Jean Boken, the bakery owner of Bajiu, became the only Bajia citizen to survive.

During these months, he had fantasized about finding other survivors and worked hard for this goal, but everything was in vain. The despair and the tragic scene of Baji that came into view made Jean Boken His spirit was greatly traumatized, his spirit collapsed, and after a long period of hunger, thirst, and illness, Boken used his last strength to crawl back to his ruined bakery, waiting for God to save him. take away.

Just when Boken's consciousness was about to disappear,

"Willy! Look, there's someone here!"

"Dead or alive?"

A group of M country soldiers discovered him

"He's alive and breathing." Willie, a soldier from Country M, discovered that Boken still had a weak breath.

So the brothers carefully took Boken to the nearest field hospital.

After half a month of treatment, Boken was alive. He came over, but his mind was completely insane. Sometimes he was silent, sometimes he shouted, and sometimes he kept repeatingOne sentence.

So the scene of the military reporter interviewing him in the previous chapter appeared.

"Sir, it’s so weird here. Our troops searched for more than half a month, but except for one survivor who was already crazy, no one else was found alive at all. There are millions of citizens in Baji, it’s impossible for them all to die." Commander Ross of the 3rd Armored Division came to Patton's field headquarters, took off his helmet, put it on the table, and said to General Patton

"Morris, I think you are right. Matthew's troops landed in Bagui ten hours earlier than us. He also reported that the soldiers did not find any survivors. The boys of the 101st Division did not even find a complete building. Even a gram of flour," Barton stretched out his hand to signal Morris to sit down first, and then said

"What? Are they really all dead?"Ross was very shocked.

Because all the troops in Bali were destroyed, General Patton's 3rd Army Headquarters could only set up a large tent in the wild, and he just made do with his office.

Ridgway's 101st Airborne Division under the 18th Airborne Corps was the first to land. Ba Li, these elite airborne troops thought that the citizens of Ba Li would warmly welcome them, but it turned out that they had no hair. Now it is winter again. The soldiers could not find a building to take shelter from the wind, and they did not collect food. They had no food or drink. The airborne troops who suffered from the cold complained a lot.

Fortunately, the ground troops arrived quickly, and the supplies also arrived with the ground troops. Only then did the airborne troops who were airdropped here in advance have hot meals.

Currently, there are three airborne divisions under the 18th Airborne Army. All in Bajia.

The news that the United Nations troops stationed in Europe had liberated Bajia also spread back to Country M. The United Nations troops in Asia and Europe had achieved victory, which made the Truman government once again nervous. Truman even Congress gave a speech and was very optimistic about the prospects of the war. Of course, this was for the people who were angrily criticizing the Truman administration every day and for the unstable troops at the front. General

Marshall was also criticized for the United Nations counterattacks in the two places. He breathed a sigh of relief at the success, especially in Western Europe. This was the lifeblood of Country M. As long as the United Nations troops continued to land in Western Europe and gain a firm foothold, even if they could no longer advance the front in the future, it would be acceptable to only hold on to Western Europe..

And preserving Western Europe is also the bottom line of the Truman administration. In other words, Western Europe will be one of the main battlefields in the game between the Kyushu Army and the United Nations Army. General Eisenhower in London is also sending additional troops to Western Europe to support General Patton. Now They need enough troops in Western Europe to prepare for unexpected events.

When the Kyushu Army came, they entered Gaul through Germany. When they retreated, they passed through the border between southern Germany and Switzerland, and then entered Austria and Hungary to withdraw to the New Japan..

Although the Kyushu Army retreated in a hurry, its marching speed was not very fast. It took a lot of time to open mountains and build bridges on the way. By the beginning of December, the 11th"Red Lian King Snake" Corps had not completely left Gaul. They were at this time. Gaul-German border and on the way south

"The"Chilian King Snake" Corps and the Japanese 168th Division have been stationed in Gaul, and several other regiments are distributed in Poland, Hungary and other countries. The retreat speed of these regiments is also very slow. Currently there are only the 1st and 2nd The Corps entered the territory of New Japan

"President, is this too risky?" Lieutenant General Zhang Bo, commander of the 51st Army, said in an armored command vehicle on the roadside after hearing Chi Lian's plan.

Zhang Bo was promoted to commander of the 51st Army in 1946 and promoted to lieutenant general. Military rank. The original military commander left the front-line troops because he was old. From here on, various troops began to undergo frequent personnel changes.

"Let me tell you the truth, this retreat is a deception planned by the regent. The purpose is to attract more enemies and then focus on annihilating them," Chi Lian said

"I said how to make a sudden retreat, it turned out to be the order of the regent," said General Duan Zhenzhong, commander of the 50th Army.

"General Duan, tomorrow you will lead your army to turn around and return to the hinterland of Gaul immediately. It is best to approach Ba Li to scare these yellow-haired ghosts, but don’t be reluctant to fight," Chi Lian said

"Yes, President" Duan Zhen responded

"General Zhang, you and General Shi go north along the border into the Netherlands, then suddenly go west into Gaul to fight them, and then retreat along the border between Germany and Denmark to Poland, and then return to the White Goose territory, my dear I will lead the remaining troops to station here and respond to you at any time," Chi Lian said.

"Yes, President," Zhang Bo and Shi Rong said.

Shi Rong is the lieutenant general of the 53rd Army.

The specific deployment is that the 50th Army will turn around and attack in the direction of Bagui, and the 51st Army and the 53rd Army will follow the border between Germany and Gaul. The line went north to the border between Gaul and the Netherlands, and then suddenly turned westward into Gaul and then approached Bali.

Obviously, the 51st Army and the 53rd Army were on a long-distance attack.

Chi Lian led the 52nd and 54th Army as well as other troops of the Corps. He and the Japanese 168th Division deployed a defense line in situ.

This would be a long-term combat operation, and Chi Lian named it"Operation Reincarnation Gun."

After the troops set off, Chi Lian ordered the Japanese 168th Division to escort a large number of captured The artwork was transferred to Budapest, Hungary, and the 6th Corps stationed in Hungary sent troops to rescue the Japanese. On

December 24, 1950, on the road to Bali.

The 50th Army of the Kyushu Army marched toward Bali in a mighty manner. That night, they entered a deserted town to rest.

The next morning, the troops packed up and prepared to move on. By chance, soldiers from the 506th Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division of Country M who came out of Bali took a truck and drove towards this small town, swearing.

""Bryce, today is Christmas, and other troops are resting and celebrating, why are our regiments assigned a mission alone?" A soldier asked his companion listlessly in the truck.

"I don't know." Bryce shook his head, his tone very calm.

"Sergeant Lipton, I think there are no enemies here. It doesn’t matter if we wait until after Christmas. I don’t understand why General McOliver has to send our regiment out on such a major holiday." Still the soldier and Lipton just now Sergeant Purton complained.

Major General Mike Oliver is currently the commander of the 101st Airborne Division. The current 101st Airborne Division has been rebuilt, and most of the familiar old faces died in the First Battle of Normandy in 1944. At that time, three divisions The airborne troops were besieged by superior enemy forces and almost completely wiped out, with only a handful of people surviving.

The former commander of the 506th Regiment, Colonel Sink, is now the deputy commander of the 101st Division, with the rank of brigadier general. The former commander of the 2nd Battalion of the 506th Regiment, Li Lieutenant Colonel Chad Winters is currently the commander of the 506th Regiment and has the rank of colonel.

The troops of the 506th Regiment drove to a hillside and stopped. The soldiers got off the car to rest and prepare to move forward in an hour.

2nd Battalion Soldier Malachi climbed up the hillside to see what was going on behind the hillside, but he unexpectedly saw the spectacular scene of a large number of Kyushu troops marching along the dirt road on the other side of the hillside.

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