"Don't say this kind of thing again in the future. If you make your father angry, you won't survive." After returning, Wang Qi said to Li Xiaoman

"What's wrong?"Li Xiaoman asked

"It’s nothing. Anyway, don’t mention it now and let your sons walk around the Forbidden City." Wang Qi said

"Beixuan is not here, Tongxin has not been loved by your father since he was a child, and Guichen is a quiet man, hey"Li Xiaoman said and sighed

"It's better to walk around in front of father more than now," Wang Qi said.

Li Xiaoman listened, nodded, and sent her two sons to the Forbidden City the next day. She even wanted the eloquent Wang Pu to stay In the Forbidden City.

Wang Pu and Wang Jing almost had a car accident after they arrived at the Forbidden City. The car they were riding in went straight to the Qianqing Palace along the cement channel. On the way, a tank driven by Wang Wei and Wang Tang happened to rush over. If the driver hadn't been quick to drive the car, I dodged it, and I must have bumped into it now.

"Fifth brother, sixth brother, you are so polite." Wang Pu got out of the car. Not only did he not look angry, but he greeted his cousins ​​who poked their heads out of the tank with a smile.

"Who are you"Well, brothers Wang Wei and Wang Tang actually forgot who Wang Pu was.

"Well, my younger brother is Wang Pu, the second son of the Vice President. His courtesy name is Tongxin." After an awkward moment, Wang Pu introduced himself.

"Vice President? yes.. Oh, I remembered, it's the second uncle, right?" Wang Wei frowned and recalled, then suddenly realized

""Exactly" Wang Pu responded immediately

"It turns out to be the eighth brother. What’s the matter with you?"Wang Wei asked

"Oh, I came here to visit my grandfather and two younger uncles, and by the way, I also came to see my second aunt," Wang Pu said.

"Oh, go ahead." After saying that, Wang Wei drove the tank and headed elsewhere.

"Hey, these two fools, how come the uncle has so many stupid pigs and stupid cows under his knees? Do they deserve the title of baron?"Looking at the tanks going away, Wang Pu changed his face. He also looked down on these cousins.

In the square outside Qianqing Palace, Wang Yu was practicing swordsmanship with A Yan.

"Ayan, your swordsmanship is becoming more and more sophisticated. It seems that you have practiced a lot in the past few years." After a competition, Wang Yu praised Ayan.

"My father's thoughts are all on my mother, and he has long forgotten that I am a daughter, so I have no choice but to practice swordsmanship to pass the time." Ayan connotation Wang Yu

"Ayan, don't be anxious, we will have plenty of time to talk about our relationship as father and daughter." Wang Yu said with a smile.

"My father always uses these words to try to frustrate me, but he never fulfills his promise." Ayan pouted and said.

"Okay, okay, blame me, blame me, I will definitely honor it this time," Wang Yu said with a smile

"Master, the second son and third son of the second prince want to see you." After a while, a maid came to inform

"Let them come in." After saying that, Wang Yu and A Yan returned to the palace.

"My grandson pays his respects to his grandfather and second aunt." Soon, Wang Pu and Wang Jing came in, and they bowed in greeting.

""Sit down," Wang Yu motioned.

"Yes, thank you grandfather for giving me a seat." Wang Pu thanked him. Then the two brothers took their seats one after another.

"Was it your mother who asked you to come?" Wang Yu asked

""Well," Wang Pu didn't dare to hide it and admitted it directly.

"Your mother is good at everything, but she has too many ideas, is loose-spoken and loves to gossip. She still can't change this problem after so many years. This is too unseemly." Wang Yu scolded their mother in front of his grandson.

Wang Pu and Wang Jing could only listen to what her grandfather said, not mentioning that Wang Jing was not good at speaking. Although Wang Pu was eloquent, he did not dare to answer the question casually now. If he defended his mother, he would not be able to bear the consequences if he disobeyed his grandfather; If you follow the words of your grandfather and you are suspected of stabbing your mother in the back, this is also unfilial.

So at present, Wang Pu and Wang Jing can only listen to their grandfather quietly, and then see what they have to say before talking to each other. Grandpa said

"My grandfather and brother are not here. My two brothers came here to plead guilty on behalf of their mother. They also hoped that my grandfather would be relieved of his thunderous wrath for the sake of my mother giving birth to three brothers like us and continuing the family's heirs. My mother was so frightened yesterday when she heard that my grandfather was angry. Didn't sleep all night and was in a trance"When Wang Pu saw his grandfather finished speaking, he knelt down and begged for mercy for Li Xiaoman.

"Okay, get up; this matter ends here." Wang Yu frowned and said

"Yes, thank you grandfather for forgiving my mother." Wang Pu thanked him and got up and sat back down.

"Grandpa, when I first came here, I saw fifth brother and sixth brother driving tanks outside. It seemed that"

"What does it seem like?"

Wang Pu said, Wang Yu asked

"It seems that they are not very skilled in driving tanks," Wang Pu said.

"them.. Why"Wang Yu sighed.

These children in the eldest family are really hard to describe. Now Wang Qiong's true nature has been exposed again. He flirts with beautiful maids all day long and has to change one every night, so that no one among the maids is willing to serve him.

Although Brother Wang Jue and the others did not molest the maids, they were also full of ugliness in their daily lives. They caused traffic accidents many times while driving tanks, but fortunately no one was hurt.

If this continues, the Forbidden City will be riddled with holes sooner or later by these guys.

Wang Yu already regretted that he had made these grandsons baron in a hurry, but now it was too late.

As their mother, after Yuki-onna regained her glory and wealth, she completely forgot about teaching her children. She spent her whole day either sitting in front of the dressing table drawing eyebrows, dancing in the palace, trying on clothes, or studying room magic. She serves her husband as if these children are not hers at all.

In Yuki-onna's own words, she washes herself up all day long and doesn't have time to take care of her husband. She has no time to take care of her children. Just do whatever you want.

""Yuki-onna takes care of her children and lives as long as she lives" is a perfect way to describe her education level.

In addition, Yuki-onna is also curious about some modern things, such as cars, gramophones, cameras, etc. A few days ago, she asked her husband to find a The photographer came to take a group of photos for her and hung them in the palace.

Since everyone lived in the Forbidden City, Ying Yuxi and the others could also see the Snow Girl when they came to see Chu Bufan, so the two women became familiar with each other as they went back and forth.

Snow Girl She lives with her husband Wang Ying and their six sons in Yuqing Palace, which was the residence of the former Qing prince, not far from Qianqing Palace and Yangxin Palace.

""Grandpa, my brothers have been away all year round and have suffered a lot. They are not used to it when they suddenly come back. It will get better after some time," Wang Pu said.

"I hope it's as you said." Wang Yu nodded and responded.

"Grandfather, my grandson has no other reason for coming here. He just wants to visit his grandfather and his two uncles, and also wants to share his worries," Wang Pu said.

"Okay, okay." Wang Yu said two good words in a row.

Then the two brothers followed Wang Yu to the palace. After seeing the two uncles, Wang Pu and Wang Jing followed their grandfather back and continued talking. Wang Pu took the opportunity to get some for himself and his brother. He got a job as a staff officer and stayed in the Forbidden City as an errand.

The time came to mid-May 1949, and as the end of the armistice was coming, Wang Yu gave Genbo more special seeds and asked him to send planes to Seeds were airdropped to the entire Republic of China, including Taiwan Province under Chiang Kai-shek's control.

In addition, given that the U.S.-Chiang coalition forces controlled nearly five provinces in the southeast, Wang Yu prepared to mobilize troops to blockade the five provinces, and to attack the five provinces after the armistice period. The Allied forces carried out an offensive operation in an effort to annihilate or drive the Allied forces out of the Republic of China.

According to Wang Yu's order, the 84th Army of the 25th Corps of the Ninghuhang Garrison Command stationed in Jiangsu went to the junction of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Other troops of the 25th Corps were transferred to the junction of Hubei and Anhui, while the 26th Corps went to the junction of Hubei and Jiangxi to prepare for the attack.

In addition, the 72nd and 73rd armies of the 18th Corps stationed in Guangdong entered Fujian to reinforce the 68th Corps. Army.

After the attack began, the 85th, 86th and 87th armies of the 25th Corps attacked the Kuomintang army in Anhui. The 26th Corps attacked the Kuomintang army in Jiangxi. The 84th Army of the 25th Corps attacked the Kuomintang army in Jiangxi from north to south along the coastline. Attack the U.S.-Chianglian coalition forces in Zhejiang.

At the same time, the 68th Army under the 17th Corps and the 72nd and 73rd Corps under the 18th Corps attacked the U.S.-Chianglian coalition forces in Fujian. The troops of the 17th Corps in Jiangxi cooperated with the 26th Corps to quickly eliminate Jiangxi's The Kuomintang army then turned and entered Fujian to assist other friendly forces in attacking the U.S.-Chiang Kailash coalition.

After completing its mission in Jiangxi, the 26th Corps directly invaded Fujian and attacked the U.S.-Chiang Kailash coalition from northwest to southeast, thereby cutting off the connection between Fujian and Zhejiang enemies.

This attack was Named"Partial Attack in the Second Year of Chong'an", the Kyushu Army invested a total of two armies of the 17th Corps, two armies of the 18th Corps, and two complete corps of the 25th and 26th, with a total combat strength of nearly 1.53 million, 105 mm and above There are a total of 4,100 caliber cannons and howitzers, 560 tanks, and 100 aircraft provided by the Japanese Central China Dispatch Army for air support.

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