After watching outside for a while, Wang Yu went back. Fighting is not as fun as fighting, Wang has to do serious things.

At this time, Jingyu also came out of the inner palace. She was walking towards the door when she saw Wang Yu coming in from the outside.

"Your Highness, what happened outside?"Jing Salamander asked

"It’s okay, people from country M came to cheer for Mr. Chu, but it’s a pity that they came a little late," Wang Yu joked.

"Master Chu?"Jing Salamander wondered

"Hahahaha"Wang Yu smiled and picked up Jing Salamander and went back to the inner palace.

Fight for a few more rounds!

Soon, a rumbling sound came from the inner palace, and the maids who were waiting at the door turned red with embarrassment. The little girls were just teenagers. They had never experienced the pleasure brought by the love between a man and a woman.

On the night of October 3, as the air raid alert was lifted, the Japanese and puppet soldiers took to the streets with flashlights to check the situation.

The searchlights of the air defense artillery regiments of the Kyushu Army in North China are still shining into the night sky, looking for fish that have slipped through the net.

Just look at the densely falling light spots in the sky in the distance. This is the scene of the U.S.-Chiang coalition aircraft disintegrating, exploding and falling under the attack of ground firepower. They are particularly dazzling in the night sky.

"Onboard! Onboard!"

"Tianzhu onboard!"

The Japs were watching this scene from a distance, and they were shouting again. It was really ugly.

In this air raid organized by the US-Chiang Kailash coalition, not a single bomb fell on the capital area, and the bombs carried by these bombers even Even before it could be released from the bomb bay, it was blown up by ground fire and the aircraft was killed together.

This was all due to the huge coverage and killing capabilities of the anti-aircraft rockets. On this basis, supplemented by the blocking fire of other anti-aircraft guns, the United States and Jiang The coalition bombers had nowhere to hide and were shot down in batches.

The Japanese and puppet troops received orders that night to capture the surviving U.S.-Chianglian coalition pilots.

Suddenly, the Japanese and puppet troops in the entire North China area were on the move. Get up.

After several days of manhunts, a total of 230 U.S. and Chiang Kai-shek air force crew members were captured across North China and escorted to the capital. These people were not imprisoned in the"Gongdelin" because their ranks were too low. Instead, they were all imprisoned in the Japanese Military Police. Prison.

While searching for pilots, the Japanese were also recovering the wreckage of U.S.-Chianglian aircraft and various scattered metal materials. This time the U.S.-Chiang coalition lost 1,998 aircraft. Even if the ones that were burned were not counted, a large amount of metal materials must have fallen to the ground..

In the middle of the night on October 3, the two surviving fighter jets of the US-Chiang Kai-shek fleet returned to Taiwan.

"terrible! Oh God! terrible!"The surviving US Navy pilot Parry was dragged out of the scarred aircraft by the ground crew. He was still mumbling. This was a mental illness.

Parry did not return to his mothership." On the aircraft carrier USS Oriskany, he landed at Taoyuan Airport in Taiwan.

On the other side of Hualien Airport, Kuomintang Air Force pilot Chen Huai also landed unsteadily on the runway, and almost overran the runway and caused an accident.

Chen Huai was The ground staff helped him get off the plane. He said nothing and was in a daze. He was obviously stimulated.

"That night he only repeated one sentence,"This is mental illness." After the military doctor looked at Parry, he observed him for several hours and made a conclusion in the morning.

Unfortunately, Parry suffered from severe mental illness and needed long-term treatment.

"Why? What happened? Where did the other planes go?" Lieutenant General Curtis Lime, Chief of Staff of the US Air Force in Asia-Pacific asked

"I don't know." The military doctor shook his head.

"Oh hell!"Li Mei slapped the desk angrily.

"General, I have some unfortunate news to report," a communications officer approached Rime

"Say it," Rimei said.

"All our planes were shot down, only two fighters survived, and the other survivor was a ROC pilot," the communications officer said

"What?!"Rimei was shocked when he heard this.

Including MacArthur, the senior officials of the United Nations Forces in Asia and the Pacific waited anxiously all night before learning the news.

Moreover, the news was revealed by the Kuomintang agent"Kite" who was lurking in the capital, that is, a woman from a newspaper. Reporter Liu Jinyu sent it.

Jiang already knew it, and now all the top UN military officials in Taiwan already know it.

Some rumors have even reached the ears of pilots who did not carry out this mission.

"2,000 planes! That's 2,000 planes! Damn it! What's going on here! What happened to this world!"After a moment of silence, Rimei yelled. He felt that his outlook on life was completely ruined.

Whether it was an air strike against Germany or an air attack on a Japanese island, the air power of M country had never suffered such a big loss.

After hearing Rimei's roar, the communications officer also He lowered his head speechlessly.

In the conference room of the Allied Forces Headquarters in Taipei, MacArthur was silent with a corn stalk pipe in his mouth.

A group of senior navy and air force generals were also sitting, but no one spoke.

"General MacArthur, our strategic air strikes have suffered an unprecedented failure. If the news spreads back to the country and is known by the people, not only us, but also the government will be in big trouble." Finally, Turner Joey, commander of the M country's navy in the Asia-Pacific, broke fell silent

"Can any of you tell me why this happens?"MacArthur finally spoke.

"I once suggested sending planes to reconnoiter the enemy before the operation started, but General you refused at the time."Stratmeyer, commander of the U.S. Air Force in Asia-Pacific, said

"We must stop this senseless air raid immediately. The huge losses in this air raid are enough to cause the pilots below to mutiny. No one wants to go there to die," Turner Joey said. MacArthur could only cover his head and agree. According to Joey, this air strike destroyed most of the air power of Country M in the Asia-Pacific region. Such a huge loss also prevented the M Army from launching a decent strategic air strike again.

White House Conference Room in Washington, the capital of Country M.

A confidential message Put it on Truman's desk

"Gentlemen, take a look." Truman frustratedly handed the secret message to the government and military officials attending the meeting for review. Apparently Truman himself had already read it.

"God! this.. how so!"After reading it, General Vandenberg, Chief of Staff of the Air Force of the country M, was incredulous about the contents of the secret message.

"Gentlemen, Doug's air raid on the core of enemy-occupied areas has suffered a huge failure, and we must find a way to deal with the possible adverse public opinion," Truman said

"Only by blocking the news can we avoid being impacted and questioned by the public," Secretary of State Fox said.

"But paper cannot contain fire, and this matter will be exposed sooner or later; and in this operation, the Navy also suffered a lot of losses, and I think MacArthur must be held accountable," said Navy Secretary Forrest. In fact, the Navy suffered heavy losses Far smaller than the Air Force, the Navy sends fewer aircraft. Forrest said this just to gain some benefits for the Navy.

"Our air force in Asia has almost been paralyzed, and it is all MacArthur's responsibility! It must be pursued!"Following Forrest's words, Vandenberg also wanted to hold MacArthur accountable.

"The issue of accountability can be discussed later. The key is how to win the battle as soon as possible to dilute the pessimistic atmosphere," said General Marshall, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

"Well, we are temporarily blocking the news; George, you must instruct Ike as soon as possible or Doug in Asia to organize a successful counterattack," Truman said.

Ike refers to General Eisenhower, the commander-in-chief of the United Nations forces in Europe, and his headquarters Now in London, Britain, the main force of the European United Nations Army is also stationed in Britain.

"Okay, I'll tell them via secret message right after the meeting." Marshall nodded.

"You'd better go to London and Taiwan as soon as possible and talk to them face to face about this matter," Truman said

"I will leave for London tomorrow," Marshall said.

It seems that the situation has become very urgent.

Returning to Taiwan, the news that the air strike failed and almost the entire army was wiped out also spread quietly in various air force bases, and the pilots of the US Air Force gathered stood up and launched a protest.

Army soldiers received the order and rushed to stop the pilots

"Douglas is the murderer!"

"Douglas betrayed Country M!"

"Douglas betrayed the Air Force!"

The angry pilots in various air force bases shouted and cursed. They believed that they had been betrayed. Many of the pilots' good buddies were involved in this air raid. These pilots who did not participate in the mission were not only for the sake of the victims, but also Dude, it’s also for your own life.

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