Chapter 305:

The Imperial Envoy.

They are humans who gain power by using items made from dangerous species.

Although there are certain requirements for using the Imperial Arms, for the vast majority of people, being an Imperial Arms user is still within the scope of ordinary people.

Whether it is Tazmi, the male protagonist in the original work, or Bude.

But in this world, there is an exception named Esdeath.

Drink all the blood of a super dangerous species, and ordinary people will be frozen to death with just one sip, and will activate the powerful power to control ice.

For most Teigu users, the Teigu are tools used to enhance their power.

But this conclusion does not apply to Esther.

With her current achievements, even the super-dangerous species, the original owner of Blood, cannot match the current achievements of Esdeath.

——Freeze time.

Time governs all things, everywhere.

Any existence that sets foot in this realm can be regarded as touching the realm of"god".

Although Bai Ming knew that this was not a true freeze in time, it could still be called the greatest miracle that this world could show.

In the frozen world, Esdeath was panting.

Her performance now is far less calm than before.

As early as the first confrontation with Bai Ming, he felt the opponent's power.

The feedback force from the shattered ice sword almost paralyzed half of her body.

But she managed to hold on. monster.

Esdeath could only give this evaluation to the boy in front of her.

If the fight continues, she will only lose.

"However, I won in the end."

A happy smile appeared on her face.

Even the strong man who killed Buddu could only be defeated by her.

This made Esdeath, who likes to ravage and conquer, feel great pleasure.

After regaining some strength, Esdeath walked up to Bai Ming. Her aqua blue eyes stared at the other person's face, and even she had to admit that the man in front of her did meet her aesthetic taste.

"If I could smile more purely, I wouldn't mind falling in love with you."

She finished speaking like a sigh.

A long sword made of wind and snow once again condensed in Esdeath's hand.

She wanted to abolish Bai Ming's ability to move so that she could be properly trained after Mokobotemo was lifted. Bai Ming.

But just as Esdeath was about to make her move and raise the ice sword, a hand grabbed her wrist.

She couldn't move.

"...Although it doesn't really freeze time, if you can achieve this level with just the Teigu, this world is still too restrictive for you."

A voice with a little sigh echoed in the silent world.

Esdeath looked at the young man who didn't know when he would resume action in a daze, and even the expression on his face was completely stunned.

"Are you wondering when I will get back into action? I'm sorry that your abilities didn't work on me from the start."

The facts from Bai Ming's mouth ruthlessly destroyed Esdeath's thoughts.

Unaffected from the beginning?

How is this possible!

There are people in this world who can resist the power of time?!

"Surprised? If it were a real frozen world, it might take some effort to break free, but your ability just now was just to use the movement trajectories of ultra-low temperature frozen molecules to achieve similar effects."

Bai Ming said

"After all, the real time suspension is much more than this."

Hearing his explanation, Esdeath had a surprised expression on her face.

She could understand every word Bai Ming said, but when they were put together, she had no idea what was going on.


What is that ? Thing!

Her ability is to freeze time, not anything like that!

But no matter how much she doesn't believe it, she can't deny the fact that Bai Ming is not affected.

But she hasn't lost yet. She can still fight!

Facing Esdeath's During the second attack, Bai Ming also accompanied him with a chuckle.

After attacking again and again, and being defeated again and again, the fighting spirit in Esdeath's eyes also continued to weaken with the number of failures.

Until finally, his physical energy was completely exhausted, and he could only He could lie weakly on the ice.

As for Mokobotemo, it had been automatically lifted midway.

When the imperial soldiers who came over saw the fallen Esdeath covered in bruises, their faces showed an expression of collapsed faith.

The invincible Lord Esdeath actually...collapsed.

But how is this possible! (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Isn’t Lord Esdeath invincible? ?

The soldiers who watched this scene from a distance were all dumbfounded and looked like they couldn't accept it.

But Bai Ming didn't care what expressions they showed.

With a slight smile on his face, he knelt down and touched Esdeath's delicate and cold face.

"Give up and be mine willingly"

"Goo...Just kill me."

Esdeath knew that she was powerless and closed her eyes as if resigned to her fate.

Hearing this, Bai Ming frowned slightly:"So were you lying to me before?"


Esdeath closed her eyes and said nothing.

This actually made Bai Ming start to have difficulties.

It's obviously different from what was promised.

Isn't it written in those fan novels that as long as you defeat Esdeath, you can successfully bring her into the harem?

But...What's going on now?

His power can control Esdeath, making her a loyal servant of the undead.

Cortana's brainwashing spell may also be useful.

But what he wanted was more than a machine that just obeyed orders.

Then, Bai Ming seemed to have thought of something, with an uncertain expression on his face:"Is it because the empire gave you the opportunity to fight against foreign nations?"

After saying that, he noticed a subtle change in Esdeath's expression.

Sure enough, he was right.

As a child, Esdeath was the daughter of border nomads.

When he returned from a hunting trip, he found that his entire tribe had been massacred by an invading foreign nation, but he was lucky enough to escape.

From then on, she vowed never to let anyone from other races go.

And the Empire gave her a chance for revenge.

Esdeath's creed is very simple.

There is nothing wrong with being cruel to foreign peoples.

It will be much easier to deal with it if you think of the problem.

"The fall of the empire is inevitable, but if you die, you will not be able to fight against the aliens, let alone see a world wider than this one."

"...What's the meaning?"

Esdeath opened her eyes and stared at him.

"I have already asked Najiexitan to break away from the revolutionary army, so after I take over the empire, she will have nothing to do with the revolutionary army that colludes with foreign races. At that time, you can continue to be your general and fight with foreign races. Other than that,...Don’t you want to meet more strong people? Bai

Ming asked Qi with a smile.

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