On this day, the world was at peace.

Dane opened the office door, and outside the door was Amazon Paradise Island.

He came to the Amazons' arena, where the players who should appear in the next battle were ready.

Along the way, people kept nodding to him, and Dane responded with a smile.

The area around the arena was already filled with Amazons, dressed in everyday style for this occasion.

The Amazons still continue the traditional dressing style of the ancient Greek period, which is simply the art of"a piece of cloth".

As the name suggests, they are only wrapped in a piece of cloth. This piece of cloth is not cut in any way. It is simply wrapped, tied around the body, or supplemented with pins and belts to shape it.

These cloths are very light, breathable and imaginative to wear on them, and for Amazons with excellent figures, this kind of clothing can better highlight their body lines.

Zeus, I seem to understand your happiness a little bit.

The Amazon people stood in the stands with different postures, pairs of heroic and charming eyes staring at Dane, and something in the air began to feel inexplicably hot.

Zeus, I have to say one more thing, I understand your happiness!

In the arena, stood two fully armed female warriors.

One of them is named Artemis, not the goddess among the Olympian gods, but a female warrior from the lost Amazon tribe Bana-Mighda11.

She was tall, nearly as tall as a man at six feet tall, and weighed 165 pounds.

Her biceps and abdominal muscles were clearly visible in the sunlight. On her shoulders, she carried a giant ax that was half as tall as her.

Artemis glanced sideways at her opponent with a warlike expression.

Her opponent is Big Barda, who was brought to Earth by Dane some time ago and has since lived directly on Paradise Island.

Big Barda is even taller and heavier than Artemis, but her figure looks slimmer than Artemis, and her figure is comparable to that of Wonder Woman Diana.

She had changed into the fighting gear of an Amazon, a spear and a buckler.

Considering the strength of the two of them, the weapons in their hands this time are all sub-artifacts that have been"blessed" by Dane. They should be able to withstand the creation of

"Now that everyone is here, let the duel begin!"

As a witness, Dane raised his hand and fired a bolt of lightning into the sky. The rumbling sound was heard by most of Paradise Island.

At the moment the signal was sent, Artemis and Big Barda activated at the same time!

Artemis Miss wields a giant ax with both hands. She is one of the most talented Amazons.

In the comics, she even briefly became Wonder Woman for a period of time. She is not considered a divine power. In terms of the abilities of the Amazons, even though It's hard for Diana to guarantee a sure win against her.

Artemis has two very common abilities, super strength and super speed, but combined with her superb martial arts, she can explode with incredible power.

Big Barda Sensing the danger, he did not choose to use his shield to catch it, but stepped back to avoid the oncoming blow.

The giant ax fell to the ground, and with the support of Artemis's huge force, the ground exploded instantly like it was being blasted. The smoke and gravel obscured Big Barda's view.

Big Barda stood ready, carefully holding the round shield in front of his chest. Suddenly, a figure rushed out of the smoke and struck with a giant axe.

Big Barda reacted immediately and took the initiative to lift himself She leaned her shield against the giant axe, then turned around in the direction of the axe, making a turn in the air, letting the giant ax fly under her body.

Then Big Barda thrust out a spear, and the spear The tip pointed directly at Artemis's throat.

Helpless, Artemis could only give up the ax and retreat, and the ax flew out under the action of inertia.

But while she retreated, she made a cross with her hands, moving left and right towards the middle. Knock, she jammed the spear head that was being stabbed, and at the same time pulled the spear towards her.

She wanted to seize the weapon!

Big Barda quickly realized this, but she was in mid-air and couldn't use any force.

At this time, Arte Miss saw the right moment, swung her long legs, and kicked Big Barda directly in the head in mid-air.

Big Barda reacted in time and used a shield to protect her head, but she was still overwhelmed by Artemis's powerful force. Shen kicked him away, and the spear changed hands.

"Yes——!"The scene instantly became lively

"Show her some color, Artemis!"

"Kill that Bichi! Big Barda!"

Of course, the previous quiet image is gone. When the Amazons in the stands saw such a wonderful attack and defense, they suddenly burst into indescribable enthusiasm.

This is right, this is the Amazon in Dane's impression.

The battle in the arena It was still going on. The spear was a bit too light for Artemis, but she was proficient in all kinds of weapons, so there was no chance that she would not take advantage of it.

So Artemis continued to attack Big Barda with the spear in hand.

Although She only had one piece of armor in her hand, but the experienced Big Barda still kept herself airtight and did not give Artemis any opportunity to take advantage of.

Occasionally, she could hit her twice with her shield when the opponent was not paying attention.

This The world’s warriors don’t seem to know Captain America’s shield-bash technique!

A round shield doesn’t even have the ability to automatically detect enemies, track, attract hatred, and automatically return to the hand. What kind of shield is it?

"You seem to have been spending a lot of time in Paradise Island recently."

While Dane was watching with great interest, Menalip came out from behind him, her face as serious as ever, as if she was deliberately imitating Antiope.

"how? Don't you welcome me?"

Dane turned around and saw that Menalip was also wearing normal clothes. This one was in Shima Pure. In the past, when he saw her, he always saw her wearing armor. Today, this outfit made her look serious. His face also softened

"What are you looking at?"Menalipp turned around uncomfortably.

Dane told the truth:"You look very beautiful today."

"Slick tongue!"Menalip pretended to speak harshly, but she couldn't stop a little joy in her heart.

But she soon felt ashamed of her petty thoughts and severely condemned herself.

He was Diana's man!

Dane looked at her again Returning to the field, the situation of the battle has gradually become clear.

Although Artemis is very powerful, she is still inferior to the big Barda of the new Protoss bloodline.

In the middle of the battle, her physical strength began to weaken. signs, but Big Barda is still alive and kicking. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In terms of sustained combat effectiveness, Big Barda obviously has the upper hand.

In the last round, Big Barda successfully found an opportunity , grabbed the giant ax that Artemis accidentally lost in his hand, and knocked Artemis and the spear away fiercely, returning her kick at the beginning.

This blow also ended the battle, and Dai En could see that Artemis was exhausted.

So he announced:"In this battle, Big Barda wins!"

The whole audience cheered, and they shouted Big Barda's name loudly.

The winner, Big Barda, also raised her hands to enjoy the cheers around her, and then she walked up to Artemis and put this respectable The opponent pulled up.

Artemis shook her slightly groggy head and let out a"hum":"Next time, I will definitely not lose again!"

Big Barda smiled heartily:"It's the same a few times!"

Then they laughed at the same time.

Big Barda had never felt that life could be so free. She could laugh to her heart's content, drink and sing to her heart's content. This was a completely different life from Apokolips. It was also the life she longed for in her dream. All of this has actually come true.

And the person who helped her achieve this...

Big Barda couldn't help but look towards the viewing platform and found that Dane was joking with Menalip. She couldn't help but twitch her eyelids.

"how? Have you fallen in love with that man?"

Artemis came over and put her arm on Big Barda's shoulders.

Big Barda had nothing to complain about and admitted directly:"Yes, don't you think he is suitable for me?

Artemis joked:"I dare say that 80% of the women here have the same idea as you.""

Big Barda looked around 023 and saw the warblers and swallows in the stands. She was still very confident.

"But they are no match for me! Artemis could only give her a thumbs up, and then pointedly said:"But only which one is your real opponent, I really can't determine which one of you is stronger.""

Big Barda also knows who she is talking about. Although she has not met her yet, she has been famous for a long time. Wonder Woman


Dane is on vacation on Paradise Island, and"outsiders" are busy causing trouble

"The"Superman Out of Control Incident" did not turn into a disaster that destroyed his reputation as Luthor had hoped, but in the eyes of the top officials, Superman's dangers are rising.

""The Outsider" took advantage of the government's fear of superhumans. He asked Atom Girl to pass some wrong information to Waller... It can't be considered a mistake. The

Justice League does have a space fortress between the earth and the moon, and Cyborg is indeed there. Monitoring the world.

If you don’t look at the contributions they have made to the earth in the past, and just based on the behaviors discovered today, if you want to say that they are an organization that upholds justice, it will be difficult to win people’s trust.

Especially for a suspicious person like Waller For extremely serious people, it doesn’t matter whether the other party wants to do it or not. What matters is whether they have the ability to do it.

As for the Justice League, judging from a series of intelligence, they not only have the ability to destroy the world, but also control the world. Ability.

Even if they can stick to their original intention now, what about in the future? If

Superman can lose control, how can the Justice League be spared?

Feeling the pressure, Amanda stepped on the accelerator again in establishing a new Justice League. Recently, she has successfully She pulled Atom Smasher into her camp.

She heard that this guy seemed to be having a rough relationship during this time, and she wondered if she could use Atom Girl to do something...

As long as she could achieve her goal, Amanda didn't care about dirty means. Or not.

After Atomic Girl"injected" the virus into Cyborg, she brought"good" news to Amanda.

Superman's weakness has been found by Atomic Girl!.

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