Because the number of"package" tanks was not enough, they were never put into battle. It will take some time for the Kyushu Army to fully replace its"bao" tanks. Perhaps this tank will fall behind again before the full replacement. No one can say for sure about the upgrading of military equipment.

Although the Jiuzhou Army fighting in the Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas uses"Mogai" tanks, it can still compete with the Pershing tanks of the M country, but it does not have much advantage. But if it faces the Kuomintang equipment, Sherman tanks,"Mogai" tanks have absolute performance advantages, and destroying Sherman tanks is easy.

The tanks of the Kuomintang army in Jiangsu and Zhejiang are all Sherman tanks or M5a1 Stuart tanks. These two tanks were eliminated by the M country and are treasures for the Kuomintang army that lacks armor strength.

More than 400 of the 800 tanks currently entrenched in the Jiangsu-Zhejiang region are Sherman and Stuart tanks of the Kuomintang army.

Among the more than 300 other M-country tanks, there are only 100 Pershing tanks. Most of the others are M24 Jiafei tanks or M36 tank destroyers. These Jiafei tanks or tank destroyers are not a concern at all.

The camera then turned to the battlefield in Jiangxi. The 26th Corps and the 17th Corps of the Kyushu Army launched a full-scale attack on the Kuomintang troops in Jiangxi. There were gunfire everywhere, so that the Kuomintang troops were passively beaten everywhere, even if they had their own side or the M country. Air support from aircraft.

The Kuomintang has three armies with more than 80,000 people in total in Jiangxi. There are no ground troops from Country M. The main force of Country M's army, 300,000 people, is all stationed in the coastal areas of Zhejiang and Fujian.

The 417th Division and the 410th Division of the 26th Corps of the Kyushu Army attacked the Kuomintang Army's reorganized 46th Division from the west and north. They have annihilated more than one battalion of the division and are stepping up their attacks on other units of the division.

In addition, the 69th Army of the 17th Army of the Kyushu Army came from the south and surrounded the newly formed 3rd Army of the National Army. The New Third Army was a force formed by recruiting soldiers in the Fujian region. Although the 27,000-strong army were all equipped with fine weapons, their fighting will was very weak, and the soldiers were not willing to sacrifice their lives for the Kuomintang Chang Kaishen.

As a result, the largest battlefield mutiny since the war began occurred. The soldiers of the New 3rd Army captured their commander and waved a white flag on the spot to surrender to the Kyushu Army.

This sudden change caught the 69th Army of the 17th Corps by surprise, but the 69th Army still accepted the surrender of these national troops and gave them good treatment. The captured national army officers, including the commander of the New 3rd Army, were all taken into custody. Send it to the South China Corps Headquarters in Guangzhou and then report it to the capital for further processing.

The 27,000-strong New Third Army of the Kuomintang actually rebelled on the battlefield. After the news came out, the whole world was in an uproar. After learning the news, Chiang Kai-shek in Taiwan cursed the commander of the army for being incompetent and a scum of the national government.

After this matter was reported to the capital, because Wang Yu was not in the capital at this time, Wang Ying and Chu Bufan were now the temporary chiefs. Chu Bufan signed an order to disband the New 3rd Army on the spot. Soldiers who were willing to go home were given 30 yuan each. Those who are unwilling to go home can be temporarily transformed into a reception unit and follow the Kyushu Army or go to central China to join the"New National Government" army.

As for the captured officers of the New Third Army at all levels, they must be temporarily placed under house arrest in Guangzhou and given good treatment. They will be sent to the capital after the battle is over.

The order was sent to the front line, but no one of the soldiers of the New Third Army took money to go home and chose to be puppet soldiers collectively, because they knew that if they went back, they would be arrested. Moreover, the Kyushu Army was crushing the American and Chiang Kai-shek troops. In their eyes, It's no big deal to become a puppet soldier. Maybe I can be reunited with my family when I return to Fujian.

The New 3rd Army accepted the reorganization of the 69th Army on the spot and became a reception unit, responsible for cleaning the battlefield or taking in national soldiers who voluntarily surrendered or were captured.

The capital also launched a propaganda campaign while the iron was hot, with the intention of turning the war into a"civil war". All theaters and corps should also do their best to publicize that the Republic of China was already the fiefdom of the Regent, and the common people of the Republic of China were the people of the Regent. Therefore, we hope that the Republic of China will The common people can help the Kyushu Army to fight against the U.S.-Chiang Kailash coalition.

The U.S.-Chiang Kai-shek coalition has indeed done a lot of bad things since they took over Jiangxi, Fujian and other provinces, such as beating people without paying for food, forcibly having inappropriate relations with women, etc., which has made the public security in several provinces a mess.

But the situation in Taiwan is slightly better. After all, this is Chang Kaishen’s current home. If the atmosphere deteriorates like that in several Fujian provinces, Chang Kaishen will not be able to live in Taiwan..

There are not many troops of Country M stationed in Taiwan. They are mainly the senior advisory group of Country M, personnel of the Allied Asia-Pacific Theater Command, and some troops acting as guards. Some of the main forces of Country M's troops in the Asia-Pacific region are in Australia or the Pacific Islands, and the other is in Australia or the Pacific Islands. Datuo fought with the Jiuzhou Army in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

Returning to the battlefield in Jiangxi, the National Army's reorganized 46th Division has been surrounded by four divisions of the 26th Corps of the Kyushu Army. Each regiment received calls or telegrams asking for help one by one. Division Commander Han Liancheng had no choice but to order each regiment to disperse and break out. At the same time, he They also asked for help from their superior unit, the newly formed 9th Army of the National Army, and asked their superiors to send troops to respond to them.

But the New 9th Army had no time to take care of the 46th Division. The other two divisions of the division were also besieged by the Kyushu Army. The New 9th Army was preoccupied with one thing and the other, and the commanders were all missing. How could anyone care about the life and death of the 46th Division.

In just one day, all 26,800 New 9th Army troops were wiped out, and their commander was also killed.

After the 28th Army, another Kuomintang army on the Jiangxi battlefield, learned of the mutiny of the New 3rd Army and the destruction of the New 9th Army, it abandoned its station and fled to Fujian.

The Kyushu Army did not learn about the movements of the 28th Army of the National Army at the first time. It was learned a few days later that the unit had fled into Fujian. However, at this time, the 68th Army and the 72nd and 73rd Army of the Kyushu Army in Fujian were fighting against the U.S.-Chiang Kailash Allied Forces. The main force was fighting, but there was no time to intercept the escaping 28th Army of the National Army.

The 69th Army of the 17th Army chased the 28th Army of the National Army into Fujian, and finally caught the unit only 3 kilometers away from Zhangzhou and severely damaged it. A few days later, the main force of the 26th Army of the Kyushu Army entered Fujian. The situation was not good for the US-Chiang Kailash coalition forces. worsened again.

In Fujian, the entire 26th Corps of the Kyushu Army and two armies of the 17th and 18th Corps are attacking the U.S.-Chiang Kailash coalition. As a result, nearly 1 million troops equivalent to two complete corps of the Kyushu Army have been gathered in Fujian to besiege Zhangzhou and There are more than 300,000 U.S.-Chiang coalition forces in Quanzhou and Xiamen, but the battle of the Kyushu Army is very difficult because there are battleships and aircraft carriers of the M country in the outer sea. These warships can provide fire support to our own troops.

It was also the fire support of the M country warships that made the Kyushu Army's offensive difficult, and the casualties were increasing.

Despite the fierce artillery fire of the M country army, their defense line was gradually compressed by the Kyushu Army.

At almost the same time, the 25th Corps of the Kyushu Army from Anhui and Jiangsu surrounded the U.S.-Chianglian coalition forces in Zhejiang. The battle was still very difficult.

By August 13, 1949, the U.S.-Chiang Kailash coalition forces were divided and surrounded near the coastlines of Zhejiang and Fujian provinces. The Kyushu Army's cannons fired at M warships at sea while also attacking the U.S.-Chiang Kailash Army within the defense line. The combat pressure Very big.

But at this critical moment, the National Army in Zhangzhou, Fujian Province unexpectedly experienced a large-scale mutiny on the battlefield. The 1st Infantry Division of the 3rd Army of M Country assisted the National Army in defending Zhangzhou. Together with this division was the newly formed 7th Infantry Division of the National Army. military.

The New 7th Army was the same as the New 3rd Army that rebelled in Jiangxi. The soldiers were all Fujian natives who had been captured. After the Jiuzhou Army invaded Fujian, many New 7th Army soldiers who had heard some rumors were ready to surrender, but the battle It started soon, and the New 7th Army was also involved in the battle.

With the encirclement completely formed, the soldiers of the New 7th Army suddenly besieged the army headquarters on the night of August 19 and killed the army commander and many other senior officers. Then they rebelled on the spot and announced their surrender to the Kyushu Army.

After hearing the news, the 1st Division of the M Army immediately suppressed the soldiers of the New 7th Army, but it was too late. The soldiers of the New 7th Army led a large number of Kyushu soldiers to fight the M people, and the two sides quickly became entangled.

At this time, the M-country warships at sea were unable to provide fire support to our own troops, because once the naval guns opened fire, it would easily cause a large number of casualties to our own soldiers when the two sides were fighting together.

With the help of the New 7th Army, the Kyushu Army quickly suppressed and drove the 1st Infantry Division of Country M out of Zhangzhou.

At 12:37 noon on August 20, Zhangzhou was captured by the Kyushu Army, and the 1st Infantry Division of Country M, which was driven out of Zhangzhou, would never give up. They went back to shake people.

A few days later, Van Fleet led the main force of Country M's 3rd Army to counterattack Zhangzhou with the support of warships and aircraft.

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