"This war is over for Mr. Chiang, he has failed, even if he has the support of the M people behind him," Li Xiaoman said

"Country M will not abandon us," Song Genling said

"But at least for now, people from country M cannot save Mr. Jiang," Li Xiaoman said.

"There is a long way to go, and Country M will not let you do whatever you want here," Song Jinling said.

"I heard from my husband that the people of M country are as timid as mice and are nothing to worry about," Li Xiaoman said.

"You will pay the price for your arrogance" Song Genling said harshly

"I hope Mrs. Chiang can get her wish, and I also hope that Country M can come to the forefront as soon as possible. It is so boring to deal with its agents like this," Li Xiaoman said

""Mrs. Jiang, it's getting late. I'm leaving. I'll see you another day." Li Xiaoman said goodbye and left here.

After taking the bus back to the Old Summer Palace

"How is it, what does Song Gengling look like?" Wang Qi was reading the newspaper. He noticed that Li Xiaoman was coming and asked

"Just like that," Li Xiaoman said

"Haha." Wang Qi smiled

"It's just that I didn't expect her to trust Country M so much," Li Xiaoman said

"My father has a saying, and I think it’s appropriate to put it here," Wang Qi said.

"What is it?"Li Xiaoman asked

"If you want to defeat a country or a person, you must first defeat the root of his belief," Wang Qi said.

"What does it mean?"Li Xiaoman was puzzled.

"Just like Song Jinling, if she believes in Country M, then she will defeat Country M and make her faith collapse," Wang Qi said

"Oh, this is not easy; Country M is a superpower," Li Xiaoman said

"Let me tell you a secret, but don’t tell anyone else, even to your sons," Wang Qi said.

"Tell me, I promise not to reveal a word." Li Xiaoman came to Wang Qi's side.

"My father and teacher have successfully tested a weapon called a nuclear missile. Country M's Midway Island has been hit by a nuclear strike. Now Country M is still looking around to investigate the cause of the destruction of Midway Island." Wang Qi whispered in Li Xiaoman's ear. Said.

Li Xiaoman's mouth opened wide when he heard this.

"real?"Li Xiaoman asked

"It’s true, my father has secretly sent me a message." Wang Qi nodded in confirmation.

"What's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?" Wang Qi saw that Li Xiaoman's expression was different and asked.

"Oh, it’s nothing, is my father too crazy?" Li Xiaoman was shocked by her father-in-law’s madness.

"Don’t worry, even if the whole world is over, our Great Zhou Dynasty will still be the same," Wang Qi said

"Then I'll be relieved." Li Xiaoman patted his chest.

"There is something else I want to ask you." Li Xiaoman asked again

"What's the matter?" Wang Qi responded

"Didn't it mean that the eldest brother and his family were all exiled? I went back to attend Beixuan's wedding this time, how come I saw my eldest sister-in-law?" Li Xiaoman asked

"Sister-in-law? Which sister-in-law is it? What does it look like?"Wang Qi asked

"She was wearing a blue and white skirt and a light blue veil."Li Xiaoman described Ji Ruqianlong’s clothing and appearance

"You said you were talking about Sister Qianlong, yes, she is indeed the elder sister-in-law." Wang Qi replied calmly.

"oh? Is there any secret in it?"Li Xiaoman asked

"This past event dates back more than a thousand years"Wang Qi finally told Li Xiaoman this ancient story, but he hid all the mutiny and said that it was other reasons that caused Wang Ying and Ji Ruqianlong to divorce.

"So that's it"Li Xiaoman listened and looked thoughtful.

"Hey, it all happened a long time ago. Even if I don’t mention it, I don’t know where my brother is now," Wang Qi said.

"Isn't he exiled to Lingnan?" Li Xiaoman said

"Lingnan is also a very big place," Wang Qi said.

"Oh, okay." Li Xiaoman nodded.

Leave the capital and look elsewhere with the camera.

News that nearly one million of the main force of the national army was wiped out in Chongqing continues to ferment.

Hutoushan, Independence Camp Base Area

"One million Kuomintang troops are just gone. How are we going to fight this battle?" Chief of Staff Zhang Chu said as he patted the table.

"The most unbelievable thing is that Song Gengling was captured," the instructor Chen Yi said while holding up the newspaper.

"If the Kuomintang is completely defeated on the front battlefield, then once the Japanese invaders enter the mountains, our pressure will definitely double," said Li Yong, the main committee member

"The headquarters is also paying close attention to this matter. The threat of rail guns is too great. Its emergence puts our strategy of relying on mountainous villages and towns to deal with the Japanese with the risk of bankruptcy. The Lunan Military Region is a lesson learned from the past," said Battalion Commander Zhou Weiguo

"The Japanese were too aggressive this week. One million Kuomintang troops ate them as soon as they were told to eat them. Even if they wanted to eat one million pigs, they would have to go through a lot of effort," said company commander Xu Hu.

"Officer, you just came back from Yanping, what are the instructions from the headquarters?" Zhou Weiguo asked Li Yong

"The headquarters only orders the troops in each base area to be vigilant and ready to move at any time. If possible, destroy the enemy's rail guns at any cost," Li Yong said.

In fact, even if there are no rail guns, other large-caliber heavy artillery can use mountain-drilling shells for bombing. The mountainous area where the base area is located was blown up, but it took more time and artillery shells.

The reason why all parties targeted the rail gun was based on the lessons learned from the Lunan Military Region, because the intelligence intercepted at the time did not mention it. For other artillery, it is only said that the Japanese army borrowed the rail gun to help.

After the Lunan Military Region was basically destroyed, the rail gun became famous among the Eighth Route Army.

Northwest Shanxi, a certain base area.

At the headquarters of the new regiment of the Eighth Route Army, the commander Li Yunlong was fighting with Subordinate battalion commanders and company commanders held a meeting

"Hehe, I said that Chairman Chiang is really embarrassed. A million people were eaten so easily. You think he is not giving a blind command." The regiment leader Li Yunlong laughed at Jiang, who does not know how to fight. He is a blind command.

"Commander, I heard people say that the Zhou Japs are well-equipped and tenacious in combat, and every unit is elite. The Japanese Japs have to bow their heads in front of them," said First Battalion Commander Zhang Dabiao.

"Da Biao, don’t be as ambitious as others, our new regiment is fighting elites." Li Yunlong didn’t seem to take the Kyushu soldiers seriously.

"Yes, Commander, it’s just that the entire Lunan Military Region was wiped out."

"Don't say such words that shake the morale of the army!"

Zhang Dabiao said and was scolded by Li Yunlong

""I want to compete with these Zhou Japs to see who is more powerful," Li Yunlong said while rubbing his hands. Soon, the Japs Shinozuka Yoshio's First Army Corps arrived in northwest Shanxi, and they directly opened up their stance and fought against Yan Xishan's Shanxi-Sui Army. The fight started.

Under the fierce bombardment, the Jinsui Army almost collapsed. Only the 358th Regiment with its tenacious fighting will withstood the attack of the Japanese 9th Brigade. The

358th Regiment of the Jinsui Army was a strengthened regiment, with nearly five thousand soldiers in total. People, as well as artillery battalions equipped with 75mm mountain artillery field guns, are the best-equipped and most combat-effective units in the Shanxi-Sui Army. The regiment leader Chu Yunfei is also a graduate of the fifth phase of Huangpu. Logically speaking, he should belong to Jiang He is a direct descendant of the people, but for some reason he came to serve in the Jinsui Army.

If Chu Yunfei was Jiang’s undercover, then Yan Laoxi should not have given him such powerful weapons and equipment. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that Chu Yunfei was just serving in the Shanxi Army. The Sui Army was registered, and its weapons, equipment and personnel were all dispatched by Jiang alone.

If Chu Yunfei was not an undercover agent sent by Jiang, then as a fifth-term graduate of Huangpu, he was particularly proficient in the homework on the map. Why come to northwest Shanxi if you don't stay in big cities like Dashanghuan or Jinling and Wuhan?

Maybe Jiang thinks that graduates after the fourth phase of Huangpu are not as valuable as the first four, such as the commander of the 209th Division of the National Army's"Youth Army" Tao Shuiqing, this person is from the ninth phase of Huangpu, but he is not famous. Let’s get back to the subject. Except for the 358th Regiment, the other troops of the Shanxi-Sui Army were beaten and fled. Yan Xishan also led the remnants of more than 10,000 people to flee Taiyuan City and ran to Linfen.

Due to rumors, The Japanese launched railguns to bombard the Jinsui Army, which made the Jinsui Army's chaotic command system even worse.

Friendly troops on both wings fled their positions without notifying the 358th Regiment, causing the regiment to gradually fall into the enemy's trap. The regiment leader, Colonel Chu Yunfei, was slightly injured in the battle, and the chief of staff, Lieutenant Colonel Fang Ligong, was seriously injured. The 358th regiment was forced to break out.

By the time the regiment withdrew to Linfen, only the reinforced regiment of nearly 5,000 people remained. There were more than a thousand people, and almost everyone lost the prize.

Most of the troops lost by the 358th Regiment were caused by the early artillery bombardment of the Kyushu Army and the later breakout.

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