Jiang lost his temper at the meeting, and then urged all troops to reorganize and prepare for another counterattack.

After the meeting, Jiang returned to the room and sat on the sofa, holding his eyebrows with his right hand and closing his eyes to relax.

It was originally expected that the defense lines built in the four provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang would help the national army gain a firm foothold and develop inland. As a result, the Kyushu Army assembled heavy troops and wiped out the national troops in the four provinces.

The most abominable thing is that the New 3rd Army and the New 7th Army actually rebelled on the battlefield. It seems that they can no longer capture young men in Fujian.

The mutiny of the two armies also made Jiang feel vaguely uneasy. It seemed that he could only rely on Taiwan to fight against the Kyushu Army. At this time, Taiwan had a population of less than 10 million. Even if he"draws one out of five" to capture Ding, There were only less than two million troops, which was not enough to fight against the Kyushu Army, even if Jiang had the help of his friends from country M at this time.

So are people in M ​​country living a good life now? No. The M army was repeatedly defeated on the battlefields of the Republic of China, and now it was driven into the sea again. The morale of the troops was very low, many soldiers suffered from mental illness, and war weariness was spreading rapidly.

These situations slapped Truman firmly in the face. In addition, the news of the demise of the Goose Country has spread throughout the world. Many countries, especially those that are closer to the Goose Country, have fallen into chaos.

All these things have even blinded the Truman administration of Country M. Recently, there is news that the Kyushu Army from the Far East is entering Poland and Germany in large numbers with the intention of attacking Western Europe.

If this is really the case, war will definitely reignite in Europe, which will be very detrimental to the Allies.

Nowadays, the surviving people from various countries in Eastern Europe are fleeing to Western Europe in an attempt to escape the fate of being slaughtered. These gangsters from the once aloof Goose Country are now what they are today. It is really a good reincarnation.

The various units of the Kyushu Army in the European continent have received orders to kill anyone who is a member of the Goose Kingdom or a slave country, including men, women, and children.

But the Kyushu Army would not do such dirty work easily. At this time, the role of hunting dogs came to the fore, and the hundreds of thousands of Japanese who cooperated in the battle came in handy.

Chi Lian has ordered that all Eastern European countries captured by the Kyushu Army can be looted by Japanese soldiers, and it is best to kill people and gain goods. This greatly aroused the bestiality of the devils, and for a while Eastern Europe became a hell on earth, with devils killing people and setting fires everywhere.

Isn't there anyone organized to resist this atrocity? Really not, because these arrogant Eastern Europeans can only bully those who are weaker than them. If they encounter a tough situation, they will be scared to shit and start talking about civilization. So when the devils come to slaughter them, they can be regarded as"defeating magic with magic.".

Among the countries in Eastern Europe that have perished, the organized armies no longer exist. They were either wiped out in battles, captured and killed, or fled directly to Western Europe to join the refugee ranks. In short, after the Goose Kingdom was gone, its"little brothers" Naturally, the birds and beasts disperse.

Nowadays, only Poland is still strong, but there are frequent coups in Poland. Faced with the Kyushu Army pressing the border, the Poles did not make any resistance and simply turned around and ran away. Poland's destruction again is just around the corner.

Chaos also occurred in the East Prussia area adjacent to Poland, but it was already German territory. The new German government did not panic. They sent envoys to request negotiations, hoping that the Kyushu Army would not harm their country.

After all, Germany was once an ally of the Kyushu Army, so the new German government felt that it could use this relationship to ensure the integrity of the country's territorial sovereignty and that its citizens would not be killed.

The Kyushu Army really gave Germany this face, promising that it would only transit to Gaul and would never cause any bloodshed in Germany. However, Germany promised not to provide any help to the Allies when the Kyushu Army attacked Gaul. At the same time, it is also necessary to prevent the remaining militants from the Goose Kingdom or other Eastern European countries who have slipped through the net from launching attacks when the Kyushu Army transits the border.

The German side agreed to the Kyushu Army's request, and that was it.

The Kyushu Army swept through Europe like a death storm. When this war passes, the achievements of the three hundred years of the Industrial Revolution will be completely ruined with the emptying of Eastern Europe, and the Western world may return to the darkness before the Renaissance. era.

Some people say that this is too exaggerated. In fact, as long as the resources are exhausted, industrialization is all nonsense. Wang Yu is just to exhaust the resources of the Western world. He plans to fight a protracted war. The longer and more tragic the better, In the never-ending bloody war, Country M and the European countries simply cannot afford it.

In reality, the Yuenan War for ten years is enough to destabilize the internal political situation of country M. So what will happen to the Western world if a larger world war lasts for fifty years, a hundred years or even longer?

Unite? That's great. Mr. Wang from the province went to look for them one by one. They quickly threw themselves into the flesh and blood grinding mill of the Republic of China. Mr. Wang was already preparing to start the banquet.

Although the war in the Republic of China will continue to be fought and stopped, the armistice area will be further compressed and the armistice period will become shorter and shorter. The"Xiangying-Chong'an Armistice Period" that just passed was purely accidental. If Zhou Tianzijian had not died and the armistice had not been necessary, Wang would have launched some offensive operations in 1948.

Before Wang Yu left, he told Chu Bufan and others to launch a propaganda offensive. The main purpose was that if the people of the Republic of China wanted to live and work in peace and contentment away from the war, they could only become people of the Great Zhou Empire.

Now the land in the Far East is being transformed. It will be the new home of the people of the Republic of China. All people who are willing to become the overseas territories of the Great Zhou Empire will completely bid farewell to the past situation of not having enough to eat.

Come to October 2, 1949, in the capital of the Republic of China.

In the name of the Vice President, Chu Bufan mobilized the entire 80th Army of the Xuzhou Corps and the 374th and 375th Divisions of the 81st Army, a total of 6 divisions with a total of 200,000 people, to enter Shanxi to fight. Lieutenant General Sun He, commander of the 80th Army, served as the commander-in-chief of this battle. command.

At the same time, the"Long Claw" rail gun on a certain branch of the Beijing-Tianjin Railway has locked onto Taiyuan City and Zhongtiao Mountain.

The Jiuzhou Army that attacked Shanxi marched northwest and entered Taiyuan City via Zhongtiao Mountain.

There is a high probability that Zhongtiao Mountain will be guarded by Yan Xishan's troops or the Eighth Route Army, so this is the purpose of the"Long Claw" rail gun. The huge lethality of its 270mm mountain-drilling shells is enough to destroy any fortifications on Zhongtiao Mountain and ambushes within it. If the bombardment lasts long enough and enough railguns are deployed, it is not impossible to completely wipe out the entire Zhongtiao Mountain from the ground.

A total of 26"Long Claw" rail guns were invested in this long-range bombardment. Currently, the Kyushu Army has a total of 66 rail guns in the territory of the Republic of China.

Among them, 26 270 mm caliber"Long Claw" rail guns are all located in North China. 30 of the other 40 240 mm caliber rail guns are deployed on the railway branch lines deep in the Yangtze River defense line. The last 10 are deployed in permanent fortifications in the Northeast region. They participated in the Far East campaign a few years ago.

Because the distance of this shelling is too far, more than 200 kilometers, the accuracy is not easy to guarantee. In addition, the shells used by the"Long Claw" rail gun have a killing radius of eight kilometers, so the Kyushu Army attacking Shanxi must fight with Zhongtiao Mountain Keep a certain distance and coordinate the bombardment time with the capital, so as to avoid being accidentally injured by the long-range bombardment of the rail gun.

Xuzhou is nearly 800 kilometers away from Shanxi, so it will take a long time for the Jiuzhou Army's offensive troops to reach Shanxi. In order to prevent chaos, the attack time is temporarily set in late January of the third year of Chong'an (1950 AD). The specific date depends on The speed of the attacking force and the status of the officers and soldiers.

Just when the Jiuzhou Army in the Republic of China was preparing to launch an offensive, where did Wang Yu go?

It turned out that after deploying the"Local Attack Operation in Chong'an Year 2", this guy explained the future affairs and went to the Old Goose Kingdom to transform the land on the territory of Asia. By mid-October 1949, all the land transformation was completed. After that, Wang Yu then returned to the land of Kyushu and all nations.

He now still has"a small goal" that he urgently needs to advance as soon as possible, so Wang Yu decided to bring the"key figures" to the Republic of China for"use" nearby. This can not only enrich his spare time life, but also avoid running back and forth and wasting time. It really kills two birds with one stone. good idea.

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