Batman ignored his self-defense and said to himself:"If you want me to cooperate with you, yes, but I want to join! You must tell me the truth!"

He finally understood that every time he wore the When En plans to do something, she always does it quietly and never knows about them.

Things like Lucifer, Zod, and Hell are all like this.

But he can't blame anything, because he himself is the same. He doesn't like others to interfere in Gotham's affairs, even if sometimes Gotham's lunatics can cause greater disasters.

He believed Dane had known all along that he was looking for ways to limit the members of the Justice League, but he had also been letting loose.

They are both the kind of people who like to control everything secretly. If so, why can't they cooperate?

Batman rarely thought this way before, but now, he feels more and more that instead of going their own way, it is better to concentrate their efforts. At least their thoughts should be highly consistent.

There was no reply from Dane, but after a few seconds, a beam of light teleported him to the Batcave.

He just looked around the Batcave and roughly guessed what Batman had lost.

"Has your kryptonite been stolen? Batman replied:"Not all, she only took a very inconspicuous piece of this kryptonite.""

As he spoke, Batman turned on the monitor on the workbench and showed Dane the enlarged kryptonite gap.

Then he continued:"But I don't understand what this means? She only took a little, what could she use it for? Dane hugged his chest and looked at the screen with a smile:"You have already suspected that it is Atomic Girl, so what do you think she can use this kryptonite fragment for?"

Let me remind you, the atomic woman can become very small, very small, even with your current microscope, you may not be able to see it."

Batman's expression changed immediately, and he had a bad association. 930

If he got this fragment and had the same ability as Atom Girl, he could put this small piece of kryptonite in front of Clark. Places that are out of reach.

Such as his internal organs, his blood vessels, and even his brain.

Superman may be the Man of Steel, and his body can face such a small piece of kryptonite without fear of it at all.

But what if that fragment appears in his brain nerves?

Even such a small piece of kryptonite is far larger than the nerve endings, and it is enough to cause serious damage to some key areas.

"Her goal is Superman! But why? Batman was puzzled,"Does she have a grudge against Superman?""

As far as he knew, Clark was not a troublemaker.

"She has no grievances against Superman, they just have different positions."

"Whose person is she? Batman was thoughtful, and suddenly thought of some people,"Sam Lane or Amanda Waller?""

Batman is indeed very smart," Dane replied,"She joined Waller's team before I found out.""

Sure enough, it's her. Batman nodded, but then he felt something was wrong.

Although Waller will try his best to find out the weaknesses of the members of the Zhenglian, as long as there is nothing wrong with her mind, she should not take the initiative to stir up trouble.

But Atomic Girl is now The act of stealing kryptonite felt like she wanted to do something proactively and shock the world a little bit.

No! There was someone else behind her!

Dane didn't keep him waiting for long, and then another Said:"Of course Waller thought Atomic Girl was one of her subordinates, but she wasn't. She worked for another organization."

"What organization? Dane smiled with a somewhat unclear meaning:"An organization from another universe that is very similar to ours. They call themselves the Criminal Syndicate.""

"This organization is also composed of superhumans, and many of its members have abilities similar to ours. Bruce, you should understand the multiverse theory, right?"

Batman nodded, but still said:"Limited to normal conversation."

"That's enough. Let me explain briefly. Suppose there are multiple universes. There is a similar earth in each universe and they have similar historical development.

But due to a small change, they have taken different historical directions at different times. Assume that the relative positions of these earths in the universe remain unchanged.

That is to say, all the earths are located at the same position in the universe, but because a small change in one of them causes a change in the oscillation frequency, the universe splits into different worlds."

Batman quickly followed his thoughts:"If someone can vibrate at the same time at a certain correct frequency, then he may break through the barrier between worlds and reach another universe with the same vibration rate as his.

Dane nodded:"That's right.""

"So you're trying to tell me that Atomic Girl comes from another parallel universe similar to ours?

According to the name of their organization, the purpose of this organization is opposite to ours. They use crime as their main principle of action? Dane nodded repeatedly:"You are right, the situation is roughly the same as you guessed.""

"So what is Atomic Girl’s true purpose? Batman frowned,"What good does killing Superman do to her?""

"She wants to introduce the Criminal Syndicate to the Earth."Dane said something that surprised Batman.

Anyway, everyone on earth loves him.

"I have a few final questions, how did Atom Girl get into our universe? Is it just her or are there more accomplices? as well as...What do you want to use her for? Dane replied:"There is also something similar to a mother box in that universe. It was it that brought Atomic Girl and another mysterious person to this universe. As for what I want to do?"

Batman, we have been passively accepting the enemy's invasion. This time we finally learned about the enemy's conspiracy in advance. Have you never thought of taking a more proactive approach?"

"Do you mean to take the initiative to attack the other party's world? I think you should know that the Justice League is not an organization that takes the initiative to attack. We only defend.

Maybe we can just capture those two people and seal the box that brought them here"

(cacd) Dane smiled:"Your idea is good, but it's a pity that the Syndicate's established goal of invading this universe will not change just because you don't take the initiative."

According to the plot in the comics, the world of the Crime Syndicate may Is suffering or about to suffer damage from the Counter-Monitor.

As long as they still want to live, they will try their best to invade here.

Even if all this has not happened yet, Dane believes that with the ability of the"outsider", he should have informed his master"Night Owl".

This is a guy who has the same intelligence as Batman but has no bottom line. Even if there is no magic box, I believe he can think of other ways to enter here.

In the animated movie, this guy is a madman who wants to destroy the original universe and destroy all parallel universes together.

If Dane didn't know, then forget it. Now that he knew it, he didn't do anything. When Night Owl succeeds, everything he manages in this world and all his efforts will be in vain.

Maybe he can be reborn with the help of"death" or live in another world, but what about Diana? What about Cortana? There are other people, what about them? soWhether it's public or private, now that he knows about the existence of the Syndicate, he must eradicate it without any reason! (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Batman heard the irresistible will from Dane's words, and frowned slightly.

"Do you have to do this?"

"Even if it's just me, I have to do it. Batman could only compromise:"I believe you must have some other reasons for saying this. Maybe you saw something that I can't understand."

But now that you have decided, this is not your personal matter. You should be aware that you are the leader of the Justice League and do not act alone. Dane was a little surprised:"

You mean..."

Batman turned his head:"Now that the course of action has been decided, at least let other members know about it and discuss the action plan together. We are a democratic alliance, aren't we?"

Ha, democracy! You are great!

"It really surprises me that you, who likes to be opinionated the most, actually said such words."

"I have always been very democratic!"Batman emphasized.

Ah, yes, yes, Nightwing, Red Hood, Damian, and Barbara were very impressed.

Within a few days, Dane summoned all members of the League in the name of an important meeting, except Atomic Girl. She should still be in the Eye of the Sky now, and she didn't know whether she was returning to Waller or the"outsiders".

In order to prevent them from eavesdropping on their meeting using some means unknown to Dane, Dane chose the watchtower as the venue for the meeting.

"Everyone, I have called you here today to talk about one thing, about parallel universes.…"


While the Justice League was discussing, Madam Xanadu's divination parlor also welcomed a special guest.

This female customer was wet all over, looked lost, and her face was very haggard.

She told Mrs. Xanadu that she had been having nightmares in the past few days, in which she burned herself alive. She thought there was something evil inside her.

At this point, the woman began to cry.

Mrs. Xanadu couldn't help but feel sympathy.

The woman continued:"I haven't been able to sleep since I woke up two nights ago and found a barrel of gasoline next to my bed."

Madam Xanadu wanted to help her, but before that, she had to touch Touch a woman's hand to trigger your own abilities.

When she held the woman's hand, the future scene unfolded before her eyes, but it was not this woman, she saw a big battle!

Fire, raging fires were burning all over the city, and a man was floating high in the sky, looking down at the burning city.

Mrs. Xanadu is very familiar with this figure. He belongs to Dane, that god-like man.

Suddenly, the man turned his head and looked at her, and Mrs. Xanadu immediately withdrew from the vision.


She immediately realized that the woman in front of her was not here to solve trouble at all, she was here to cause trouble!

"You can actually see it?"The woman laughed sharply.

She grabbed Madam Xanadu's hands tightly:"You can't escape anymore, come watch a fireworks with me!"

But then her expression suddenly changed, she turned her head and saw a figure...

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