Lin Feng came to a new place. It was a desert, with no vegetation and occasional dead trees standing on the dunes. There was only endless desert and windy sand. The wind and sand brought thick grains of sand and hit people's faces, which was very painful.

Lin Feng scanned the surroundings with his soul power. The entire land was about 100,000 kilometers away, and it was surrounded by the sea. The mainland was only a few million kilometers away from the sea.

He detected a building in the center of the continent, not far from where he settled. He walked over and arrived. After just a few steps, the wind and sand began to stop, and his eyes became empty.

Suddenly he saw a person falling on the sand in front of him. Lin Feng walked over and saw that it was a young and beautiful woman. The clothes on her body were somewhat tattered, and her white skin was faintly exposed. The woman's face was pale and her lips were chapped. At first glance, it was caused by long-term hunger.

Lin Feng stepped forward and fed the woman some water and some food. After a while, the woman slowly opened her eyes and saw a handsome man in front of her. She felt that she had strength and immediately guessed that it was the young man in front of her who saved her.

"My benefactor, thank you for saving my little girl."

"Oh, why are you here?"

"The little girl's name is Chen Xiao, and she was framed and ended up in this place.", Chen Xiao said with some difficulty

"oh? What is this place and how did you get here?"

"This place is actually a prison, and the Immortal Alliance decides who is guilty and will be imprisoned.", Chen Xiao said

"It turns out to be a prison"

"My benefactor, I don’t know why you are here?" Chen Xiao saw that Lin Feng was just a mortal, so he was curious, because those who come here are not ordinary people, and they must at least have a certain level of cultivation.

"Well, I came here accidentally."Lin Feng doesn't want to say more.

"Okay, I'm on my way, thank you so much." Chen Xiao thought again. She stood up with difficulty and wanted to go forward.

"You go to that building too?"


"That's just right. Let's go together. I'll go there too."

"Okay," Chen Xiao thought. Anyway, this person saved him. I don't know how he got here, but he is in danger here. I can at least protect him by taking him with him to repay the kindness of saving his life.

"My benefactor, what is your name?"

"My name is Lin Feng"

"Well, my benefactor, come with me. This place is very dangerous and there are many powerful monsters. I killed a few monsters before, and I lost my strength, so I passed out here."

"Monster? What monster?", Lin Feng asked curiously

"It's a giant jackal, bigger than five people.", Chen Xiao and Lin Feng said as they walked

"Are you hungry? I see you haven't eaten for several days. I have something here." After Lin Feng finished speaking, he took out a lot of food from the space.

"Thank you."Chen Xiao was indeed hungry, so he took it without any courtesy and started eating. After they passed a sand dune, they saw a palace not far away, surrounded by desert, silent and without sound." Look, That's it," Chen Xiao pointed and said. Finally, we can find a place to stay. Otherwise, it will be very dangerous in the desert and it will be difficult to survive.

"How were you framed?" Lin Feng asked Chen Xiao curiously.

"I was persecuted by my disciples and other sects, and was exiled here."

"It seems you don’t know people well," Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Yes, why didn't you notice it before?"

"As the saying goes, time passes and people's hearts are revealed. Don't be fooled by superficial phenomena.", Lin Feng enlightened me.

"Yes too"

"Where is my benefactor from?"

"where? Quite far away.", Lin Feng didn't know which place to talk about.

As they walked and talked, Lin Feng roughly knew that the entire continent here was the Queshan Star Territory. Lin Feng sensed that it belonged to a star field in one of the small worlds in the Yangming Meridian Star Sea.

The entire In the center of Queshan is the Queshan Continent, surrounded by the Queshan Mountain System. The first mountain in the Queshan Mountain System is Zhaoyao Mountain, which stands on the west coast. Many osmanthus trees grow and are rich in metal minerals and jade. Hundreds of people have passed by the West Sea. Ten Thousand Kilometers is the current Soul-Eating Island, about 100,000 kilometers, and it is specially used as a prison. Anyone who enters Soul-Eating Island cannot get out, and it is difficult to survive. Food and drink here are extremely scarce and dangerous.

Queshan Continent is three miles east. Millions of miles away, there is a magnificent mountain. There are dense ash trees growing on the mountain, and there are many white apes. It is also rich in crystal stones and contains rich gold. In the center of the continent is a large dynasty ruled by the Queshan Dynasty, which governs There are more than a dozen countries, each ruled by a king. The emperor of Queshan Dynasty rules these kings.

There is an alliance of cultivating immortals in Queshan continent, which governs various sects. Chen Xiao is the head of one of the sects, Fuyun. In Dujie At that time, he was framed by his disciples and the Dark Demon Sect, and was captured as the leader, and was exiled here.

Many people were exiled here, and most of them did not survive.

Soon they will arrive at the palace, which is the only building here.. But as they gradually approached, Chen Xiao suddenly stopped moving, and saw countless eyes staring at this side. Lin Feng took a look and saw that it was a hundred jackals walking towards them.

Chen Xiao was sweating, thinking, now Damn it, so many ninth-level monsters are equivalent to one monster and one Nascent Soul.

It is impossible to defeat the monsters. The only way is to wait for death. However, it delayed Lin Feng, the person who saved her, and Chen Xiao gave up her resistance.

"It's over, we can't run away"

"Why run?"But Lin Feng didn't seem nervous.

"Didn't you see so many monsters in front of you?"

"Those ants?"

"What, ant, that is a ninth-level monster."

"Isn't it just a monster?", Lin Feng raised his hand and snapped his fingers

"What's not, then..",Just as Chen Xiao was about to say something, the hundred jackals in front of him all turned into blood mist. Chen Xiao was shocked. What kind of strength was this? There were hundreds of them. She couldn't understand the person in front of her. How could he look like a mortal with such great strength?

"I couldn't imagine how my benefactor was so powerful, and the little girl was blinded.", Chen Xiao apologized

"Nothing, just a side dish."

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