Chapter 303

The court today is quite lively.

The main reason is that Esdeath, who was previously sent to pacify the foreign nations in the north, has returned.

The little emperor summoned the princes, ministers, and generals.

Above the court.

The officials stood like corpses, while the young emperor prepared the lines prepared by Minister Ernest.

The sound of the stick reading made the officials feel uncomfortable, but there was nothing they could do.

The little emperor has long been controlled by the ministers. The only general Bude who has the ability to punish the ministers is just a rigid military commander who abides by the rules of protecting the royal family. and Esdeath, the strongest and youngest general in the empire.

Her long aqua hair and tall, plump figure made her look perfect, but no man wanted to get close to this terrifying woman.

It is said that the 400,000-strong northern alien army that was causing trouble on the border was all killed by Esdeath, leaving no one alive.

"General Esdeath, I am very pleased that you have contributed to putting down the chaos on the border this time. If you come, I will reward you with ten thousand taels of gold."

The little emperor read the lines written on the paper.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, but I am not interested in gold. I just ask Your Majesty to reward my subordinates with the gold."

"In this case, apart from gold, I originally wanted to reward you with other things. What do you want?"

Esdeath was not interested in gold, and then made a request that shocked everyone in the court.

"If you really want to say that, I want to fall in love."

Hearing this, the little emperor's script book fell from his hands, and the minister who was chewing raw meat on the side was also completely stunned.

"Original...I see."

The little emperor clapped his hands awkwardly

"Although the general is in his prime, he is still single, so let me recommend candidates. What do you think of the minister?"

"Huh? I...!"

Upon hearing the little emperor's words, the minister was stunned, with a few drops of cold sweat streaming down his forehead.

Although he also likes beauties, and Esdeath is indeed a rare beauty, she is an evil ghost in human skin.

He wants to live a little longer

"Please forgive me for saying too much. The minister suffers from high blood pressure and may not have much time left. Moreover, his appearance and figure are not in line with my taste."

Esdeath shook his head.

"That's it, then I'll look for other candidates for you."

The little emperor nodded.

"Does the general have any requirements?"

"Just follow the requirements above...."

Esdeath took off the scroll and was about to let the messenger hand it to the young emperor, but as if he noticed something, he suddenly turned around and looked at the entrance of the hall.

Other officials were confused by Esdeath's actions.

"What happened?" asked the little emperor

"...Since just now, there have been noisy sounds outside the palace. I'm afraid it's..."

The words have not yet finished.

The pale blue color flashed like a thunderous flash.

Then there was a burning smell.

Esdeath and Bude narrowed their eyes and focused on several figures appearing at the door.

And when Esdeath noticed Najesitan, there was a look of surprise on her face

"Who are you...Najexitan?"

The icy blue eyes reflected the woman who had lost her left eye and arm.

As a colleague who had worked together, Esdeath naturally had a good impression of Najexitan.

After all, her arms and eyes were He took it away himself

"Are you here to surrender to me?"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

A stern smile appeared on Esdeath's face

"No, Esdeath, I'm here to witness how the empire fell."

Seeing her former friend, Najiexitan seemed to be recalling something, and her eyes involuntarily hurt.

"What a pity, you probably can't see it then."

Esdeath spread her hands helplessly.

She knew that Najexitan had joined the revolutionary army, but so what?

They were just a group of chickens and dogs like foreigners. If it weren't for the civil strife on the border, it would be more important. , the revolutionary army has long been eradicated by her

"This sacred court is not a place for traitors like you to run wild!"

Bude, who had been silent all this time, couldn't help shouting and scolding.

"General Bude, I have always respected you, but you are too pedantic. You clearly have the ability to change the status quo of the empire, but you turn a blind eye. Even without the revolutionary army, this country will be dragged down by such emperors and ministers."

Although the feeling of facing Esdeath reminded her of her original psychological shadow, Najiexitan couldn't help but say out the words that had been accumulated in her heart.


Hearing this, Bude fell into silence.

To be fair, doesn't he know?

However, it is the duty of the general to abide by the rules.

In the past, he promised the late emperor that military generals would not interfere in government affairs. Now that the empire has become like this, he also knows that the ministers are behind the scenes.

But Bude could only bring some civil servants under his protection and protect them from persecution by ministers.

"The accomplice is also the murderer. Sure enough, the generals in the past were just like the movies, they were all single-minded fools."

Bai Ming said with a chuckle.

The moment he finished speaking, Esdeath and Bude focused their eyes on him at the same time.

As warriors' intuition, they noticed that this overly young man had some Something is wrong.

But while looking at Bai Ming, Esdeath had another thought.

"...cute child."

She looks only a few years younger than her.

Regardless of appearance or figure, everything perfectly meets her requirements.

Just the smile on her face.......But it's not as pure as her criteria for choosing a mate.

However, compared to her ideal type, it's not much different.

Ai (Wang Zhao) Siders licked his lips. If he could be trained a little more, he might have some special effects.

"Are you still targeting me?"

Bai Ming looked at the girl with long aqua hair who suppressed the nature of the beast, with a frivolous smile on her face.

"Although I don't really like your character, other aspects are pretty much the same."

After finishing speaking, Bai Ming looked at Kuang San and others beside him.

"I'll take care of those two people, and leave the others to you."

After finishing speaking, Bai Ming walked forward by himself.

"Just treat it as the curtain call for the Empire. If you don’t put in your best effort, it won’t be interesting if you lose instantly."

"How brave you are to say such things even though you know who I am!"

An angry look appeared on Bude's face, and the black armor covering his body began to shine with lightning.

"Of course, even if you try your best, the outcome will be the same."

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