"Sir! The enemy is coming again!"A national soldier glanced outside the position during the battle, then turned around and shouted.

Other companions in the position poked their heads out one after another. Looking only into the distance, a black torrent with no end was rolling in.

This happened in A battle scene in Jiangxi. The national army on this small position had repelled the exploratory attack of the Kyushu Army an hour ago, and now they are about to usher in a full-scale attack by the Kyushu Army. What is worth pondering is this all-out attack , the Kyushu Army did not use heavy artillery to implement fire coverage, and only used half-track artillery vehicles and medium-caliber field artillery to support the attacking infantry. The main offensive tasks were the 416th and 417th divisions of the 112th Army of the 26th Corps of the Kyushu Army. Among them, the 416th and 417th Divisions The 417th Division is a pilot unit. The division is fully equipped with fully automatic rifles, and its infantry firepower has exceeded other division-level units of the Kyushu Army.

The two divisions have a total of 48,000 people, and they will attack the national army in a regiment-wide attack. The position.

The entire position is defended by a regiment of the National Army's reorganized 46th Division. The reorganized 46th Division is also an artillery unit. The division commander, Lieutenant General Han Liancheng, seems to be an underground member of the Communist Party of China, but this is not the point. The point is that the National Army's 46th Division is also an artillery unit. The 46th Division will soon cease to exist.

The national army battalion commander ran over and was dumbfounded. The entire field of vision was filled with black torrents. The black uniforms of the Kyushu Army were very conspicuous, with black or red flags embroidered with phoenixes or golden crows. The wind is blowing

"Ready to fight!"The national army battalion commander in charge of this small position shouted.

All the soldiers were ready for battle and opened fire just waiting for the opponent to enter the range.

Many regiment-level units of the Kuomintang army did not have supporting artillery, but this regiment was lucky. They had 81mm mortar and 75mm mountain gun

"WhooshBang! The 75mm anti-tank artillery on the Kyushu Army's half-track armored gun carrier began to shoot directly at the national army's position.

"Da da da da da da"After advancing some distance, the automatic rifles of the 417th Division of the Kyushu Army began to spit out tongues of fire.

The national army was unable to raise its head under the heavy bullets. Obviously, the Kyushu Army they had repelled before was not the 417th Division.

"beat!"With the battalion commander's order, the national army started shooting

"da da da da"The national army's M1919 machine gun poured bullets.

The 75mm mountain artillery of the rear regiment also began to suppress the offensive momentum of the Kyushu Army.

Some of the Kyushu soldiers in the impact were shot and fell to the ground, while some took advantage of the situation and lay down and crawled forward.

Several half-track armored artillery vehicles following the attack continued to fire to cover our own soldiers.

"Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta.. Da da da"The Kyushu Army also used the automatic rifles in their hands to shoot at the national army positions.

The increasingly dense and fierce firepower quickly silenced the national army's machine guns, and the national army was suppressed.

""Sir, the enemy's firepower is too fierce. Brothers can't raise their heads," the national soldier shouted to his commander.

At this time, all the national soldiers on the position were suppressed and hid behind the fortifications. Those who were brave enough to show their heads were exploded. The problem is not that the shooting skills of the Kyushu soldiers are high, but that the firepower is too dense. The

417th Division of the Kyushu Army, which leads the battle, is all equipped with fully automatic rifles. In the eyes of the national army, this is just one machine gun per man, and it is really powerless to fight against it.

Then The unlucky National Army soldier was pulled back to the fortification by his companions and took a look. It was terrible. There were three bullet holes in his head, which showed the intensive firepower of the Kyushu Army. Not to mention these National Army soldiers, even if the M people came, they might not be easy to use..

The battalion commander of the national army did not respond. He knew that this position would be lost soon.

After the Kyushu Army suppressed the national army, it quickly launched an attack and quickly attacked the position and started a close battle with the national army.

Half an hour later, the position was After falling, the national army battalion commander led more than 20 surviving soldiers to break through and evacuate

"Sir, our position to the west has been breached!"At the regiment headquarters, a national army second lieutenant came running to report, wheezing.

"What? When did this happen? asked the commander of the National Army.

"About half an hour ago, our scouts saw that the Zhou Japanese had occupied the position to the west," said the second lieutenant of the national army.

"Half an hour ago? Why did it take so long to report?" asked the commander of the National Army.

The second lieutenant shook his head and said he was unclear.

"Hello.. Hello! What?! I'll report right away! Report to the commander, a large number of enemies have been found in the north." At this time, a regiment correspondent received a call, and then he reported to the regiment commander

"Ask them how many enemies there are in the north," the commander of the National Army ordered.

"Hey hey, I’m the regiment commander! How many enemies do you have there?" The correspondent picked up the phone and asked again

"Reporting to the commander, there are too many to count, at least tens of thousands of people, as well as many tanks and heavy artillery." The correspondent reported to the head of the regiment.

"Get me the division headquarters right away." The regiment leader thought for a moment, and then said to another correspondent.

With so many Kyushu troops attacking, the regiment leader felt that he could not withstand it, so he asked his superior, the National Army Reorganized 46th Division Division Headquarters, for help.

At this time The enemy to the north of the regiment was the 410th and 411th Divisions under the 111th Army of the 26th Corps of the Kyushu Army.

In order to eliminate the reorganized 46th Division of the National Army, the Kyushu Army invested four divisions in attacking from two directions.

The small position in the north also It is guarded by a battalion of the National Army, but the terrain of the area is relatively narrow and the two divisions of the Kyushu Army cannot fully deploy. However, they still advance with tanks in front and armored artillery vehicles mixed with the infantry.

"The 88mm artillery of the"Mo Kai" tank began to fire at the National Army position, and soon blew up the National Army machine guns on the small position, causing heavy casualties to the machine gunners.

But at this moment, the Kuomintang Air Force fighter jets arrived for reinforcements , two P51"Mustang" fighter jets strafed the Kyushu Army's team at low altitude. Although they achieved some results, they were not enough to slow down the Kyushu Army's huge offensive momentum.

As a large number of F86"Saber" jet fighters entered the service of the US Air Force, the original Mustang Fighters are being gradually phased out. Country M will hand over a large number of retired Mustang fighter jets to the Kuomintang Air Force. In addition, Kuomintang pilots will receive hands-on training from pilots of Country M. Country M will soon help the Kuomintang Air Force build a very large fighter force. Troops.

At this point in the war, the"Mogai" tank has lost its advantage in the face of the Pershing tanks equipped in large quantities by the M country. This phenomenon had already appeared in the final stage of the"General Attack" in 1945. , so at that time Wang Yu also tasked the Japanese technicians to design a tank that could destroy the Pershing tank.

The Japanese directly came up with their Type 5 medium tank and O-1 heavy tank plans.

At that time, Wang Yu He and Chu Bufan saw all the technical information of the two models from Genbo. As an expert, Chu Bufan immediately rejected these two plans. The Type 5 medium tank only weighs 35 tons and the design is backward. How could it be a Pershing tank? Opponent.

As for the 120-ton O-1 heavy tank plan, it is even more useless. The Kyushu Army already has a 148-ton"Yinglong" heavy tank. What's the use of destroying the O-1 tank?

But because of the Republic of China The road conditions in China are not ideal, so the new model cannot be too heavy. However, the"Mo Kai" tank has a large chassis expansion space. As long as the design is optimized, it is not impossible to develop a brand new model based on this chassis.

So from Starting in 1946, Chu Bufan began to design a new tank. This tank was to be produced in factories under the control of the Jiuzhou Army and the Japanese in the Republic of China. All raw materials were sourced locally as much as possible.

Chu Bufan designed it piecemeal for more than a year until The design was completed in early 1948. This new tank has a total combat weight of 54 tons, a front body armor thickness of 106 mm, and a new round turret equipped with a 105 mm L45 gun. The shells used by the new tank can be used with The artillery shells of the"Zhulong" heavy tank are universal.

This new tank developed based on the"Mogai" tank was named the"Bao" tank.

The vehicle was only produced in a factory controlled by the Kwantung Army in the Northeast in June 1948. Mass production was carried out here. As of July 1949, only 166 vehicles have been manufactured, and production is still being stepped up. It is worth noting that all the workers in this factory are Japanese.

In the northeastern region of the Republic of China, starting from 1933 , Wang Yu spent huge sums of money to establish many factories with the Kwantung Army, including oil refineries, aircraft factories, tank and artillery factories, ammunition factories, quilt factories, etc. As of July 1949, the industrial output value of the Northeast region is no more than that of the European continent. Or some industrial cities in country M are inferior, or even better in some aspects.

This is one of the reasons why the Kwantung Army was able to quickly restore its combat effectiveness and expand its strength by hundreds of thousands after the Far East Campaign.

Thanks to the strong industrial capabilities of the Northeast region, each division of the Japanese Kwantung Army now has a field heavy artillery regiment. The regiment is equipped with a total of 12 Type 92 105mm cannons or Type 89 150mm cannons. These two types of artillery are now not uncommon in the divisions of the Kwantung Army.

As for other old artillery, such as the"Taisho 4th Year" type 150mm howitzer and the"Meiji 38th" type 120mm cannon, they have been removed from the Kwantung Army's front-line troops and transferred to the garrison forces in the Northeast and Far East regions for use.

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