog arrived first. He burst out a strong green energy beam to attack Sinestro, but he blocked it with a shield.

"Be careful Kilowog."Sinestro turned his head and showed an evil smile:"You don't have so much energy to replenish now!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a violent flash of light suddenly erupted from the central energy room, which was a precursor to its imminent loss of control.

After the violent flash, the green light known as"eternal" in the central energy room went out.

"Why are you doing this!"Kilowog was so angry that he rushed directly towards Sinestro with his huge body, but Sinestro easily dodged it.

"You are also using thisEnergy isn't it? What are the benefits to you?"

Kilowog also planned to attack, but was entangled by the killing plant manifested by Sinestro.

"That's a stupid question Kilowog. Sinestro sneered,"As long as I can destroy you, I'm willing to do anything. Anyway, I'm no longer a divine power ring, right?""

After he said this, Kilowog suddenly reacted:"No! Haven't you stopped using the Quan Ring a long time ago?"

The Ring Master also knew that Sinestro had changed into a yellow light user. After all, he often clashed with the Divine Power Rings after that and killed many Divine Power Rings.

But the one he used today was clearly 063 The power of the power ring!

And Kilowog also noticed that Sinestro had two rings on his hand, one of which was his own yellow power ring, but what happened to the other ring? The power ring cannot It is used superimposed, because the essence of the divine power ring is that the ring controls people, so people are the owners of the ring, and the power ring never shares its own property (slaves) with other power rings. Therefore,

Kilowog has never seen anyone The expert wears two power rings.

Sinestro saw that he noticed the ring and nodded with satisfaction. He did this on purpose, just to expose the ring in his hand.

"It's incredible, isn't it? After searching the entire universe, I finally discovered this thing, the Supreme Ring!"

Sinestro flashed the ring in his hand, and the killer plant entangled with Kilowog suddenly strengthened a lot, twisting him into his own branches.

"With this ring, I can get a steady stream of energy without the need for a lamp. There are too many divine power rings. My old friend, don’t you think that only one person is worthy of being called a true god?"

Kilowog's body was squeezed together by the plants, and the muscles and bones all over his body were squeezed and creaked. He couldn't help showing an expression of fear. None of them noticed that wisps of fear quietly sank into Sinestro among the yellow rings

"Yes, you should be afraid of me, destroying the lamp furnace is only the first step my friend."

Sinestro saw other divine rings flying over from the horizon. He raised his body high and looked down at Kilowog.

"Next, I will take advantage of all your divine power to harvest your lives. Before that, be afraid! Scream! Just like in my world, you did to my people!"

Having said this, Sinestro showed a ferocious expression.

Under his intense emotions, the plants that appeared with green light gained greater power. Kilowog was almost strangled by him on the spot!

But he still needs this guy. Stay alive and tell others about your threats

"Be lucky, Kilowog, that you survived."

After that, Sinestro dissipated the energy that enveloped Kilowog, allowing him to breathe.

Then Sinestro once again used green lasers to attack the surroundings of the central energy room, destroying it for the second time. It wasn't until he felt that he was almost done that he rose into the sky and flew towards the outer space of OA.

Kilowog could not stop him and could only watch him leave.

After the other Ringers arrived, they saw a mess in the center Everyone in the energy room was dumbfounded


"Sinestro destroyed the lamp?"

Immediately I had the power to ring and went to check. After a while, someone came back with an ugly face.

"No, it has been completely destroyed. Even if we want to build a new one, it will take at least three hundred years."

"But we don’t have three hundred years left!"

Even if they can learn to live like mortals and reduce their energy consumption, the Quan Ring cannot support them for three hundred years.

The Quan Ring will abandon them mercilessly before they die of old age!"

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