Let’s first talk about the current distribution of resources in the world.

Middle East: There is not a drop of oil and there is a serious shortage of water resources.

Africa: There is no gold and precious stones, water resources and oil are severely scarce, and various savanna and animal species are close to extinction.

Europa: Various metal element ores and other resources are only half of their original reserves, which directly affects military production and even the daily operations of the army.

The oil reserves in Eastern Europe are equivalent to one-fifth of the original reserves, and there are almost no natural gas and other resources.

Asia: Rich in oil, rubber and other resources. But only during World War II, 80% of these resources were drained away after the war.

North and South America: Similar to Europa.

The Arctic and Antarctic: Rich in fresh water resources, 90% of the ice in the Arctic and Antarctic was removed after World War II.

All the elements and materials that can be used to make nuclear weapons and nuclear fuel, as well as the raw materials required for new energy sources, are all in Wang Yu's hands.

(Wang Yu: There can only be one king in this world, and that’s me.

PS: You are too narcissistic.

Wang Yu:)

The text begins below.

In the Far East, because the troops of the 8th Northeast Army Corps failed to defeat the Goose people in the Battle of the Harakhin River in 1938, they were unable to advance under the suppression of the Goose air power and had to retreat.

The 23rd Division of the Japanese Kwantung Army and an armored brigade also tested the military strength of the Goose Kingdom at the Halakhin River in May 1939. However, as soon as the two armies fought, the Japanese retreated quickly. In the end, the Japanese and the Goose Kingdom signed an agreement. The mutual non-aggression peace treaty means that the Japanese have chosen the southward strategy and will compete with Country M for the Pacific Ocean. The resources of Japan are beginning to tilt towards its navy.

In November of the same year, Ambassador Hu Shizhi delivered a speech, which was widely circulated around the world through radio and film.

"What this person said is that he has a nose and eyes." Chi Lian joked while listening to the radio and the translator relaying it to her.

"Why didn't this person talk about our help in sheltering the victims of the flood in Hunan? I think he was just talking nonsense," said Wang Duo

"Haha, someone will take care of him in the future," Chi Lian sneered.

Soon after Wang Zhaoji and Zhou Fohuan publicly surrendered to the Japanese and became traitors, they often organized traitor mouthpieces to scold Dr. Hu in newspapers.

"President, there are still hundreds of thousands of Kuomintang troops in the Sichuan, Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou areas that have not been attacked by our army. The M people are also vigorously assisting the Chiang people. The Guangxi clique that we just broke up has returned to Guangxi in an attempt to make a comeback. After all, The Kuomintang army still has nearly one million troops, so what is the significance of fighting on the southern front and the Battle of Hengbao?" Wang Duo asked

"Compared with your father, you are still far behind. You only saw that the other side has nearly a million troops. But have you ever thought that after our many attacks, even if the man named Jiang re-establishes his army, Their combat effectiveness will also be reduced a lot. No matter how many people there are, this kind of mob is nothing more than fish on our chopping board," Chi Lian said.

"Moreover, such repeated conquests will also consume their military resources, and there will be fewer and fewer people who can fight, and this is exactly the strategy set by your father." Chi Lian added

"My father is far-sighted and the president is far-sighted, but I am superficial." After hearing this, Wang Duo responded to Chi Lian

"Let's give them a few years to grow up, and then we can compete again," Chi Lian said.

""Yes" Wang Duo responded

"President, the Japanese are quite critical of our declaration of war on Gaul and Britain," Wang Duo added.

"These Japanese are just hunting dogs raised by your father. Why do they want to bite people now? Do they think I can't hold the knife anymore? Chi Lian said contemptuously

"They feel that we should not be at odds with Gaul and Britain at this time," Wang Duo said

"I bother! Who do they think they are, do they care about us?" Chi Lian spat and said

"I would say that the Japanese from a small family are as timid as mice and cannot be admitted to elegant places. They are only worthy of being vicious dogs," Wang Duo said.

"Your father thinks so too," Chi Lian said.

The camera returned to the Old Summer Palace

"Why"Ji Yizhen lay on the bed and sighed

"Master, what's wrong with you?" the maid asked

"My husband and I have been married for more than a year, and there seems to be no movement in my belly at all." Ji Yizhen said and looked at her flat belly without any fat.

"Um, this.. The slave thought that this matter could not be rushed."The maid could only say this.

For more than a year, except for the wedding night, Wang Beixuan and Ji Yizhen didn't play games together much. They almost slept back to back. How could they have children.

Even if Wang Beixuan plays games with Ji Yizhen every day, the probability of her becoming pregnant is very low. This is determined by her body. Therefore, Ji Yizhen is a relatively failed work under Wang Yu's"masterful hand".

"I'm not in a hurry, but I'm afraid that my mother-in-law will urge me overtly or covertly." Ji Yizhen is only sixteen years old, and is really not in a hurry to get pregnant and give birth.

"Madam is considerate and treats her master like her own daughter, so how could she rush Madam?" the maid comforted.

She was right. Ji Yizhen's mission was to pester Wang Beixuan not to let him have random thoughts, not to have children. But since more than a year Judging from Wang Beixuan's performance since then, Ji Yizhen seems to be unable to capture Wang Beixuan's heart at all.

"Although my mother-in-law never rushes me, I feel like something is missing without a child," Ji Yizhen said.

"The master is young and handsome, so he will definitely have children in the future," the maid said.

"I hope my husband will wake up soon and be able to have children with me." Ji Yizhen said, her cheeks turning red.

""I will definitely do it," said the slave.

In mid-March of the 32nd year of the Great Zhou Empire's Xiangying Year (the 29th year of the Republic of China, 1940 AD), a huge army suddenly appeared in the Netherlands through a time and space tunnel. This unit has hundreds of tanks and nearly two thousand heavy artillery pieces with a caliber of 105 mm and above.

This is the 23rd Corps of the Kyushu Army, which has been reorganized into the"Western European Corps".

The organization of this unit:

101st Army (267th Division, 268th Division) Division, 277th Division, 278th Division)

102nd Army (285th Division, 286th Division, 287th Division, 288th Division)

105th Army (291st Division, 293rd Division, 294th Division, 295th Division)

106th Army (296th Division, 297th Division, 298th Division, 299th Division)

Corps Headquarters:

Independent 23rd Heavy Artillery Division (equipped with 105 and 150mm self-propelled cannons)

Independent 23rd Armored Division

Independent 23rd Anti-aircraft Artillery Division

23rd Corps Guard

Brigade The Western European Corps has a combat strength of approximately 560,000. The commander is Luo Heshang General, Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Yang Guangxin.

At this time, the German army was beating Belgium, the Netherlands and other low-lying countries, and the war was coming to an end.

After the German Army Group A in the Netherlands learned that a large force suddenly appeared on its side, The Army Group headquarters immediately issued a warning order. It was not until an interpreter accompanying the Western European Corps was"captured" that the misunderstanding was resolved.

Marshal von Rundstedt, commander of Army Group A, and General Luo He, commander of the Western European Corps, arrived in Egypt At the meeting in Inhoven, the Mustache Head of State had already received the report from Army Group A. He instructed the Western European Corps to be sent to the side of the Gallic Maginot Line of Defense to contain the defenders.

Luo He's troops rested for a month and then Under the guidance of a German army unit, they headed to the Maginot Line of Defense.

But something unexpected happened later, because Luo He did not perform the feint attack and containment mission. After arriving at the periphery of the Maginot Line of Defense, he immediately ordered the deployment of artillery positions and began a comprehensive launch of the defense line. attack.

The mountain-drilling shells fired by the 105- and 150-mm howitzers and cannons continued to fall on the permanent concrete fortifications of the defenders. The earth-shattering shelling caused heavy casualties to the defenders. The

Maginot Line was the cost of the Gauls after the end of World War I. A modern permanent fortification built with hundreds of billions of francs. In addition to countless solid reinforced concrete bunkers, steel turrets and other defense facilities and ammunition depots, there are also entertainment venues such as cinemas and bars. It is obviously planned for the long term. Hold on.

But what the Gauls did not expect was that their proud steel defense line would be blasted with a three-kilometer-wide hole in just two days under the bombardment of Zuanshan artillery shells, and there were tens of thousands of people high. Lu soldier died in bombing

"Hey, General, what's going on with this shelling? Didn't you agree to launch a feint attack in May?" Colonel Hausenbock, the German liaison officer, came to the frontline headquarters of the Western European Corps and asked Luo He

"Mr. Colonel, I am carrying out the task given to me by your head of state: now we highly suspect that our actions have been known to the Gauls, so we started to attack in advance to catch them by surprise. I think this can better cover the Ardennes region. The assembled troops of your army." Luo He first motioned for Hausenbock to take a seat, then asked someone to bring a map, and pointed to some dots and lines on the map and said to Hausenbock.

"But General, your false attack in advance will cause chaos in our troops," Hausenbock said. He didn't know that this was a real attack.

"Oh, Mr. Colonel, the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and sometimes the plan cannot keep up with the changes." Luo He said nonsense seriously.

It is now the end of April 1940, and Luo He's troops launched an attack on Gaul in advance, which directly disrupted Germany. Regarding the battle plan, the German army planned to launch a full-scale attack on Gaul in early May. At this time, troops were secretly gathering in the Ardennes region.

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