"In cultivation, in addition to cultivating immortals, there is also cultivating saints above immortals, which few people know," Lin Feng said

"Cultivation as a saint? What level is it? I have never heard of it," Yu Chen asked.

Lin Feng patiently made a metaphor. After all, these people will be saved in the future, and his people in the future Buddhist Kingdom will

"Let's start from the lowest level of all sentient beings, assuming that we start cultivating from the lowest level, a hell. Two beasts. The three are hungry ghosts. Four people. Five Asuras. Six or below cultivation foundation building, golden elixir, Yuanying, transformation into gods, transcending tribulations, Mahayana, human immortal (early, middle, late stage, earth immortal (early, middle, late stage, immortal king, immortal emperor, immortal emperor, immortal saint)) , Celestial Immortal (Immortal Lord, Immortal Emperor, Immortal Emperor, Immortal Sage), Golden Immortal, Daluo Jinxian, Shen (Immortal God, Immortal God Lord, Immortal God Emperor, Immortal God Emperor, Immortal Saint), the so-called cultivating immortals actually does not exist. To the real immortals, the heavenly immortals.

Above the heavenly immortals are the six four heavenly kings. The seventh is the Traitor Heaven. The eighth is the Flame Ferris Sky. The ninth is the Tusita Heaven. The tenth is the Self-Transformation Heaven. The eleventh is the Other-Transformation Heaven. The twelve are Demons. Heaven. There are twenty-two kinds of living beings in the form realm. The first is the Brahma-body heaven. The second is the Brahma-assisted heaven. The third is the Brahma heaven. The fourth is the great Brahma heaven. The fifth is the light heaven. The sixth is the less light heaven. The seventh is the immeasurable light heaven.. The eighth is the Guangyin Heaven. The ninth is the Pure Heaven. The tenth is the Less Pure Heaven. The eleventh is the Infinite Pure Heaven. The twelve is the All-Pure Heaven. The thirteenth is the Strictly Decorated Heaven. The fourteenth is the Small Strictly Decorated Heaven. The fifteenth The heaven of immeasurable adornment. The sixteenth heaven of adornment of fruits. The seventeenth heaven of no thoughts. The eighteenth heaven of no creation. The nineteenth heaven of no heat. The twenty-one heaven of good seeing. The twenty-one great goodness sees the heaven. Twenty The two are Agani Zha Tian. In the formless world. One is the sky of empty wisdom. The second is the wisdom of knowledge. The third is the wisdom of nothing. The fourth is the wisdom of thoughts and no thoughts.

After cultivating immortals, there is holy cultivation.

Saint cultivation follows There are ten levels of holy faith, ten levels of holy abode, ten levels of holy conduct, ten levels of holy dedication, ten levels of holy places, holy enlightenment, holy wonderful enlightenment, and great enlightenment, a total of fifty-two steps.

The entire process of cultivation requires three great asamkhya kalpas. One great asamkhyaka is 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years. Tens of thousands of trillions of years.

And you have only been cultivating immortals for a few tens of thousands of years. Compared with cultivating saints, you are like a drop of water in the ocean!

Another example is that cultivating immortals can have several clones, but when you reach the Great Enlightenment The Great Sage can have hundreds of billions of incarnations, or even countless incarnations."

After Lin Feng finished speaking, the three people were completely shocked and speechless. They thought that they must enter the gate of cultivating the Saint! Cultivation of the Immortal is simply a child's play.

Yu Chen again Asking boldly, this was also the idea of ​​the three of them, and someone had to bring it up,"Excuse me, Mr. Lin, can we become saints?""


"Really?", the three of them became happy."I hope Mr. Lin can teach us!"After the three of them finished speaking, they knelt down and kowtowed to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng quickly helped them up,"This Five Elements Sutra is the introduction to becoming a saint. Take it and read it." Lin Feng took out another Five Elements Sutra and gave it to them.

"That's great, thank you Mr. Lin." The three held it in their hands and couldn't put it down. They wished they could fly back to practice right away.

After the three said goodbye to Lin Feng,

"Did Xianggong really teach them?", Feng Xiaoyue asked

"Of course, there is nothing to hold back, so you should hurry up and fix it!", Lin Feng said. Lin Feng gave Feng Xiaoyue all the contents of Yin Yang and Five Elements Bagua. Of course, he hoped that Xiaoyue could master it well.

Lin Feng thought in his heart that he wanted to leave here. He knew that leaving hastily would definitely make Xiaoyue sad. This time It was by accident that he became a son-in-law, and he didn't want to, because Lin Feng never paid attention to feelings from the beginning, and only had a kind heart rather than an emotional heart.

Lin Feng finally decided to leave the Sun Meridian Star Sea Group. The Twelve Meridian Star Sea , Taiyang, Yangming, Shaoyang, Taiyin, Jueyin, Shaoyin.

Each two groups, a total of twelve. What he is going to leave now is the Taiyang Meridian. The Small Intestine Meridian of the Hand Sun and the Xinghai Meridian of the Full Sun Bladder.

Lin Feng has no idea. He hesitantly pulled out the old turtle and disappeared in a swish, heading towards the Yangming Meridian Sea of ​​Stars.

【Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained the Dialectics of the Sun Sutra】

1. Sun Sutra: Divided into three types

(1) The person's camp and guard are not harmonious, the guard loses its power to open and close externally, and the muscles are loose and loose, which is a stroke (that is, a cold, not a cerebral hemorrhage))

(2) If the person's Wei Yang is suppressed, the Ying Wei is stagnant, and the muscle surface is dense, it is typhoid fever

(3) Those who suffer from warm evil externally and internal heat due to body fluid damage are febrile diseases.

Stroke: fever, sweating, wind aversion, slow pulse (deficiency syndrome).

Typhoid fever: fever, no sweat, aversion to cold, tight pulse, body pain (manifest syndrome).

Febrile disease: fever, thirst, no aversion to cold (external heat syndrome).

Stroke, typhoid fever, and febrile disease are all superficial syndromes, so they all have"fever, headache, and floating pulse." However, their identification points are:

Stroke: slow and floating pulse, sweating, and thin white tongue coating.

Typhoid fever: floating and tight pulse, no sweating and wheezing, thin white tongue coating.

Febrile disease: floating pulse, fever, slight thirst, slight aversion to cold, red tip of tongue.

2. Taiyang fu syndrome: divided into two types

(1) Evil energy enters the bladder, affecting the bladder's gasification function and causing qi and water to stop, causing difficulty in urination. This is a syndrome of water storage.

(2) Heat is knotted in the lower burner, and blood stasis is not enough, so that the whip is full like crazy and self-directed urination is a sign of blood accumulation.

Water storage syndrome: fever, bad wind, difficulty in urination, thirst, vomiting when water enters, and floating pulse.

Syndrome of blood accumulation: acute knotting or fullness in the lower abdomen, like going crazy. Self-induced urination, yellow body, and heavy pulse.

Identification point: water accumulation is caused by evil entering the bladder Qi, so there is only difficulty in urination but no mental symptoms. Blood accumulation is caused by evil entering the blood in the bladder, so there are only mental symptoms but no difficulty in urination.

Treatment prescriptions

1. Taiyang Meridian Treatment Method

(1) Stroke: It is a syndrome of deficiency of the tai rays, which means that the Ying is strong and the Ying is weak, and the Ying and Wei are not harmonious. To treat stroke, you only need to harmonize the Ying and Wei. To cure the disease caused by sweating, you can use Guizhi Decoction.

(2) Typhoid fever: It is manifested by the Taiyang syndrome. The body is dense and cannot sweat. Sweating without opening the epidermis is not enough to dispel the evil. Ephedra decoction can be used.

(3) Febrile disease: It is caused by internal heat and body fluid damage. There are many causes of internal heat damage. Most of the injuries caused by yang excess cause fire and consume yin. In addition, the cooling property of yin serum is insufficient. It usually starts from the liver and stomach, so it should not be caused externally. , when the disease develops, abandon the near and seek the far. You should nourish the middle and replenish the essence to make up for the consumption. The rule of emergency treatment is to cool the blood and purge the heat. The superficial symptoms will be calmed down and the internal consumption will be replenished, so that the person's righteousness will not be lost; and look for the location of the evils of the six meridians. , which can be used to attack and cure it, with more internalization effects.

2. Treatment of Taiyang Fu syndrome

(1) Water storage: It is due to the failure of bladder gasification to stop the accumulation of water qi. Wuling Powder (Poria, Polyporus, Guizhi, Alisma, Atractylodes) has the function of transforming qi and diluting water, so it is the main prescription for water storage syndrome.

(2) Blood storage: It cannot be caused by blood stasis, and heat will cause the lower burner. You should attack the blood stasis and expel the blood. You can use Taohe Chengqi Decoction according to the priority.

3. Methods for treating Taiyang disease combined with syndromes (1) Taiyang stroke combined with Qi inversion causing asthma, treat it with Guizhi Decoction plus Magnolia officinalis and Almond.

(2) Taiyang disease combined with strong neck and back (i.e. feeling anxious and uncomfortable), sweating is superficial deficiency, and no sweating is superficial excess. For deficiency, use Guizhi plus Pueraria lobata decoction. Practical Pueraria lobata decoction

(3) Taiyang disease combined with heat stagnation in the interior (internal heat, irritability, thirst), sweating is superficial deficiency, and no sweating is superficial excess. For deficiency, use Guizhi Eryue Maiyi Decoction, and Daqinglong Decoction is more practical.

(4) If Taiyang disease involves drinking water (retching, soft phlegm), no sweating on the surface, moisture in the heart, fever, aversion to cold, no sweating, wheezing, coughing and retching, Xiao Qinglong Decoction should be used for treatment. For example, if there is a Taiyang stroke and water qi accumulates in the chest and hypochondrium, and the symptoms include fever, aversion to cold, sweating, headache, fullness and pain in the heart and hypochondrium, retching and shortness of breath, and the superficial symptoms have been resolved, use Shizao Decoction (Danzhua, Ganhua) Sui, spurge, jujube) attack it

(5) Taiyang disease combined with internal deficiency, such as palpitations and irritability in the heart due to both yin and yang deficiency, should be treated with Xiaojianzhong Decoction. For patients with deficiency of qi and blood, insufficiency of heart and pulse, palpitations, and Zhigancao decoction.

{ ps:

Mainly understand the symptoms of Taiyang Meridian Disease:

Stroke: fever, sweating, bad wind, slow pulse (external deficiency syndrome).

Typhoid fever: fever, no sweat, aversion to cold, tight pulse, body pain (manifest syndrome).

Febrile disease: fever, thirst, no aversion to cold (external heat syndrome).

Key points to remember: wind, cold, fever or no fever


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