In early September 1950, Pei Nanwei was pregnant. Wang Yu was so proud and excited when he learned the news.

He held Pei Nanwei in circles in the bedroom

"You take good care of the baby, and then give me a big fat boy." Wang Yu carefully placed Pei Nanwei on the bed, while stroking her flat belly, he said with a smile.

"I will do my best," Pei Nanwei responded gently.

Then Wang Yu ordered the female officials and maids to serve Concubine Pei well, and he himself went to Jing Salad's palace.

Jing Salad currently lives in Yikun Palace, which is the former Qing Dynasty imperial concubine or concubine. The residence of the imperial concubine, Jing Salamander has been arranged to live here in recent years, and Ayan also lives here, but before Pei Nanwei came, her mother and daughter often stayed at Qianqing Palace. After

Pei Nanwei came, her mother and daughter He lives in Yikun Palace.

Because Ayan hit his younger brother and scolded his little mother, Wang Yu called Mo Yuqilin and Shao Siming through the voice transmission and escorted him back to Luoyi Taishi Mansion and gave him to Da Siming for strict supervision. Ayan was locked up and reflected on

"Jing Salamander, why are you so depressed?" Wang Yu hugged Wang Pu, who was more than one year old, and said to Jing Salamander.

"It's nothing," said the Jing Salamander

"I know you hate me in your heart." Wang Yu handed his son to the maid and said

"No." Jingyu denied, but his body was honest and he turned away without looking at Wang Yu.

"I was also furious at that time and didn't want Ayan's life." Wang Yu said while holding Jing Salamander's shoulders.

"You ignored the father-daughter relationship with Ayan and beat her seriously. The blood soaked her clothes. You were too cruel," said Jingyu.

"It's my fault, it's just that Ayan attacked Gan'er for no reason and publicly humiliated Concubine Pei several times. It's always her fault, right?" Wang Yu said

"You can send Ayan directly back to Luoyi, or leave it to me to deal with it," Jing Salamander said.

"Yes, yes, please stop being sulky, okay?" Wang Yu coaxed Frightened Salamander

"Don't worry, Ayan is still my daughter. I will tell Da Siming to let her go later," Wang Yu said again. Jing Salamander nodded after hearing this.

Returning to Yongshou Palace, this was also the residence of the former Qing Dynasty noble concubine. , Pei Nanwei was arranged to live here after she arrived, but she would go to Qianqing Palace to serve Wang Yu most of the time, so she did not live here for a long time. Now that she is pregnant, she can only return here to raise her baby.

Pei Nanwei's three sons also live with their mother in Yongshou Palace.

"My son, please pay your respects to your mother and concubine." Wang Qian came from outside to pay his respects to his mother.

"Sit down." Pei Nanwei nodded and signaled.

""Yes." Wang Jian found a seat and sat down.

"How are your legs?" Pei Nanwei asked

"He has recovered a long time ago." Wang Qian still has lingering fears when he thinks about the scene at that time.

"That's good, your half-sister is so vicious and cruel, I will never spare her. It's just that your father was soft-hearted and couldn't beat her to death last time, otherwise he could relieve his anger," Pei Nanwei said

""Um, no, no, no, mother said something harsh, I don't blame the second sister for this." After Wang Jian heard this, he was so frightened that he quickly shook his head and waved his hands.

"you.. Why"Pei Nanwei could only sigh helplessly when he saw that his eldest son was so useless. But now she hates Ayan and wants Ayan to die.

On the evening of September 19, the third year of Chong'an in the Great Zhou Empire (AD 1950), Wang Yu was invited to attend the wedding of Chu Bufan and Ying Yuxi.

"His Royal Highness the Regent, I am extremely grateful." Wang Yu arrived and Chu Bufan respectfully came out to greet him.

"Excuse me, you are my veteran minister of Zhuguo. You have been loyal and loyal for many years. I should come here both in public and private matters." Wang Yu said

"Regent, please come in." Chu Bufan respectfully greeted Wang Yu as he entered the palace.

Entering the palace

"When will those two get married?"Wang Yu then whispered to Chu Bufan

"Well, the earliest is the end of the year, and the latest is next year." Chu Bufan responded in a low voice.

"Don't forget to tell me when the time comes," Wang Yu said

""Yes." Chu Bufan responded.

This wedding was hosted by Wang Qilai. It is relatively rare for a student to host a teacher's wedding.

"I thought about it and thought I should marry a daughter to you." After the short ceremony, Wang Yu whispered to Chu Bufan

"Your Highness must not do it, I am so vulgar, I really don’t dare to taint your noble daughter." Chu Bufan was so frightened that he quickly refused. At the same time, he also looked at Ying Yuxi who was talking to a group of female relatives not far away.

Wang Yu wanted to marry his daughter to Chu It's an extraordinary thing. The latter decided to rot in his stomach. Even if he kills him, he can't reveal even a single word, otherwise he may cause unnecessary trouble.

"Do you really not want to be my son-in-law?"Wang Yu asked

"It's not sweet to be strong, and I think your noble daughter will also look down on people like me," Chu Bufan said.

"snort! Excuse!"Wang Yu obviously didn't buy it. He felt that Chu Bufan disliked his precious daughter.

"No, no, no, it’s all my words from the bottom of my heart." Chu Bufan immediately denied it.

Not to mention Chu Bufan’s original idea of ​​"never forgetting his original intention" and planning to marry a female star. Even if he didn’t have this idea, he would not be willing to marry Wang Yu. After all, it is no secret that Wang Yu loves and dotes on his daughter. If Chu Bufan marries Wang Yu's daughter and has problems in daily interactions, I am afraid it will cause even greater trouble.

"Well, I hope you are telling the truth," Wang Yu said

"I dare to swear to God," Chu Bufan promised

"There is a god in your head, don't swear easily, you have to keep it." Wang Yu stopped Chu Bufan.

""Yes, thank you to the regent for your consideration." Chu Bufan thanked him. After sitting for a while, Wang Yu said that he had to leave beforehand.

The wedding lasted until about 11 o'clock in the evening.

At about 9 o'clock the next morning, Chu Bufan and Ying Yuxi were not awake yet.

Suddenly, the maid knocked on the door and said that someone had conveyed the regent's decree.

Mr. Chu was just lifted out of bed.

Wang Yu sent a female officer to deliver the reward, including a thousand gold bars (small yellow croakers) , two hundred thousand silver dollars, fifty palm-sized diamonds and a large number of other jewelry and property.

Why give silver dollars? Because Chu Bufan will live in the war zone of the Republic of China for a long time in the future, so this silver dollar will be of great use.

At present, Wang Yu does not He planned to abolish the currency of the Republic of China, but he was prepared to abolish the"Constitution of the Republic of China" and other laws and regulations of the Republic of China, and then replace these laws and regulations of the Republic of China with"Zhou Law"

"I would like to thank the Regent for the reward." After hearing the edict read out by the female officer, Chu Bufan quickly knelt down to thank him.

"Mr. Chu, please excuse me and I will leave." The female officer handed the edict to Chu Bufan and prepared to go back to resume her duties.

"Wait, this is not respectful, please accept it with a smile." Chu Bufan stopped the female officer, then grabbed a few gold bars and stuffed them into her hands.

"this.. My servant, thank you Master Chu for the reward." The female officer hesitated for a moment, then thanked her with a smile, and then went back to resume her life.

After the female officer left,

"Husband, what's the matter? I woke you up so early in the morning." At this time, Ying Yuxi also put on her clothes, yawned, and came out of the back bedroom.

"It’s nothing, the regent gave me something." Chu Bufan looked at the dozens or hundreds of large wooden boxes from the palace to the square outside, and said to his newlywed wife.

"oh? Let me see." Upon hearing that there was a reward, Ying Yuxi immediately woke up from her nap.

"Is this a diamond?"Opening a box at random, Ying Yuxi took out a diamond bigger than her hand and asked

"Yes, the regent never deceives people with fake goods." Chu Bufan nodded and smiled.

"It’s so heavy. Such a big diamond would cost tens of millions." Ying Yuxi said as she weighed the heavy diamond.

"Haha, these things are all yours." Chu Bufan pointed at these big boxes and smiled.

"real?"Ying Yu asked

"Really, my wife is in charge of the money, hahaha," Chu Bufan said with a smile.

"Well, that's pretty much it," Ying Yuxi said.

In the Palace of Qianqing

""Father" Laoba Wangduo arrived in the capital a few days ago. He came back specially to attend the wedding of his teacher Chu Bufan, and he also happened to report some military information to his father.

""Sit down," Wang Yu motioned.

""Yes" Wang Duo sat down

"How is the situation over there?" Wang Yu asked

"Everything is normal, the next round of bombing of country M will begin soon, and I have set the time for October 12th," Wang Duo said

"Very good, be ruthless, I hope more people from M country will die," Wang Yu said

"Yes, I obey," Wang Duo responded.

"Okay, if you think Lop Nur is too desolate, you can tell me and I will transfer you back to the capital." Wang Yu nodded and said

"No, no, it is the duty of a son to share his father's worries." Wang Duo immediately denied it, and then expressed his loyalty.

"Well, go down." Wang Yu waved his son away.

""Yes, please resign." Wang Duo resigned.

September 26, 1950, Taiwan, United Nations Asia-Pacific Regional Headquarters.

Commander-in-Chief General MacArthur was planning a war between the US Air Force and the Taiwan Kuomintang Air Force stationed in the Asia-Pacific region. A large-scale joint air attack on the capital.

This time it is planned to dispatch 800 bombers and 1,200 fighter jets (including naval aircraft carrier-based aircraft).

At this time, the M country has 3,150 air force aircraft of various types in the Asia-Pacific region, including 1,100 bombers ( PS: The models are mainly B17 and B29 and a small number of B50 bombers)

1,550 fighter jets (PS: The models are mainly F80"Meteor", F84"Thunderjet" and F86"Saber" jet fighters and a small number of P51"Mustang" propeller-driven fighters)

The Navy has 75 large and small aircraft carriers, including 20 Essex-class aircraft carriers, 1 Midway-class aircraft carrier, 5 Independence-class light aircraft carriers, 1 Saipan-class light aircraft carrier, and the remaining Borg-class, Casablanca-class and Comang-class aircraft carriers. There are a total of 48 Smart Bay-class escort aircraft carriers.

The Navy's aircraft carriers have a total of 2,860 carrier-based aircraft (PS: The models are mainly F4U"Pirate" carrier-based fighter jets, AD1"Air Raider" attack aircraft and a very small number of F2"Banshee" fighter)

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