On October 12, 1950, country M suffered another nuclear attack on its homeland. Before the United Nations counterattack began, their home base was bombed again.

Unlike last time, this time the Truman government blocked the news. The troops on the front line were already very unstable. Once they knew that the mainland was being bombed again, other troubles might arise.

Almost at the same time, Wang Yu temporarily did not plan to carry out a nuclear attack on Chaoxian. As an overseas vassal state of the Great Zhou Empire, although it was now independent and recognized by the United Nations, in Wang Yu's view, this was an act of rebellion. So Wang Yu instructed Wang Qi on October 15 to transfer the 25th Corps in the southeast to North China, and then transfer the 23rd Corps stationed in North China to the Northeast. At the same time, he transferred the 15th Corps stationed in the Northeast and had just completed the replenishment to Chaozhou. Xian put down the rebellion.

The 15th Corps of the Kyushu Army arrived in Chaoxian on November 9, 1950. At this time, the United Nations troops had successfully landed in Chaoxian and received a warm welcome from the Chaoxian army.

Soon, the 181st Division of the 46th Army under the 15th Corps encountered the United Nations Army for the first time in Yunshan. The two sides fought for several days, and the 181st Division of the Kyushu Army was defeated.

November 29, 1950, Seoul, capital of Chaosian, Headquarters of the 8th Army of M Country

"Gentlemen, cheers to the brave young men of our army." Lieutenant General Walton Walker, commander of the 8th Army, toasted with his subordinate officers to celebrate the first victory after entering Chaoxian.

""Bulldog" Walker graduated from West Point Military Academy. After the United States entered World War II, he served as the commander of the 3rd Armored Division of the Army of the United States in 1942, and later as the commander of the 20th Army at the end of 1944. He was a subordinate of General Patton, commander of the 3rd Army; In 1948, Walker was promoted to lieutenant general and succeeded Lieutenant General Eichelberger as commander of the 8th Army. He was stationed in the Asia-Pacific region for a long time.

In reality,"Bulldog" Walker and his old superior General Patton suffered the same fate. He died in a car accident.

Here, would General Walker still have a car accident like in reality? It should be unlikely. After all, the war in Chaoxian was part of the"Great Rout Plan" carefully planned by the Kyushu Army. Life has Sometimes you need to add some seasoning, and the same goes for war, otherwise it would be too boring.

"Cheers." The officers raised their glasses in response.

From 1945 to now, the M country's army has finally won a happy battle. This should not be publicized in newspapers.

"Gentlemen, we defeated the enemy's attack in Yunshan. This will be a key to reversing the war situation in Asia. Country M and even the history of the world will remember us," Walker said excitedly, putting down the goblet. Then the officers present at the meeting Warm applause broke out.

As the good news came from Chaoxian, Taiwan also held a grand victory ceremony and parade to celebrate the victory of this first head-to-head showdown since 1945.

And the major universities in country M The media have reported on the 8th Army's glorious military exploits in Chaoxian, and the government also took the opportunity to issue an announcement saying that the moment of reversal has arrived and the situation will get better and better. As a result, the trust crisis of the Truman government has been somewhat alleviated.

Kyushu Army On the other hand, although the 181st Division lost the battle, no one cared at all. If the Chaoxiang overseas were really so important, the two divisions of the overseas corps would not have been transferred back to the Republic of China, so everyone was in a bad mood. I was happy, but not depressed.

Western Europe, Gaul Bali, December 1, 1950.

The 3rd Army of the M Country and the Free Gallic Army"advanced triumphantly" and finally entered Bali.

But what was presented to them was But it is a ruin, stacked with rotting bones, and swarms of crows pecking at the corpses. The former capital of Gaul and the world's fashion forward capital, Bali has completely lost its life.

Since the United Nations troops landed in Western Europe at the end of October, they What I saw along the way was almost the same scene. The Kyushu Army massacred Gaul when they withdrew from Western Europe. All the decent buildings in Gaul, especially in several big cities such as Ba Li, were blown up. All the treasuries and museums were destroyed. Evacuate and destroy anything that cannot be moved. Be sure not to leave a single franc, a piece of art, or a grain of food in Gaul. If it were not for the hasty retreat, not even a rag would be left in Gaul..At this time, the material and civilization achievements accumulated by Gaul since the Renaissance have been completely uprooted, and it is impossible to rebuild. The most terrible thing is that only a few dozen of the tens of millions of people in Gaul are left at this time. Ten thousand, most of the remaining hundreds of thousands are elderly.

Why was Gaul wiped out in a short period of time? It was because the Kyushu Army used chemical weapons of mass destruction. This kind of weapon was It is absolutely prohibited to use it in the Republic of China. It has been stored in the Far East before. Its killing target is humans.

"devil! God will punish these devils!"A Gallic officer was shocked by the tragic scene in front of him. He lost control of his emotions and raised his head and shouted.

The fellow M soldiers took off their helmets and bowed their heads in silence.

"This is a brutal act that has never been seen in the history of human civilization," said Major General Maurice Ross, commander of the 3rd Armored Division of the US Army. What they saw was only a corner of Ba Li, and they will be even more shocked after a comprehensive search.

In reality , Ross encountered a platoon of German"King Tiger" tanks during a reconnaissance operation at the end of March 1945. He was killed by the German army in a brief battle.

Here he succeeded Walker as the commander of the 3rd Armored Division at the end of 1944, and he remains until now..

The United Nations army searched for three days and nights in Bajia before finding a dying survivor. This 50-year-old Gallic man named Jean Boken was the owner of a bakery. When the M country soldiers found him, he was already dying It was no longer possible. Fortunately, the rescue was in time and I saved my life.

"Sir, can you tell us what exactly happened?"The reporters accompanying the United Nations Army interviewed Jean Boken after his physical condition improved. There were also soldiers from Gaul and Country M watching the scene.

"This is not the world, this is hell. God, come and save us devout believers."Boken's spirit was greatly stimulated, and he kept talking about this sentence

"It seems like I can’t get anything out of the question, this guy has gone crazy," said an M Army Major.

"We must find out what he saw," said the Gallic officer.

So what happened to Mr. Jean Boken? The matter has to start five months ago. In late June 1950, the Kyushu Army occupied In Bajia, Presidential Officer Chi Lian was sitting in the former Bajia Palace building, now her temporary headquarters, with her legs crossed and drinking wine from Bordeaux. Suddenly, a telecommunications officer reported to her that a call from the capital was calling to order the troops. Withdrew from Western Europe and entered Ukraine and Belarus to build a defense line.

After Chi Lian read the telegram, he did not call back to ask why. He immediately ordered the Kyushu Army from all over Gaul to start gathering to prepare for the evacuation.

But before the evacuation, Chi Lian also issued an order to thoroughly Gaul was destroyed, and Gaul's darkest moment came.

Just watch the Kyushu soldiers from all over the country looting property and various works of art in the major cities of Gaul, and directly shooting the Gauls they saw.

In the end, Kyushu The army brought in heavy artillery and tanks to bomb cities or village buildings, and also let the Japanese bombers drop chemical weapons in places that the Kyushu Army could not reach temporarily. In short, all the weapons and equipment they brought were used.

Bali is the capital, but its status as the capital is not only The city was not spared, but was even more completely destroyed. Everything in the city of Gaul, ranging from a public toilet to a commercial building, was blown up one by one. By the time the United Nations troops entered Bajia, the entire city was destroyed. No complete building could be found at all.

The block where the bakery run by Jean Boken was located was cleaned up by a brigade of the 168th Division of the 49th Army under the Japanese"European Expeditionary Force". The Japanese trucks were parked at the street corner. Then they got out of the car with live ammunition and looted and slaughtered each house, and finally blew up the house.

The bakery was also robbed by the Japanese, and all the employees and Boken's family members were killed. The flour and various syrups and other ingredients stored in the store were also destroyed. The Japs put him on a truck and blew up the bakery before leaving.

The owner of the bakery, Boken, was not at the scene at the time. He escaped by chance. When he came back, he found that his home was gone and his people were gone..

In the following months, Boken lived by picking up some scraps from the garbage pile, but his health also deteriorated. In the end, he could only lie in the wreckage of the bakery and wait for death. Fortunately, the United Nations soldiers discovered it in time. Got him.

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