On August 26, the second year of Chong'an in the Great Zhou Empire (AD 1949), the 3rd Army under the 1st Group Army of the M Country, led by its commander, Lieutenant General Fan Fleet, and the Kuomintang's newly formed 6th Army, 11th Army, The 52nd Army and the 62nd Army, totaling 200,000 men, began to counterattack Zhangzhou under the cover of a large number of aircraft and fierce naval gunfire.

The counterattack force of the US-Chiang Kailash coalition was murderous, with Van Fleet as the commander-in-chief, vowing to recapture Zhangzhou.

At this time, there were two armies, the 72nd and 73rd, under the 18th Corps of the Kyushu Army in Zhangzhou City. The other Kyushu Army troops were either scattered in the suburbs of Zhangzhou or went to attack Xiamen.

The 72nd and 73rd armies originally had 250,000 troops. However, after a series of previous battles, both armies were severely attrited. The four divisions of the 72nd army combined only had more than 70,000 troops, and the four divisions of the 73rd army combined had only 50,000 troops. Multiple people. This shows the power of M country’s warships and aircraft.

The total number of attrition of these two armies reached more than 100,000.

In addition to the Kyushu Army, there is also the 2nd Containment and Training Office in Zhangzhou City.

This 2nd Containment and Training Office was adapted from the former New 7th Army of the Kuomintang. It has about 18,000 people. Like the 1st Containment and Training Office which was adapted from the New 3rd Army, they are only responsible for cleaning the battlefield, evacuating the wounded and sheltering surrenders. Or the captured Kuomintang officers and soldiers and government officials did not participate in the front-line battle.

In order to distinguish the personnel of the Containment and Training Office from other Kuomintang or M country troops, they all tied white or red strips of cloth on the collars of their military uniforms.

At this time, the Kuomintang army had already changed into a new type of military uniform, namely the Type 46 military uniform. This type of military uniform can be seen in many movies, TV series and old photos, and the soldiers also wore American M1 steel helmets.

At this time, the Jiuzhou Army in Zhangzhou City was inferior to the incoming U.S.-Chiang Kailash Allied Forces in terms of numbers and firepower. The only advantage was that the U.S.-Chiang Kailash Allied Forces could not obtain support from follow-up troops, because fierce fighting broke out in coastal cities in Fujian such as Quanzhou and Xiamen. During the battle, the Kyushu Army was or had already captured these places. The U.S.-Chiang Kailash coalition was unable to mobilize more troops to reinforce the Zhangzhou operation in a short period of time. The 200,000 troops who counterattacked Zhangzhou were pieced together by demolishing the east wall and patching up the west wall.

Therefore, once the counterattack fails, the main force of the U.S.-Chiang coalition will definitely be driven overseas again.

At 8:30 a.m. on the 26th, the 2nd Division of the 52nd Army of the Kuomintang, after preparing its own firepower, began to attack the 338th Division of the 72nd Army of the Kyushu Army from the southwest. The division's personnel were relatively intact and heavy equipment was not lost. big.

Obviously, the 2nd Division of the Kuomintang could not defeat the 338th Division of the Kyushu Army in the frontal attack. However, General Van Fleet gave the Kuomintang offensive force considerable fire support.

In just one hour, thousands of various artillery shells hit the Kyushu Army's position, many of which were naval gun shells from warships.

The 1013th Regiment of the 338th Division was at the forefront and quickly returned to its designated position after the bombardment.

""Fight." Following the order from the leader of the regiment, various firearms began to rain down bullets on the incoming Kuomintang troops.

"Da da da da da da"


This is the automatic rifle and 13.2 mm rotary machine gun of the Kyushu Army shooting.

A dense barrage of bullets was thrown at the Kuomintang troops, immediately beating the first few rows of Kuomintang soldiers to a bloody pulp. The Kuomintang soldiers behind them lay on the ground and crawled forward slowly.

At this time, the Kuomintang correspondents accompanying the offensive team began to contact the rear artillery positions to request artillery support.

In less than a minute, the Kuomintang Army's 105mm howitzers in the rear artillery positions began to bombard the Kyushu Army's firepower points.

"With a bang, a shell hit the 13.2mm rotary machine gun position, flying the rotary machine gun on the spot, killing the machine gun team members and some nearby soldiers.

However, the Kuomintang army also exposed its guns while firing. The location of their artillery positions.

The 150mm cannons of the Kyushu Army hidden in the ruins of the city's buildings immediately fired back, quickly destroying the artillery positions of the 52nd Army of the Kuomintang, blowing up several 105mm howitzers, and killing dozens of Kuomintang gunners. People.

The 52nd Army of the Kuomintang is an elite force. It was reorganized in Australia after being driven out of the Republic of China with Chiang Kai-shek in 1945, and then expanded again by sea to Taiwan. It has jurisdiction over the 2nd Division, 25th Division and 296th Division. The army has 35,000 troops.

The commander of the army, Lieutenant General Liu Yuzhang, is also a"ruthless character". This time he participated in the counterattack of Zhangzhou with the M army. Liu Yuzhang did not join Van Fleet at the rear headquarters, but followed his own troops. On the outskirts of Zhangzhou City, he commanded the troops to fight nearby.

His own artillery positions were destroyed, which made Liu Yuzhang very angry. He ordered the troops to destroy the enemies in front of them at all costs.

Return to the forward position.

At this time, the Kuomintang 2nd Division was advancing slowly under a hail of bullets. Someone would be killed at every step forward.

Despite this, the 2nd Division still approached the Kyushu Army's position.

The two sides started shooting at a distance of ten to tens of meters in front of the position, and people continued to be hit by bullets and fell to the ground.

This kind of anxiety The state lasted for several hours, and by 12 noon, the Kuomintang army retreated.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of M country aircraft began to bomb the positions of the 338th Division of the Kyushu Army in an attempt to severely damage or eliminate the opponent in this way.

After several hours of bombing by M country aircraft Under the bombing, the position of the 338th Division had been changed beyond recognition, and the personnel had suffered heavy casualties. However, the position was still in the hands of the 338th Division. After the bombing, the Kuomintang troops attacked again. The two sides fought fiercely until 9 o'clock that night, and the Kuomintang army retreated again.

8 On August 27, unfavorable news came. The U.S.-Chiang coalition forces in Zhejiang were driven out of the sea, and the 25th Corps of the Kyushu Army was rushing to Fujian.

At the same time, Xiamen was also captured by the Kyushu Army, and the troops were transferred to Zhangzhou to assist in the war.

By August On the 30th, only Quanzhou, Fujian Province was still resisting by the US-Chiang Kailash coalition forces on the southeast coast. Zhangzhou's counterattack came to a standstill again, and the situation became increasingly unfavorable for them. On September 2, 1949, the

Kyushu Army Corps from Xiamen The 69th Army of the 17th Corps and the personnel of the 1st Containment and Training Office appeared south of Zhangzhou, threatening the left side of the U.S.-Chianglian coalition.

Van Fleet quickly mobilized his 1st Cavalry Division to strengthen the defense line. At the same time, he ordered to step up the attack on Zhangzhou.

September 5 On August 1, Quanzhou was captured by the Kyushu Army. The local U.S.-Chiang Kailash coalition was unable to escape due to insufficient ships. Most of them were wiped out, and a small group fled into Zhangzhou. The

25th Corps of the Kyushu Army took advantage of the situation and invaded Zhangzhou, greatly reinforcing our own troops in the city.

The war ended on September 12, and Van Fleet had no choice but to order the troops to board ships and evacuate, and the plan to counterattack Zhangzhou was completely ruined. At this point, the main force of the US-Chiang coalition was once again driven overseas and became lonely ghosts. In the Republic of China, except for Shanxi Kuomintang Yan In addition to the Xishan troops, they once again fell into a situation where there was no major formation of the Kuomintang army. On

September 28, 1949, the capital prepared to mobilize five or six divisions of the Kyushu Army to enter Shanxi to launch an operation aimed at annihilating Yan Xishan's troops in Shanxi.

Starting from the second half of the year, some provinces and regions in the Republic of China began to experience a significant reduction in grain production or even no harvest, and a grain shortage was imminent.

After defeating the U.S.-Chiang coalition forces, the troops participating in the war were temporarily stationed in Zhejiang and Fujian to rest and recuperate.

"The"Partial Offensive in the Second Year of Chong'an" annihilated and reorganized 522,000 U.S.-Chiang coalition forces, sank one M country and one Kuomintang naval escort destroyer each, shot down 12 M country aircraft, and shot down 26 Kuomintang air force aircraft. The

Kyushu Army lost nearly 1,000 troops. 200,000 people, 67 tanks, 121 armored vehicles, and 512 artillery pieces of various types. Most of these personnel and equipment were lost in Zhangzhou, Fujian

"Niang Xipi! You are incompetent! Let the Zhou devils take away all the four provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang that I have worked so hard to manage. When will the party-state be restored in the long run?"In Taipei, Chiang cursed the national army generals who participated in the war at the post-war summary meeting.

The generals present bowed their heads and remained silent.

""Liu Yuzhang" named by someone Jiang

""Arrived" Liu Yuzhang stood up

"In Zhangzhou, the allies of country M have given you the greatest support, why can't you break through the defense line of the Zhou devils?" Jiang asked Liu Yuzhang

"Chairman, the Japanese Japs are outnumbered and their firepower is no less than that of allies of Country M. The three divisions of our 52nd Army attacked day and night, and finally suffered heavy casualties and lost their combat effectiveness," Liu Yuzhang said

"The 52nd Army was the elite of the party-state, and you ruined it!"Jiang cursed.

Liu Yuzhang lowered his head and remained silent. In Zhangzhou and subsequent battles, the National Army's 52nd Army was violently attacked by the Kyushu Army. After the three divisions withdrew to Taiwan, there were only less than 3,000 people left, and they were completely lost. Similar to the

52nd Army, the National Army's 11th Army and 62nd Army also suffered a devastating blow. The two armies totaled more than 60,000 people. After withdrawing to Taiwan, there were less than 15,000 people left. The situation of the newly formed 6th Army Quite different. This unit did not participate in the battle at Zhangzhou, and boarded the ship earlier during the retreat, so it completely withdrew to Taiwan.

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