Da Siming slept all day and night. When she woke up, she was still in a daze. At this time, she didn't know whether she was giving birth to a boy or a girl.

"You're awake," Wang Yu said while sitting on the bedside.

""Yeah." Da Siming nodded.

""Come here, bring Shu Heng," Wang Yu shouted.

Soon, the wet nurse came in holding the baby.

"This is our son. I have named him Yue, with the courtesy name Shuheng." Wang Yu took the swaddling clothes and put it on the bedside for Da Siming to see.

""Okay." Da Siming turned his head and looked at this fat and white little son carefully.

"This kid is strong and will definitely be a man of great strength in the future." Wang Yu said with a smile.

"I hope so," Da Siming responded.

"Um? You seem to have little confidence," Wang Yu said

"No, what?"Da Siming asked Wang Yu

"Okay, okay, let’s not talk about this anymore. I have to go out once the child is one month old. You can rest assured and wait for me here," Wang Yu said.

"Where are you going again?"Da Siming frowned slightly and asked.

"Treasure hunting, I told you about this," Wang Yu said.

Da Si Ming nodded and had nothing else to say. In fact, Wang Yu planned to return to Luoyi Taishi Mansion to stay for a few days, and then return to the land of Jiuzhou and Ten Thousand Kingdoms. Playing with the Empress and Pei Nanwei. I haven’t seen them for a long time. They need to be moisturized, otherwise something will happen.

After looking at the child for a while, Da Siming asked the wet nurse to take Wang Yue away.

"There's something I haven't told you," Da Siming said.

"what's up?"Wang Yu asked

"The Bethhem family.. I think it is better to let them come back," Da Siming said.

Wang Yu curled his lips after hearing her words, but did not respond.

"Moon God misses his children and grandchildren and almost goes crazy. No matter how bad Bo Heng is, he is the flesh and blood of you and Moon God after all, and he is the eldest son of the family. It is not an option to stay outside all the time," Da Siming said.

Wang Yu is not here. During this period, she often used the sound transmission spell to talk to the moon god.

During the conversation, the moon god mentioned her eldest son and grandson who was living abroad, and her voice even choked up. This shows that time cannot heal her longing for her children and grandchildren.

"I have my own opinion on this matter, you don’t have to say anything." Wang Yu waved his hand.

"you.."Okay," Da Siming said helplessly.

Presidential Palace, Press Hall, Forbidden City.

Wang Duo held a press conference

"Dear journalists, please be quiet, I want to announce something important," Wang Duo said.

"Just a few days ago, my father gave birth to a new son. In order to celebrate this great joy, my father has instructed the president to order that within one year, our army will stop all wars in North China. I hope that all forces will not fight in this area. If you come to North China to cause trouble in the year, of course, if you are here to congratulate us, we are very welcome," Wang Duo said. As soon as this statement came out, the reporters below immediately exploded, and they talked a lot

"Mr. General, I am a reporter from Ta Kung Pao. May I ask General, will the Regent use the opportunity of celebrating the birth of the little prince to release the detained Guangzhou personnel?" a reporter asked

"I have no comment, my father did not mention this matter," Wang Duo said

"General, may I ask if your army has stopped combat operations to celebrate the birth of the little prince? Do you have any intention to hold peace talks with Guangzhou or Yanbao to end the war?" Another reporter asked

"There is absolutely no such will. Now our army is winning consecutive battles on all fronts. There is no need to end the war when the situation is favorable to us. Everyone, this is 1940 instead of 1840. The situation of the war is completely different. See The era of just accepting what is good has passed," said Wang Duo

"General, I am a German reporter. I would like to ask General, after the one-year armistice period has passed, will your country continue to expand the war?" the German reporter asked

"Yes, my father told us yesterday that in one year we will increase our troops to at least nine more corps in Northeast China, South China, Southern Anhui, Yunnan and Burma, and Western Hunan. At the same time, we will also strengthen the troops stationed in Taiwan, Yuenan, and Chaozhou. With the strength of Xian and other troops, the decisive battle will come in one year. This country will exist for at most one more year. By then, their blue sky and white sun flag will be replaced by the phoenix flag of our Great Zhou Empire," Wang Duo said.

This is a deceptive method. It’s the same as when he said he would add sixteen more regiments to sweep across the south of the Yangtze River.

"My father likes this place very much. The emperor of our Great Zhou Empire has given this country to my father as a fief, so you should understand what I mean." Wang Duo continued his serious nonsense. As soon as

Wang Duo finished speaking, the discussion started again.

"Please be quiet, please be quiet, if you have any other questions, you can ask them together," Wang Duo said

"General, when there was a flood in Hunan last year, your army spent a lot of manpower and material resources to rescue the victims, which won praise from all walks of life. Is this a propaganda method?" asked a bold reporter

"Haha, this lady is very courageous. I can tell you clearly that this is the nobility, and this is the responsibility of the nobility. Mr. Jiang in Guangzhou has abandoned his people, why are we not allowed to lend a helping hand?" Wang Duo said with a smile

"General, why did your army wantonly kill local people in Qinghuan and Ningxia?" The female reporter asked again

"We have investigated clearly that these people are extremists. They attack our troops day and night, and even force innocent people to join their ranks. I would like to ask this lady, how should we deal with such forces appropriately? ?"Wang Duo asked the female reporter

"I"Female reporter is speechless

"Let me tell you one more thing. Our country's new rail gun has been successfully developed and put into production. Its range can reach more than 500 kilometers and will be put on the battlefield in one year." Wang Duo said.

This news is true. This is a launch gun. A rail gun that shoots missiles. After the projectile flies out of the barrel, the projectile will automatically expand four small flying wings. However, this projectile has no guidance system, so it is called a missile.

Some people say that missiles are not missiles, but in the Kyushu Army Missiles are called rockets, and"missiles" with wings and no guidance system are called missiles.

Sure enough, the rail gun is the"top star" here. Although it has been silent for a while, it immediately attracted attention once it was proposed. widely discussed

"Mr. General, can we consider this year's truce period as a preparation period for your country?" a reporter asked

"That's not the case at all. This is just a normal troop movement. As for what the outside world thinks, that's their business," Wang Duo said.

"General, I heard that country M is going to mediate the war between your country and the Republic of China. What does the general think of this news?" asked the Japanese reporter

"As I said just now, we have achieved brilliant victories on all fronts, and there is absolutely no need to accept mediation. The Presidential Office and the Protectorate have not heard any news that Country M is going to mediate. The war on the European continent has already begun. I think Country M is probably already in a hurry at this time, worrying about one thing and the other," Wang Duo said.

"If country M really wants to send people to Beijing, we will treat them with courtesy. After all, country M has not officially participated in the war. As for their secret aid to Jiang and the Kuomintang in the past few years, we will not pursue it. I hope to compete with a strong opponent," Wang Duo said again

"Mr. General, what do you think of the war in Europe?" Another reporter asked

"I don’t know much about the war in Europe, so I won’t make relevant remarks here," Wang Duo said.

After the press conference, several questions Wang Duo answered quickly spread in newspapers everywhere.

Guangzhou, Chairman of the Yuexiu Mountain Committee Temporary official residence

"Niang Xipi! It’s this rail gun again, it’s really haunting." Jiang was very angry after reading the newspaper.

Back then, it was the rail gun that bombed Jinling and scared him to run away in panic. Now that a more powerful rail gun is coming, how can Jiang not Angry, so why not be afraid

"Chairman, this week the Japanese seem to be instigating Country M to join the war," Dai Li said while holding a newspaper.

"The people of the M country are being naughty and say nice things, but they just do nothing in the international arena and let these devils do whatever they want. When the situation becomes uncontrollable, I would like to see how they deal with it." Jiang knew very well that now he only relies on the United States. The national army equipped with weapons and equipment is no longer enough, and the father of Country M must personally end it.

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