"Oh God, we're done!"Malachi quickly lay down and watched for a while, then muttered something and turned around and ran back to his team.

"bull! bull! Where is Colonel Winters? I have an emergency report." Malachi ran back and saw an acquaintance.

""Bull" Randleman is a veteran like Marazzi. Randleman is currently the platoon leader of the 1st platoon of Company E, 2nd Battalion, 506th Regiment.

"He's over there, what's the emergency?"Tall and strong Randleman said with a cigarette in his mouth.

"There are enemies behind the slope! There are too many to count, and there are a large number of armored troops!"Malazzi yelled as he ran in the direction Randleman pointed.

"quick! Be alert! Come up and have a look!"Landman did not dare to neglect, and quickly called his men to go up the slope to check the situation.

Following the actions of Landman and Marazzi, the entire 506th Regiment immediately became chaotic. Everyone took advantage of their weapons and watched the surroundings while seizing advantageous terrain.

""Good boy, look at the formation. The enemy has at least one division." Lieutenant Colonel Nix, the deputy commander, was lying on the top of the slope, holding up a telescope and looking at the endless Kyushu Army, and said to himself.

Winters ordered to enter combat status. , while asking the communications troops to report to the superiors to request reinforcements. Looking at the huge number of enemy infantry and dozens of tanks rolling in, Winters knew that relying solely on his regiment of airborne troops was no match for him.

"Notice! There's movement on the hillside!"Suddenly, a Kyushu soldier's eyes were illuminated by the reflection of the telescope lens. He looked up and unexpectedly discovered something unusual on the hillside.

When he shouted, many nearby Kyushu soldiers stopped and looked at the hillside with their guns raised.

On the slope Winters and others were accidentally discovered, and immediately took cover to prepare for battle.

"Let them send a team of people to go up and have a look." After receiving the report, a regiment commander immediately ordered a company of Kyushu soldiers to go uphill to check.

More than 800 Kyushu soldiers carefully went uphill with automatic rifles to check.

At this time, the Kyushu Army troops were especially It is the 11th Mechanized Corps. Due to the strengthening of anti-aircraft artillery and armor, the organization has expanded again. One division has reached more than 30,000 people.

"Dick, what do we do?"Nix, the deputy commander of the hillside, poked his head out and saw hundreds of enemies approaching, so he asked Winters

"It's too late to retreat now, you must hold on and wait for backup," Winters said.

Just now, McAuliff received their report and reported it to Ridgway, and then to Patton. Patton immediately sent Ross's 3rd Armored Division at full speed for reinforcements , preparing to fight a battle with the Kyushu Army around this abandoned town.

"Fire!"As the Kyushu Army approached, Winters ordered to fire.

Soldiers from two companies of the 2nd Battalion of the 506th Airborne Regiment poured firepower on the advancing Kyushu Army. For a moment, they caught the opponent by surprise. The Kyushu Army fled down the hillside in panic..

But soon, intensive artillery fire followed, and the hillside was violently bombed. This was the tanks and armored artillery vehicles of the Kyushu Army carrying out fire strikes. Sand and gravel flew across the hillside, and some M country airborne troops were also hit on the spot. Killed.

Intense artillery fire silenced the machine guns of the M Army.

Winters and other veterans were all too familiar with this scene. They had fought against the Kyushu Army in Normandy, and the opponent's explosive firepower projection was unprecedented, and this It was also one of the reasons why the Allied forces were driven into the sea that year.

As more than a dozen 150mm self-propelled cannons began to project firepower, the M Army position on the hillside was ruthlessly swept away by the steel storm.

"Sir, the enemy's firepower is too fierce! a soldier yelled to Winters

"We must hold this hillside, otherwise we will be doomed!" Winters responded.

But the Kyushu Army's artillery fire became more and more fierce. As the artillery shells exploded in the mountain, a huge hole was quickly opened on the hillside. The M soldiers who were originally guarding this position had long disappeared. They torn to pieces by gunfire

"Bryce! help me!"Airborne soldier Herbert grabbed a crumbling tree and shouted to a comrade closest to him. Behind him was a large crater dozens of meters deep that was blasted out.

"Herbert! Give me your hand!"Bryce is such a good comrade. He braved heavy artillery fire to save his comrades. This Bryce rarely speaks or even barely speaks. In fact, he is an autistic patient.

"Bryce!"Herbert struggled to grab Bryce's arm.

The latter also tried his best to pull him back from the dangerous place, and then the two quickly moved their positions.

"Thanks, Bryce!"After escaping, Herbert thanked

""It's okay," Bryce responded.

But at this time, the 506th Regiment was completely passive.

More than half of the hillside had been cut away, and 80% of the soldiers of the two companies of the 2nd Battalion of the 506th Regiment on the hillside were killed in the artillery attack. Wen Tes had to reorganize his defense line.

However, the Kyushu Army would not give him a chance to breathe. More than 10,000 Kyushu soldiers, under the cover of tanks and self-propelled artillery, approached the remaining soldiers of Winters' 506th Regiment from two directions. The Kyushu Army slowly clamped the 506th Airborne Regiment like two small pliers. What made matters worse was that someone reported to Winters that a large number of enemies appeared behind him, too many to count.

Winters was about to collapse on the spot after hearing this. , the enemy troops were outflanked in two groups on the front, and a large number of enemies came from behind. The situation was already very critical for him. The

506th Regiment was about to be surrounded on all sides.

Winters decisively ordered the troops to retreat westward toward Bali, hoping to meet reinforcements. The troops of the 506th Regiment retreated in panic, but the Kyushu Army behind them was chasing closely, with a posture of not giving up until they were wiped out. In the sky, a reconnaissance plane of Country M was hovering

"Look, sir!"The correspondent sitting in the back seat suddenly pointed in a direction.

At this time, the pilot in the front seat tilted his head and looked in the direction pointed out by the correspondent.

The densely packed Kyushu Army on the ground was rapidly attacking towards the west.

At the front, there seemed to be a small number of The soldiers of country M are running in panic

"This must be the remnant of the 506th Regiment. Oh God, there are too many enemies. You report to the Army Headquarters immediately. The road west of the town of Saint-Meyer is full of enemies, and there are many armored units." The pilot looked at the ground The black torrent said to the correspondent

""Yes, sir" the correspondent began to send the telegram using the airborne transceiver.

On the ground

"Run, run!"The M country's airborne troops resisted at first, but later due to the huge disparity in strength, they turned into a rout.

"Landman! Where is Colonel Winters?"This is Lieutenant Colonel"Smoking Brother" Spears, the commander of the 2nd Battalion, grabbing Randleman by the collar and asking about the whereabouts of the regiment leader.

After Zink was transferred, Spears and Winters were both favorites to be the next commander of the 506th Regiment. candidate, but superiors ultimately chose Winters to succeed the 506th Airborne Regiment.

"Not sure, sir, we've been separated." The disgraced Randleman looked around, then replied to Spears.

"Now everything is in chaos, you send two people to find Colonel Winters immediately," Spears said.

"Yes, sir; Ruth! Rhett! Go back there and see if Colonel Winters is there!"Standing at attention and saluting, Landman called two soldiers to search.

Spears went elsewhere.

There were scattered M country airborne troops everywhere. The black torrent was getting closer and closer. Colonel Winters' jeep was hit by shrapnel. There was a breakdown and he had to get out of the car and walk.

Fortunately, Ruth and Red found Winters quickly.

"Whoosh.. boom!"

"Da da da da da da"

Artillery shells continued to fall among the fleeing airborne troops, and automatic rifles were also firing.

The Kyushu Army bit the rearmost airborne troops and quickly killed them.

Four days later, the remnants of the 506th Airborne Regiment finally reunited with the 3rd Armored Division, which came for reinforcements. When they saw the Pershing tank, they felt closer to each other than to their own father.

"Fire!"This is what Major General Maurice Ross ordered to his subordinates through the car phone on his command tank.

Dozens of Pershing tanks fired at the same time.

This round of shelling blocked the momentum of the Kyushu Army's pursuit.

Then the Kyushu Army adjusted its formation. A fierce battle began with the 3rd Armored Division of Country M.

The armors of both sides attacked each other and destroyed some of the other side's tanks.

After five hours of fierce fighting, the Kyushu Army retreated. Ross then led the 3rd Armored Division in pursuit, and his troops defeated Kyushu along the way. The army rushed back to the small town of Saint-Meyer.

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