"Mr. Colonel, I have already said that I am carrying out the mission given to me by the head of state, so don’t ask. I guarantee that you will enter Baji with great success this time. If you are lucky, you will receive a commendation from your head of state." Luo Crane said

"What? Go to Bali, are you kidding me? There are hundreds of thousands of enemy troops on the Maginot Line opposite, and there are hundreds of tanks and more artillery planes in the hinterland of Gaul. Bali is not that easy to enter." Colonel Hausenbock said in disbelief.

Currently, there is only one regiment of the German army following the Western European Corps. The mission originally planned to be performed by Army Group C has now been transferred to the Western European Corps, and Army Group C has been transferred to the Ardennes region on the other side. Acting together with the other two army groups

"You know the strength of our corps. I don’t think Gaul is that powerful. They were defeated by our army many times decades ago, and they are the same now," Luo He said very proudly.

Luo He and Hausen Bock even competed with other All the conversations between the German officers and soldiers were relayed by the translators who accompanied the army, and the two sides did not understand the language.

"The head of state is very concerned about things here. You must know that I have received four or five calls from the head of state’s office since the morning, asking why we did not act as planned," said Hausenbock.

"When I beat Bagui, your head of state will soon forget about it, because at that time he will hold a military parade in Bagui, and who will bother with this trivial matter then?" Luo He said

"I have to give an explanation to the head of state," Hausenbock said.

"Just say that the defenders raided my frontline troops and we are counterattacking," Luo He said.

Hausenbock was very helpless after hearing this, so he could only prevaricate the above inquiry like this.

"boom! Whoosh.. boom!"

"boom.. boom!"

Dense raindrops of artillery shells continued to fall. On

May 1, 1940, the two-day shelling finally stopped.


The soldiers of the Western European Corps shouted and rushed into the depth of the Maginot Line along the gap opened.

"Da da da.. Da da da"The deep machine gun bunkers began to fire at the incoming Western European Corps soldiers.

"Flamethrower, kill him!"A battalion commander of a Western European regiment asked soldiers carrying flamethrowers to spray fire into the bunker in front of them.

"call.. Buzz"A tube of flame rushed into the bunker along the firing port.

In an instant, the bunker was filled with a sea of ​​fire, and the defenders were attracted like roast chickens. They screamed and soon fell to the ground and rolled a few times, and were immediately burned to charcoal by the blazing flames.

"Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta.. Da da da da da da"The automatic rifles in the hands of the soldiers of the Western European Corps fired at the fleeing Gallic soldiers.

For a time many Gallic defenders were killed

"The sound of the crawler comes.

This is the tank of the Western European Corps.

"Quick, move the roadblocks away!"

"Move away!"

The scene was very noisy. The officers shouted and asked the soldiers to move the roadblocks so that the tanks could clear the way forward.

But some iron roadblocks were deeply embedded in the ground, and it took a lot of work to get them up.

Finally, in A road was cleared in depth, and the tanks and self-propelled artillery of the Southwest Corps rushed towards the hinterland of Gaul like a torrent. On

May 2, the Maginot Line fell, and the surviving defenders received orders to retreat to Bagui.

After the news that the Maginot Line had been lost in just three days spread in Bajia, the people fell into panic, but there had not yet been a large number of people fleeing. The people hoped that Bajia's hundreds of thousands of defenders could protect this international capital..

At noon on May 8, the 299th Division of the 106th Army, the vanguard of the Southwest Corps, arrived on the outskirts of Bali.

In the afternoon, the 299th Division Artillery Regiment began shelling Bali.

Artillery shells continued to fall into Bali, and citizens fled in all directions like frightened birds.

Some underground air-raid shelters were destroyed. The Zuoshan artillery shells hit, and the citizens who were hiding inside were also taken away.

The Zuoshan artillery shells caused heavy casualties to the citizens of Baju.

The Gallic authorities sent bombers to carry out air strikes, but they were blocked by intensive anti-aircraft fire and the bombing mission failed.

From the evening of the 8th to the morning of the 9th, tens of thousands of artillery shells fell into the urban area of ​​Bajia. The famous Notre Dame de Bajia was completely destroyed by fierce artillery fire, and the Eiffel Tower in Bajia was also shelled and collapsed.

5 On the morning of March 9, the 297th Division of the 106th Army of the Western European Corps also arrived at the outskirts of Bajia, and immediately deployed troops to join the shelling of Bajia. In the afternoon of the same day,

Gallic President Pétain announced the surrender of Bajia.

From April 29 to May 9 On the 11th, Bagui fell in just eleven days.

Although the German army in the Ardennes had already started operations in advance, General Guderian's 19th Armored Corps fell in the Arras area after passing through the Ardennes. A fierce battle began with the allied forces of Gaul and Britain.

After the news of the surrender of Bali came, the Gallic army in Arras had no intention of fighting, and was quickly divided, surrounded and eliminated by the German army. The British army and a small number of Gallic troops that broke out went to Withdrew in the direction of Dunkirk. The British navy was preparing to dispatch the fleet to take the coalition forces back to the British mainland.

But this is a matter for the future, and we will talk about it when we have the opportunity.

The camera returned to the Republic of China and the Old Summer Palace in the capital.

Time also returned to the Republic of China. In March 1940,

Wang Yu returned here. It turned out that Da Siming was about to give birth.

"Father, father, don't worry, mother must be safe and sound." Outside the delivery room, Wang Yu was restless and paced back and forth, while Wang Qi was persuading him.

Da Siming had been suffering for three hours, and the child had not been born yet.

"Don't let anything happen to you." Wang Yu was very anxious.

Giving birth to a child is very difficult for the gods, gods and demons. Don't look at those gods, gods and demons who destroy the world at every turn, but it is too difficult to give birth to a child. I have heard that Nuwa created humans, but I have never heard of Nuwa being pregnant and giving birth to a child.

After all, Da Siming is only slightly better than ordinary people, so he will naturally experience difficult childbirths.

"Wow.. Wow"After a while, the baby's cry came from the delivery room.

"How about it?"After the midwife came out, Wang Yu asked eagerly

"Prince Regent, the princess has given birth to a little prince for you. Mother and child are safe," the midwife announced.

"That's good, that's good." Wang Yu breathed a sigh of relief

"Congratulations to my father for having another son." His sons congratulated Wang Yu.

""Okay, okay, let me go in and take a look first." Wang Yu went into the delivery room to visit his woman and son. He took the swaddling clothes and found a big fat boy lying in it. He was very lively. This was the fourth child born to Wang Yu by Da Siming. Son, according to the ranking of all sons, he is the fourteenth

"This child looks like me, so he will be called Yue and his courtesy name is Shuheng." Wang Yu was very happy and gave his son a name.

But at this time, Da Siming had fallen asleep. The child had exhausted her strength and she really couldn't hold on. Living

"My younger brother is white and fat, like a piglet." These are the words of the little cotton-padded jacket Wang Qian

"Haha, you were all like this when you were born, it will be fine as you grow out." Wang Yu said with a smile

"Okay, okay, let's go outside and talk." Wang Yu handed his son over to the wet nurse who had been sent from Luoyi, and then went outside with his children.

"How about it?"Chi Lian also came from the Forbidden City to visit.

"I’ve been given a big fat boy. Mother and son are in good health," Wang Yu said.

"Congratulations," Chi Lian responded.

"Hahahaha, I am going to stop fighting for a year to celebrate the birth of my son," Wang Yu said with a smile.

"A total ceasefire? Chi Lian asked

"Only stop the war in North China," Wang Yu said

"I understand. After I return, I will order the North China garrison to stop all combat operations."Practice nodding

"If anyone is blind and comes looking for trouble, beat me to death, and I will also hold a banquet to celebrate," Wang Yu said again

""Yes" Chi Lian responded

"Father, please tell me who you are inviting." Wang Duo asked.

"Just invite those who were detained in the Forbidden City, and invite a few senior Japanese generals and some famous literati. The merchants don’t have to come. The cheap merchants are not worthy of drinking with me." Wang Yu said

"Father, it’s just that Kong Lingkan is a businessman. You see?"Wang Duo said

"This person is quite special. I heard from you that his father seems to be a high-ranking official," Wang Yu said.

""Yes" Wang Duo responded

"Just think of him as the son of a high-ranking official," Wang Yu said

""Yes." Wang Duo responded respectfully.

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