
Amanda Waller's expression was subtle. Although she asked Atomic Girl to lurk in the Justice League, she did not expect that not long after, Atomic Girl had already mastered key information.

Superman would actually be A thing called"Kryptonite" weakens the ability!

For them, this discovery is no less than Columbus's discovery of the New World.

Waller was excited but couldn't help but feel a little worried.

She didn't hate superhumans as much as General Lane. Maybe it was like this before, but when she led a team of metahumans, she discovered that apart from those strange abilities, superhumans are actually ordinary people.

Although this will not make her hesitate when it is time to take action, it still affects her rational judgment

"How many people know about this?" she asked Atomic Girl.

Atom Girl was only the size of a palm and was standing on Waller's desk.

"Basically, the core members all know that it is said that when they first fought against the Kryptonian invaders and Doomsday, they used weapons made of kryptonite to fight them."

Amanda remembered what happened some time ago. Before Steppenwolf invaded, the world was once in danger.

The reason was that Eros claimed that one of their bases was attacked by a group of suspected Kryptonians, and they fought back out of self-defense.

At that time, Eros had even made a move to start a war!

However, because the losses were not large, and the United States was unable to counterattack in time, and later because the Justice League promptly dealt with the instigator behind the scenes, the matter fell into nothing.

And what followed More sequelae have been alleviated to a certain extent because countries around the world have united to fight against foreign enemies a few days ago.

Therefore, let alone saying that they don’t know the authenticity of this matter, even if they can find out, they dare not do it.

Except for war madmen, no one People are willing to let the world fall into the clouds of war again.

The same goes for Amanda Waller. She hopes that Superman's weakness is something that she can only control, so that she can limit him or even control him.

But but She didn't want his weakness to be targeted by anyone, which meant that others might take advantage of his weakness and make him do evil.

So she asked again:"How much do you know about kryptonite, or, Do you know where to find these things?

Atomic Girl shook her head:"As far as I know, kryptonite is a substance produced when Krypton explodes. It can basically only be found on Krypton. There is no primary mine of kryptonite on the earth.""

When Amanda heard this, her body relaxed. At least kryptonite will not flood the earth, which is good.

If Superman is walking on the street, he may receive a kryptonite bullet anytime and anywhere. She doesn't know what to do.

But she suddenly realized that since kryptonite can only be produced on Krypton, how did the Justice League get it? Atomic Girl quickly answered her doubts:"I heard that it was Shazam. He once visited the ruins of Krypton and collected some kryptonite there"

"Can Shazam travel between stars?"Amanda noticed this.

Atomic Girl nodded. The outside world did not know about this matter, but Zhenglian did not block this information.

"Shazam seems to have some friendship with Oa, the home planet of the Green Lantern Corps. He often travels among the stars."

Amanda pinched the bridge of her nose and her brain began to work rapidly.

Shazam, Shazam!

The leader of the Justice League is the least visible among all superheroes.

Other heroes basically have their own main cities where they are stationed. Superman's Metropolis, Batman's Gotham, The Flash's Central City, Hawkman's Saint Locke, etc.

Only Shazam, he almost only appears when major events or major natural disasters occur.

And Amanda noticed that Shazam is on duty His scope is very wide. Not only can he be seen all over the United States, but he can even be seen in many places abroad.

There is a transmission technology within the Justice League. This is information known to all countries, but there is no way to copy it. , it is a product of the combination of technology and magic.

Even if Shazam teaches them step by step in front of them, they can't learn it.

It is precisely because of the existence of this inconspicuous thing that governments of various countries have put taboos on the Justice League.

Their biggest killer The weapon is a nuclear weapon, but their teleporter can instantly teleport to the other side of the earth.

So unless they blow up the earth, as long as that damn teleporter is there, they can't kill any hero, even one without super powers. The same goes for heroes.

But it's even harder now. Their bases have been moved into the universe, and their nuclear weapons have become a complete joke.

You blow up yours on earth, and others watch fireworks in the universe. Amanda has never They felt that they were as powerless as now.

Amanda thought for a while and decided to find a way to deal with Superman first. Shazam was not a challenge they could challenge now.

"Now that you have entered Zhenglian, can you find a way to get some kryptonite? Atomic

Girl replied:"I have searched the Justice Building and the Watchtower, and found no traces of kryptonite. There is no way to obtain it from other members because their identities are unknown."

I usually don't see him over there in Shazam, just one person, and maybe I can get some kryptonite in my hand...."

Amanda knew immediately who she was talking about


"Yes, only Batman, the only superhero whose identity is almost semi-public.

And judging from the war against Doomsday at that time, his research on kryptonite had obviously entered a very advanced stage.

Amanda felt a little strange:"Do you know too much about these things?"

Atomic Girl said calmly:"Isn't this the meaning of my existence?""

"If you have any ideas, why not express them once and for all?"

"Waller, since we all know who Batman is, why not steal the kryptonite from him?

Amanda frowned and lowered her voice:"Can you guarantee that this matter will never be discovered by the other party?" Atomic Woman said confidently:"

Of course, Batman is just an ordinary person. He can't see me at all, and he will definitely not be able to find me!""

After thinking about it, Amanda finally nodded.

Although Bruce is a rich man in Gotham, they are not the lackeys of capital, and they are not taboo about this.

However, in order not to cause official trouble, Amanda still warned:"Get your stuff and leave without any conflict with Batman!"


That night, Atomic Girl sneaked into Wayne Manor based on the intelligence from the Sky Eye Society.

They already knew in advance that Batman was currently on duty in Gotham City, so there was no one else in the manor. (To read the cool novel, go to Fly Lu Novel Network!)

Although Bruce hid the base well, there was someone behind Atomic Girl who knew the place very well to help her guide the way.

""The Situation Man" is familiar with this house. Although Wayne Manor is a little different from the one in their world, it does not trouble him.

Under his guidance, Atomic Girl quickly found the location of the Batcave, and there , she found a piece of kryptonite the size of a fingernail

"Is this enough?"Atomic Girl said in confusion, such a small piece is not enough to be super powerful.

""The situation man" smiled evilly and said:"Actually, we need less. You'd better take off a few pieces from it. Don't let Batman see it. He is very sharp.""

Atomic Girl followed the instructions of the"Situation Man", shrunk herself even smaller, and then broke off a smaller fragment from the kryptonite fragment.

This small fragment was not worth it compared to a fragment as big as a fingernail. Mention

"Is this enough?"

"It's enough, as long as it's in the right position, it's enough for Superman to drink a bottle of."

Atomic Girl nodded, and immediately rushed out after getting her things.

She felt a little scared here, and wanted to leave quickly.

Although Batman and Night Owl are different people, Atom Girl always felt that they had some similar characteristics. For example, they all look like crazy.

About three hours after Atom Girl left the manor, Batman returned to the Batcave after finishing his work.

He came to his workbench and wanted to continue studying the kryptonite on the bench.

He turned on the laser and let It illuminated the kryptonite, and the laser reflected from the kryptonite hit the receiving device, but the position was crooked and the light began to escape.

Batman frowned, and he began to check whether the position of the kryptonite had changed, but it did not.

And he had already adjusted the kryptonite before leaving. If no one moves it, the relative position of the kryptonite cannot change, and Alfred or other members of the Bat family will not move it.

Batman narrowed his eyes. , a trace of doubt arose in his heart.

He began to use the equipment to calculate the mass of kryptonite, and found that it was a tiny bit less than before he left.

This little bit was not an error, he was sure of this.

In order to verify it, Bat Xia used a micro-amplifier to enlarge the kryptonite and was able to see more details (hao Zhao Zhao).

He found that a small piece was missing at a certain location where the light hit, and it was this small piece that caused the light. The escape.

And he roughly estimated the size of the gap and found that the missing part was exactly consistent with the mass of the lost part he calculated. The conclusion was already obvious. Someone stole this piece while he was away. Part of kryptonite.

Batman immediately called up the surveillance. He checked the manor videos during this period and found nothing unusual.

Even if he changed multiple fields of view, the same was true for heat energy and pressure sensors. The invisible one People seemed to take things away out of thin air.

But Batman's first reaction was not magic or anything like that. He searched his mind and found that there was a person in the Justice League who could do it without anyone noticing. Steal his stuff without triggering any of his alarm mechanisms.

So he immediately contacted Dane

"Is there something wrong with Atomic Girl?"

"oh? Why do you say that?"Dane was a little surprised, but he reacted the next second.

"how? Did she take anything from your place? Batman's tone did not fluctuate at all:"

So can I think that she stole the thing?" And you're indulging her"

"I didn't, I'm not, don't talk nonsense."

Dane immediately came to deny the three demons.

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