The battle that took place in the court on Chapter 304 shocked all the witnesses.

The black-haired boy who suddenly appeared in the main hall was still able to face the siege of the two strongest generals in the empire, and even seemed to be able to do so with ease.

Najexitan was a little worried at first.

After all, Esdeath and Bude are famous.

But now after witnessing Bai Ming's strength, an expression of excitement appeared on his face.

The empire falls, today!

The wind was blowing.

The temperature of the hall suddenly dropped due to Esdeath's ability.

The woman with long aqua hair stabbed Bai Ming in the heart with a long sword made of ice and snow.

But facing the piercing that even the steel shield could not withstand, Bai Ming simply stretched out an index finger and placed his fingertip on the path of the sword tip.

The expression on Esdeath's face paused for a moment.

Feel the resistance from the front.

He actually withstood her sharp blow with just one finger.

"Is it only to this extent?"

A faint smile appeared on Bai Ming's face.

Esdeath could read the sarcasm towards himself from his expression.

A hint of anger appeared on his delicate face:"This is just the beginning."

Bai Ming exerted a little force with his fingers, and shattered Esdeath's weapon into fragments like ice chips.

Esdeath suddenly stepped back.

At the same time, bone-chilling cold air gathered crazily, and thick ice spikes with tree roots suddenly sprouted from the ground of the hall. It can easily penetrate the body of dangerous species.

But what Esdeath didn't expect was that the icicle exploded before it touched Bai Ming's body.

Ice shards flew everywhere, and the chill spread.

At the same time, Bude Appearing behind Bai Ming, the roaring man's whole body erupted with dazzling golden lightning.

Holding his hands together, several thunder balls shot out like cannonballs, breaking through the sound barrier and approaching Bai Ming.

But Bai Ming just flicked his hand and The pure energy ball dispersed and disappeared.

But Bude showed a successful smile.

"madness! Thunder and lightning will combine with water to explode with stronger force......"

The words have not yet finished.

I saw that the man who was struck by lightning was unscathed, and even the expression on his face had not changed.

"this...How can it be? Can your body even withstand the energy of lightning?"

The thunder and lightning attack was completely ineffective, which made Bude doubt his life.

Even if he was a user of the Teigu, he could not completely ignore the power of thunder and lightning.

But the response he received was that Bai Ming looked like he was looking at a fool. eyes like

"Boring question, do you think you can release real lightning with just the ability of the Teigu?"

Then, he raised his right hand and pointed his outstretched index finger at Bude.

Just the moment he was pointed at it, Bude's scalp went numb, as if a great danger was about to come.

But before he could react, His heart was pierced by the lightning released by Bai Ming from his fingertips.

Bude fell softly, and his body gradually became cold.

When the officials hiding in the corner saw the fallen Bude, their expressions became more and more frightened.

Since the late emperor returned The Protector General who had been guarding the empire when he was in power actually fell like this?

Don't pay attention to the reactions of others.

Then, Bai Ming turned to look at Esdeath, whose expression changed slightly.

Bude's death made Aisdeath Stedes fully realized the difficulty of the boy.

Although she was confident that she could defeat Bude, it would not be easy to defeat him.

And...What is the ability to release lightning from your index finger?

Is it a special Teigu?

It was unknown, but Esdeath knew that if he kept hiding himself clumsily, the next corpse might be his.

I don't know if my body is trembling slightly because of the cold, but because of fear.

"This is...Are you afraid? Am I afraid of the man in front of me?"

Aware of this situation, Esdeath asked herself.

In the end, she confirmed this idea.

She was indeed afraid and afraid.

After all, this was the first time she had experienced death being so close to her.

But the more this happened, , the more excited Esdeath is.

A life-and-death fight is the battle she dreams of! Her past opponents, whether they were assassins from the revolutionary army or armies of foreign nations, were all too weak, too weak!

And now, there is finally someone who can make her feel threatened.

"How about making a deal?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Bai Ming's voice suddenly came

"If you lose, be willing to be mine."

Compared to Bude, Bai Ming didn't want to kill Esdeath.

There was no special reason. It was just because he saw her good-looking, and it was just a temporary attraction.

Of course.

It was not without other reasons.

When he took over the empire in the future, Esdeath can also be used as a combat force to protect the new country.

After all, the threat of foreign nations is also a problem.

No matter what, he can be taken with him as a bodyguard and bed-warming maid.

Hearing this, Esdeath was stunned for a moment.

She stared into Bai Ming's eyes. The desire in his eyes was self-evident, just like her desire to fight.

Seeing that Esdeath didn't refuse directly, Bai Ming knew there was something going on.

"Don't tell me about a sense of belonging and mission. As a border nation, you cannot be like Bude. The reason why you became a general is that this position can satisfy your pursuit of fighting."

"...You are right, I really have no sense of mission for this country, but why do you think I will definitely lose?"

A sadistic smile appeared on Esdeath's face.

"If you can take my last move, then I will agree with your statement. Otherwise, you will wear a collar and become my pet."

"In that case, I will add another request. If you lose, put on white stockings and kneel in front of me."


The scene was silent for a moment.

The expression on Esdeath's face became a little subtle.

It seems that he didn't expect that the seemingly upright young man would be like this in his heart....purely.

But she likes it.

Only pure people can be favored by her.

But before that, can this man take on her last move?

A trick that can even freeze time.

The next second.

The lines in front of Esdeath's moon that symbolized the blood of the Emperor's body emitted a deep blue light.

The girl's deep voice echoed around

"Mokobo Temo!"

Immediately afterwards, the biting chill spread, as if the endless cold current had frozen the place.

Pure ice blue swept across the world, with splashing ice shards, falling snowflakes, and the panic on the faces of the officials huddled in the corner. The color froze in an instant, like a video tape that was pressed and paused.

Time was frozen in an instant.

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