Such frequent mobilizations of the Kyushu Army obviously cannot be concealed from the U.S.-Chiang Kailash coalition forces, and Taiwan has also received relevant intelligence.

"The Zhou devils are trying to drive me into the sea again, and I will never let them succeed." After looking at the map, Jiang banged the ground heavily with a civilized stick.

"Chairman, there is news from the kite that the Japanese Japs seem to be having internal strife," said Mao Renfeng.

"oh?"Tell me more about it." Jiang was very interested.

"Kite's intelligence said that the regent and his crown prince had a quarrel over the war. The crown prince believed that the war should be ended early, but his father thought he was pedantic and unfit to be the successor and planned to depose him. Some senior officers were divided because of this. Two factions"Fashionable Renfeng opened the folder and said while looking at it

"Is this news accurate?"Jiang asked

"Kite is an excellent agent of the party-state and has been lurking in North China for seven years. This time she obtained information from Zhang Yarong, commander of the North China Security Army, and Jiang Chaoying, chairman of the maintenance committee. These two people were able to talk to the enemy's commander of the North China Expeditionary Force, Nemoto Hiro. , and Nemoto Hiroshi is a witness to the internal strife," said Mao Renfeng

"good! How can the internal strife between father and son last forever? I hope that father and son will meet each other in arms. If this crown prince replaces his father, it will be a good thing for the Republic of China and the entire world." After hearing this, Jiang was a little excited.

""What the president said is absolutely true," Mao Renfeng said.

At this time, Chang Kaishen was both the chairman of the National Military Commission and the president of the Kuomintang, so it is correct to call him chairman or president.

Mao Renfeng obtained it from"Kite" Liu Jinyu The so-called"infighting between the Prince Regent and his son" information is naturally false, but only Wang Yu and Wang Ying and his son knew the truth about this matter, and even their bedside friends did not know the inside story.

This was a incident in early April. At the meeting to analyze the situation, Wang Yu and Wang Ying officially staged this farce, and the person who did not know the truth was Ji Bo who was an eyewitness. At the meeting, Wang Yu and Wang Ying had a heated argument about whether to continue to expand the war, and Wang Yu even He also took off the sword from the wall and wanted to kill the traitor. Although he was persuaded by the people who didn't know the truth, he finally ordered the soldiers to drive Wang Ying out.

This scene was so realistic that even after Bo's return, he summoned The Japanese generals under his command held another small meeting and expressed their full support for the regent's decision to continue the war. On

April 12, the second year of Chong'an in the Great Zhou Empire (AD 1949).

Since the Kyushu Army launched the Battle of Mosk on March 1, The capital of the Goose Kingdom has been reduced to rubble by intensive artillery bombardment.

The Kyushu Army and the Japanese have already invaded the city and are advancing towards the Red Square.

The most advanced unit at this time is the 54th Army of the Eastern European Corps of the Kyushu Army 215 Division. At this time, the unit was nearly 2 kilometers away from the Red Square, but the resistance it encountered was very tenacious.

In the headquarters on the outskirts of the city, the Japanese were talking to Chi Lian.

"Your Excellency the President, I request that the task of attacking the Koremlin be handed over to our Japanese army," the commander of the Japanese army dispatched by the Japanese army said, bowing to the general.

This Japanese has done bad things. In reality, he is the Kwantung Army. Lieutenant General Commander of the 135th Division, who took office in July 1945. He was placed here as the commander of the dispatched army in Goose Country (Eastern Europe)

"Please, Your Excellency, the President, hand over this glorious mission to our Japanese army, please." Other Japanese lieutenant generals and major generals also bowed and asked for battle.

"Why!"Liu Wuyang, commander of the 51st Army of the Kyushu Army who was present, immediately refused.

But he was stopped by Chi Lian

"This is not impossible to consider," Chi Lian then said.

The translator conveyed Chi Lian's words to the Japanese generals.

"president! how do you"

"I have my own reasons."

Liu Wuyang continued to argue, but was interrupted by Chi Lian.

"Thank you very much, Your Excellency the President!"A group of Japanese soldiers bowed deeply to express their gratitude.

"That is the core of the Goose Kingdom, and the resistance it will encounter will be the strongest. You must be prepared." Chi Lian pointed at the map and said to a few Japs.

"We are fully prepared," Hitomi Yuichi said.

"Okay, then I will immediately order a suspension of the attack; you should prepare and plant the flags of our two countries in that palace," Chi Lian said

"Hi!"A group of Japanese soldiers responded.

Then Chi Lian asked someone to hand over a gold phoenix flag with a black background to Ren Jian and Yi Yi.

"President, why did you let them plant the flag?" Liu Wuyang asked after the Japanese soldiers left.

"This is the regent's secret order," Chi Lian said. During the war in Eastern Europe, Chi Lian was given full power, including the right to"falsely pass on imperial edicts"

"Hey!" Upon hearing that it was Wang Yu’s secret order, Liu Wuyang had to give up.

"After conquering the Goose Country, we will rest for a while and then march into Western Europe," Chi Lian said.

"Um? Liu Wuyang was puzzled. Chi Lian received this order, but did not announce it to the public.

"This is also the order of the regent. You should go back and prepare first, then obey my orders," Chi Lian said.

""Yes, President." Liu Wuyang gave a military salute and went out.

In the center of Mosk, at the position of the 215th Division of the Kyushu Army, the department stopped its attack on Red Square after receiving the order.

Soon, five Japanese divisions came one after another. Catching up from behind, they crossed the 215th Division position and launched an attack on Red Square.

The resistance of the Goose people was resolute, and the Japanese suffered heavy casualties during the advance. The heavy artillery of the Kyushu Army was also ordered to cover the Japanese advance.

"boom.. boomBoom!"Cannonballs kept falling on the position of the Goose Army.

"Tianzhu onboard!"A large group of Japanese soldiers shouted and rushed towards the position of the Goose Army with guns in hand.

"Onboard!"The Japs also followed.

The sparsely surviving Goose Kingdom soldiers on the position used all weapons to engage in close combat with the oncoming Japs.

But after all, there were many Japs. After the shelling, there were not many Goose Kingdom defenders left, and they were all still alive. With injuries, although these"Guards" soldiers were brave and good at fighting, they could not change the ending of being wiped out by the Japanese.

Ten years ago, the Japanese and the Goose Kingdom signed a non-aggression treaty. Five years ago, the Goose Kingdom ended the European War. The Japanese broke the peace treaty and attacked the Japanese Kwantung Army. The Japanese hated the Goose Kingdom. Therefore, after the war to counterattack Eastern Europe started, the Japanese fought particularly hard.

This time, Hitomi and Yuichi won this mission just to express their anger.

Back on the battlefield, There were more and more Japs, and the Goose Army could no longer support it.

The fierce fighting outside the Red Square lasted for five days.

At nine o'clock in the morning on April 18, 1949, the Japs finally reached Corrie after paying huge casualties. Gate of Murin Palace.

A more intense battle broke out. The Goose Army guarding the palace risked their lives to resist the Japanese attack. However, they were still unable to defend the palace because they were too few in number, and all died heroically.

On the afternoon of April 19 At about three o'clock, the Japanese occupied the palace. Immediately, two big flags were planted on the top of the palace.

After receiving the report, Chi Lian immediately reported to Wang Yu who was far away in the capital of the Republic of China via radio.

It was the afternoon of April 19, 1949 about four o'clock

"Very good! Very good! Goose Country is finished! He no longer exists, and the whole of Eastern Europe is in my hands." Wang Yu held up the telegram sent by the telecommunications officer and laughed. He was so proud. The fall and subsequent destruction of the Goose Kingdom would have a huge impact on the direction of the future war. The Kyushu Army If they take advantage of the trend and enter Poland and then enter Germany through Poland and then invade Western Europe, for the Western Allies led by Country M, this will be tantamount to digging out their European home base.

Once Gaul and other countries in Western Europe are destroyed again, then Continental Europe must fightIf the war breaks out again, Country M will again fall into a two-front war situation.

Once Country M divides its forces in Europe, it will inevitably affect the current situation on the battlefield of the Republic of China. This will make the already pessimistic situation even more severe. Country M's desire to escape from the war will become a wishful thinking.

Dragging Country M on the battlefield for a long time is the current strategic purpose of the Kyushu Army.

After the capital of the Goose Kingdom was captured, the Kyushu Army immediately entered a state of rest. The Japanese were responsible for clearing out the remnants of the Goose Kingdom army and executing the"clearance" plan. The so-called clearing plan is an action to massacre the Goose Country and the entire Eastern Europe.

On July 5, 1949, with the expiration of the armistice. The Kyushu Army far away in Goose Country launched a military operation into Western Europe.

The Kyushu Army, which was already in Jiangxi, Anhui and other places in the Republic of China, also launched an attack on the U.S.-Chiang Kailash coalition forces facing them almost at the same time.

All of a sudden, guns and cannons fired, and it was a lively fight.

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