"General MacArthur, this is the first time we have carried out a large-scale air raid on North China. If we send so many aircraft without conducting careful reconnaissance, will there be any unpredictable situation?" Lieutenant General Stratmeyer, Commander of the US Air Force in Asia Said worriedly

"Oh, don’t talk about such unlucky things. There won’t be any unforeseen circumstances. They don’t have an air force. They want to shoot down two thousand of our planes just by relying on anti-aircraft guns. It’s simply a fantasy. You just need to prepare medals and champagne to wait for our bravery. The young men of the Air Force and Navy are returning. I promise it will be a pleasant journey." MacArthur seemed to have forgotten that his troops were beaten and fled in embarrassment a few years ago.

However, considering that this is an important issue for the Kyushu Army in the Republic of China, the M Country The first large-scale strategic air raid on the target, General MacArthur had enough reasons to be optimistic. After all, the Kyushu Army did not have air power. As for the Japanese Japanese, MacArthur, who was holding a corn stalk pipe, did not look down upon it.

"General, I think we should investigate in advance.Avoid unexpected situations," said Admiral Turner Joey, commander of the US Navy in the Asia-Pacific region

"There is absolutely no need for this, we want to achieve the surprise of the air strike! Catch them off guard." MacArthur flatly refused.

Helpless, everyone had no choice but to let MacArthur.

The date of the air raid was set for October 3, 1950. In the early morning of the 3rd, bombers and fighter jets from the US Air Force's airports in the Asia-Pacific took off one after another, and the Navy's aircraft carrier The fighter jets on board also flew away from the aircraft carrier at the designated time.

In addition, the Taiwan Kuomintang Air Force also sent 100 aircraft to participate in the battle.

The fleet will complete the formation over the Taiwan Strait and then fly to the Republic of China theater. In order to avoid premature interception by anti-aircraft artillery, the huge U.S. The Chiang Kai-shek aircraft fleet will go north along the coastline, suddenly turn northwest from Haizhou, Shandong (PS: this place was renamed Lianyungang in reality) and break into North China. The suburbs of the capital. Just after noon on October 3, 1950

""Report, a large number of shadows were found on our military radar screen," a Kyushu Army second lieutenant reported to his commander, a Kyushu Army colonel.

"What?"This Kyushu Army colonel officer, who is also the commander of the air defense artillery regiment, was a little surprised.

"From the southeast, it is approaching North China at an extremely fast speed," the second lieutenant said.

"I know, pay close attention to the movements of this shadow, and report the situation to other troops at the same time," the colonel commander said.

Soon, all the air defense artillery regiments discovered the situation and received war reports.

Old Summer Palace Anton Protectorate temporary shelter

"What? A large shadow approaches the capital?"

"Yes, Vice President, I have informed the neighboring troops."

Wang Qi received the report from the front

"I understand. Pay close attention. As soon as you enter the range, fire immediately." Wang Qi hung up the phone. Then he ordered the telecommunications officer to issue instructions to the air defense artillery regiments, and the capital entered full-scale air defense operations.

The Japanese North China Expedition Army Headquarters also received instructions. When notified, they also entered air defense mode.

The common people on the streets of the capital were also coaxed and frightened by the patrolling Japanese and puppet troops and sent home.

On the other side, the U.S.-Chiang coalition group had already turned to fly to the capital.

"Bill, do you think we will successfully complete the mission this time?" the first officer asked the captain on a B29 bomber in the fleet.

"Of course, Hank, this is the first large-scale air attack on the enemy's core area since the establishment of our air force. Our enemy does not have an air force, so relying on anti-aircraft guns on the ground cannot deal with us." Captain Bill was very confident.

"But the enemy's firepower was so strong that General MacArthur's army was beaten and fled in panic. I had to think more," said First Officer Hank.

"Hank, you have to understand that we are an air force, not an army; and our enemy does not have an air force, which is equivalent to giving us air supremacy. Believe me, Hank, the mission here is much easier than bombing Tokyo," Captain Bill said.

The unit that carried out the air strike on the capital this time was the 20th Air Force of the M country's Asia-Pacific Air Force Command. This unit had previously carried out air strikes on Japanese islands.

"Well Bill, hopefully we can get it done and go back and pop the champagne," Hank said.

"It will definitely happen, God testifies," Bill said.

The huge swarm quickly passed through one city after another, and the target was getting closer.

But suddenly, a huge explosion sounded, and the boundless blue light band spread out in all directions.

"what is that?!"

"Oh God, I can't open my eyes!"

On the plane at the front of the fleet, the crew was startled by the explosion and blinded by the dazzling blue light.

It was about three o'clock in the afternoon on October 3

"Buzz.. Bang bang"


The sound of burning flames and the sound of the fuselage exploding, breaking, and even shattering kept coming.

Planes in the cluster continued to disintegrate and explode, and the fragments fell to the ground.

"Bill! Look! That's Blake's homeland number! It's falling apart!"Hank suddenly pointed out the window and shouted at a plane that was on fire and disintegrated.

His good friend Blake was the captain of another B29 bomber named Fatherland. Before the mission, the brothers got together to drink and gamble, and Hank still lost. I got fifty dollars from my good friend

"No enemy planes were found nearby, how could this happen?"Bill followed Hank's direction and looked.

"captain! Planes were being shot down around us!"The gunner on the left side of the fuselage talked to Bill in the cockpit through the headset intercom.

"What?!"Bill immediately looked out the window on the other side.

What did he see?! Did he see the magic horse?!

It turned out that within the visual range, almost all the spectacular and dense fleets were on fire, they were snapping, and they were disintegrating , they are falling

"What a hell! We are still hundreds of kilometers away from our target. What the hell is going on!"Bill was very helpless.

"boom! boom!"

"WhooshBang bang bang!"

At this time, anti-aircraft artillery shells continued to hit the air, exploding black fireworks in the fleet and matching blue light bands to sweep away the enemy aircraft. The blue light band just now was formed after the"Houyi" anti-aircraft rocket exploded in the air The protective area.

The light belt is mixed with dense and deadly small explosives. Once one of them touches one, it will detonate a large area nearby, and the aircraft will be blown into a sieve and disintegrate and fall. The fleet of the US-Chiang Kai-shek coalition has already entered Entered the range of anti-aircraft rockets. More than 350 of the huge fleet of 2,000 aircraft have been shot down, and this number is still rising.

"captain! Our number four engine was hit!"

"captain! We are falling!"

"Skydive now! parachute!"

This is the situation of each bomber after being hit by explosives in the air defense belt.

What the crew saw through the window were friendly aircraft that were on fire and falling, and there were a large number of parachutes floating in the air.

"Oh God, I saw hell!"Some crew members were even frightened by the red-hot sky and had mental illness, and they kept repeating this sentence.

"Fool! Skydive quickly!"The other crew members yelled at him and asked him to parachute to escape quickly.

Because the plane they were on was already falling.

In the Yikun Palace of the Forbidden City in the capital.

Although it was afternoon, Wang Yu still took an afternoon nap with Jing Salamander.

"Well, what's so noisy?" Wang Yu woke up

"Is something wrong?" Jing Salamander also quickly grabbed a shirt and put it on.

"It's okay, let's go on to sleep." Wang Yu waved his hand and wanted to sleep with the Frightened Salamander in his arms.

"Your Highness, why don't you go out and take a look?" Jing Salamander said.

"Okay, I'll go take a look, you wait for me here." Wang Yu said, and got up to get dressed.

After getting dressed, he went to the square outside.

At this time, there were many maids in the square gathering together in twos and threes. Fireballs were pointing in the sky.

These fireballs were actually planes of the U.S.-Chiang Kailash coalition that exploded and disintegrated in the air. The planes of the U.S.-Chiang Kailash coalition were already in the sky, but they were hit before they had time to drop their bombs, and they were blown into pieces and fell down.

By the evening of October 3, more than 1,600 of the 2,000 U.S.-Chiang Kailash coalition aircraft had been shot down, and thousands of crew members were killed.

""Master" and the maids saw Wang Yu coming out, they quickly bent down to greet him.

""Yeah." Wang Yu nodded, then looked at the sky, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

This air defense operation lasted until seven o'clock in the evening. 2,000 U.S.-Chiang Kai-shek coalition aircraft were shot down, 1,998 of them, and only one fighter each from the M Navy and the Kuomintang Air Force. He flew back to Taiwan with his injuries.

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