After Lin Feng finished explaining, he casually built a teleportation array, with the entrance of the array on the altar, and made more than a dozen tokens. Only those who hold the tokens can teleport back.

Everyone can accept this arrangement. In fact, even if they are not allowed to go back, they have no complaints and can quickly improve here. There is no better place in the world than this. The Immortal League is a place of garbage. They wouldn't leave even if they were driven away, let alone let them stay here.

Lin Feng did not need the teleportation array. The space here was no obstacle to him. With a thought, he disappeared into the main hall and arrived at the Queshan Continent thousands of kilometers away. This was a border town of the Queshan Dynasty, called Handan, and The same name as in the history of China.

When he first entered the city, he found a palace standing high in the center of the city. It was exactly the same as the palace on Soul-Eating Island. Lin Feng rushed over and found that they were indeed the same, the same size, empty inside, and there was also an altar.

Although there are some tourists coming and going, there is nothing to see inside, and no one lives or does business inside. Just empty.

Outside the palace, there were streets lined with people. Lin Feng asked a vendor on the roadside,"Why is this palace so empty?"

The vendor replied,"Guest, you are from outside, right? There is a legend in this palace. A long time ago, it was said that the god After suppressing the monsters, seven palaces were built to suppress the monsters forever, and the monsters disappeared forever. The gods later left behind a group of management people, which is now the Immortal League, which not only manages the people who cultivate immortals everywhere, but also guards palace"

"However, no one is guarding the palace."

"The palace does not need to be guarded, it only needs to be checked to see if it is there. There are other countries too. There are seven palaces in total."

Lin Feng is a little confused. He has checked the palaces. They are nothing special and there are no big formations. Lin Feng used his spiritual consciousness to fly out into the sky and explore the palaces on this continent. Sure enough, there are seven. Except for the Soul-Eating Island. , there is one Handan City, one imperial capital, and four more located in the other four small countries.

However, Lin Feng found that although the palaces were nothing special, their layout looked like the Big Dipper. Lin Feng confirmed again, and it was indeed the Big Dipper. But there are only seven. Beidou consists of Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang and Yaoguang. The distance between each palace is at least 100,000 kilometers. Lin Feng couldn't think of the names of these seven palaces. Let's call them that. Lin Feng first gave them these seven names.

Although it was the Big Dipper, there was nothing pointing to the North Star. Logically speaking, there should be something there. I asked the vendor, but he didn't know.

This Several palaces seem to be nothing, but they should not be simple in fact, but Lin Feng doesn’t know. The Beidou diagram is as follows:


Lin Feng discovered that Soul-eating Island is the location of Tianshu, Handan City is the location of Tianxuan, and the imperial capital is the location of Yaoguang. According to the location, the North Star should be far to the upper right of Tianshu. Lin Feng had explored it when he was on Soul Eater Island. There was nothing there, just a sea. Could it be that there is something in the sea? Lin Feng thought so.

Lin Feng did not continue to think about it. He first set the teleportation array exit of Soul-Eating Island at Tianxuan in Handan City, and then told Chen Xiao and the others via text message via token.

Then Lin Feng went to the seven palaces respectively, and they were all the same palaces, with no difference. After searching to no avail, Lin Feng returned to Handan City. Maybe he could find some clues. Handan City here is the country of Chengyi. There is a Chen family here, which is the family of Liu Zhibao. Liu Zhibao was originally called Chen Bao and later changed his name to Liu. Zhibao, to express his break with the Chen family and stop being a member of the Chen family.

The surname Liu was because when he first came to the island, he was rescued by a man named Liu. Later, the man surnamed Liu fell to a monster, so Chen Bao changed his name to Liu, both to repay others for saving his life and to express his break with the Chen family.

Lin Feng asked Liu Zhibao through the token message whether the Chen family was originally in Handan City. After Liu Zhibao confirmed, Lin Feng asked Liu Zhibao to come from the teleportation array.

As soon as Liu Zhibao came over, he immediately knelt down to Lin Feng and said,"I feel that the young master can let me come over.""

"It doesn't matter, you guys do things for me. These little things are nothing. From now on, you can just arrange it by yourself according to the regulations. This is your Chen family. You can solve it yourself. Otherwise, it will be difficult to improve if you don't get rid of your inner demons."

"Thanks, sir, I'll go right away"

"Be careful not to hurt innocent people. Use it if you can. You can deal with it yourself later."

""Yes, young master." After Liu Zhibao thanked him, he first went to see his wife and daughter. He was forced to abdicate because of his frame-up, and the family promised not to embarrass his wife and daughter. That's why he was willing to go to Soul Eater Island to suffer.

When he came When I went to a house on the outskirts of the city, I saw a woman weaving in simple clothes, and a girl was cleaning beside her.

"It’s been ten years and I can finally go home. It’s all thanks to the young master.", Liu Zhibao sighed inwardly.

He walked up to the woman and said excitedly:"Alian!"When the woman heard this, she looked back at Liu Zhibao, stunned for a moment, then dropped what she was doing, and immediately stood up to greet him, with tears in her eyes,"Ah, is it Bao?"

"It's me.", Liu Zhibao responded sadly.

"Really, treasure, why did you come out?"Alian asked eagerly

"With the help of noble people, I can come out."

"This is good, this is good, our family is reunited again." A Lian was excited with a smile on her face. The girl on the side also noticed the movement and found out that it was his father. She immediately ran over quickly and threw herself into Liu Zhibao's arms. inside

"Father, you are finally back"

"Yes, it's back, it's back. From now on we can always be together.", Liu Zhibao replied

"Yanran, you have grown up too.", Liu Zhibao touched Yanran's head and said


"By the way, I have changed my name now. A benefactor saved me and I changed my surname to Liu. In addition, I have broken up with the Chen family and am no longer a Chen family member."

"Well, dad, then I will also change my name. My name will be Liu Yanran!"

"very good. How are you doing?"

"Although it is relatively difficult, we can live on. After the Chen family kicked us out, we have been living on our own, and they have not bothered us again. Maybe it is not something to worry about for my mother and me.", Alian said

"It's really embarrassing for you"

"However, there is one thing. The Chen family..."

What's up? , Liu Zhibao warned.

{ ps:

The North Pole is in the middle, and the Big Dipper is on the outside. The Big Dipper revolves around the North Pole, and its dipper points to twelve celestial bodies and nine directions. Taiyi rotates from the first palace to the nine palaces.

The Big Dipper is the celestial phenomenon of the ancients, the unity of heaven and man, and is related to the human body. The calendar background of the Beidou calendar is divided into eight periods in a year, creating the Ba Zheng, Ba Ji, Ba Feng, Relevant medical knowledge of special terms such as Ba Dong, Ba Xi, Ba Jie, Ba Xu, Baliao, Ba Ji, Bada and so on. For example, it is used to express the spatial orientation in all directions, to express the time locations of the four seasons and eight seasons, to judge the weather and phenology at different times and in different geographical spaces, and then to describe the epidemics and diseases that may occur in different regions and different time periods. Prediction and prevention


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