Eight Route Army, new regiment station

"Commander, there is news about the Jinsui Army." The correspondent came to report to Li Yunlong.

""Say," Li Yunlong gestured.

"The main force of the Jinsui Army was defeated by the Japanese and suffered huge losses. Yan Xishan led the remaining troops to flee to Linfen," the correspondent said

"Got it, go ahead." Li Yunlong waved his hand

""Oh, this Yan Laoxi, he wants to compete with Chairman Chiang to see who can lose faster and lose more miserably," Li Yunlong joked.

"Report!"Suddenly someone came outside the door.

"Come in," Li Yunlong responded.

"Report to the leader, the investigators reported that a small Japanese army of about 200 people entered Cangyun Ridge with unknown intentions," said the first battalion commander Zhang Dabiao

"oh?"Li Yunlong walked to the map to check the location of Cangyun Ridge.

""How about Zhang Dabiao, do you dare to hit him with me?" Li Yunlong became interested. This is a good opportunity to seize weapons and equipment from the Japs. Two hundred Japs are two hundred guns. Li Yunlong will not miss such a good thing.

"dare!"Zhang Dabiao's answer was loud and full of confidence.

"Gather the first and second battalions and follow me to Cangyun Ridge," Li Yunlong ordered.

After receiving the order, Second Battalion Commander Shen Quan joined Zhang Dabiao's first battalion and followed Li Yunlong to Cangyun Ridge.

But what they didn't know was the so-called Japanese kid. The 200-man army was just an advance guard. Behind it was the main force of more than 3,000 Japanese Japanese Bantian Regiment. This army broke into Cangyun Ridge when it was chasing the fleeing Jinsui Army.

Gunfire from Cangyun Ridge A masterpiece.

Li Yunlong's troops had exchanged fire with the Japanese avant-garde troops. At first, Li Yunlong relied on his numerical advantage to gradually suppress the Japanese avant-garde troops.

But suddenly, dense mortar shells fell on the Eighth Route Army formation.

Li Yunlong picked up his binoculars to check. , only to find that densely packed Japs within visual range had approached the fighting area.

Li Yunlong did not dare to be careless and quickly led his troops to evacuate Cangyun Ridge and withdraw from the battle.

But it was too late, the Japs had already desperately grabbed the two battalions of the New Regiment.

After the main force of Bantian Regiment arrived, they surrounded Li Yunlong's troops. After a fierce battle, Li Yunlong's gunner Wang Chengzhu hit the headquarters of Bantian Regiment with the last mortar shell, killing the captain of Bantian Regiment. The new regiment, which suffered heavy casualties, took advantage of the Japanese attack. After temporarily losing effective command, he broke out and returned to the station.

After returning to the station, Li Yunlong was criticized by his superiors for mobilizing troops to launch combat operations without authorization, but he was not transferred out of the new regiment as originally planned. He was only allowed to Do a deep review.

Just when the situation in northwest Shanxi gradually stabilized, fighting broke out in the Far East.

The Eighth and Thirteenth Corps of the Kyushu Army stationed in the northeastern region each dispatched an army to encircle and suppress the remaining Chimeng forces. In order to test the Red Goose Kingdom's further actions.

In October of the 30th year of the Great Zhou Empire's auspiciousness (the twenty-seventh year of the Republic of China, 1938 AD), the leader of the Red Goose Kingdom, Stalin, sent General Zhukov to take office as the commander of the Far East Military Region to form the 57th The Special Forces were preparing to go to war with the aggressive Kyushu Army. On

November 16, the two sides faced off across the Harakhin River, and the two sides shelled each other the next day.

However, the range of the ML20 152mm howitzer of the Red Goose Kingdom was not as good as the 105mm cannon of the Kyushu Army, so The artillery of the 57th Special Forces Army suffered losses during the shelling.

Zhukov immediately retracted his position and pretended to retreat to lure the Kyushu Army to attack.

The battle lasted until November 20, with the 395th Regiment of the 165th Division of the 42nd Army under the 13th Corps of the Kyushu Army taking the lead. Crossed the river to pursue, but were bombed by Red Goose planes halfway across the river, causing heavy casualties.

The 165th Division immediately ordered the 395th Regiment to withdraw immediately, and at the same time adjusted the anti-aircraft artillery positions to prepare for air defense operations.

But at this time, the Red Goose planes were never seen again..

On November 21, the 394th Regiment of the 165th Division tried to cross the river again, but was bombed by Red Goose aircraft and artillery, resulting in heavy casualties. The 394th Regiment retreated in panic.

So far, the Kyushu Army's two attempts to cross the river failed, and the two sides once again fell into a confrontation..

On December 1, the Kyushu Army withdrew from the battlefield, and the military conflict phase of the First Battle of the Halakhin River ended.

Red Goose would not give up. On the one hand, they prepared for military strikes and on the other hand, they prepared for peace talks. The purpose was to force Kyushu The army gave in.

But unexpectedly, Red Goose received a declaration of war from the Great Zhou Empire. Now it was Stalin's turn to be embarrassed. His so-called military strike was just a bluff, and the ultimate goal was to rely on negotiation to solve the problem.

The Great Zhou Empire refused any negotiations, claiming that the Red and Mongolian troops were causing trouble at the border and provoking war. The battle between the Kyushu Army and the Red and Mongolian troops did not involve the Goose Kingdom.

The Zhou Empire accused Stalin of having ulterior motives for blatantly intervening in the war.

If Stalin accepted the declaration of war, then Wang Yu would carry out a nuclear strike on the eastern part of Red Goose. However, Stalin bowed his head at the last moment. He did not accept the declaration of war from the Great Zhou Empire, and the farce of the Battle of the Harakhin River ended in nothing.

The plan to seize Far Eastern Siberia mentioned by Wang Zheng and the Kwantung Army was temporarily bankrupt.

Return to the temporary camp in Northeast China

"The prince does not need to worry, there will be a way to defeat the Goose Kingdom." Colonel Yoshioka Yasuo, the staff officer of the Kwantung Army and the Queen of the Puppet Manchukuo, came to attend the banquet hosted by Wang Zheng. He saw the other party frowning and advised him.

This Yoshioka Japanese was outstanding because of his business. The results were impressive, so now he has been promoted to the rank of Army Colonel.

""Okay, okay, let's not talk about the Goose Kingdom. I will deal with them sooner or later." Wang Duo waved his hand.

"Oh, by the way, I heard that there are many rebels in the North-Manchuria Railway area, what is going on?" Wang Zheng asked again

"There are a lot of these rebels who specialize in destroying railways and assassinating the commissioners of our Kwantung Army stationed on the railway. The Kwantung Army headquarters is very concerned about this matter," Yasunao Yoshioka said

"They must have seen that I suffered a loss in the Far East and thought they could fight us with the help of the Goose Kingdom. What a wishful thinking," Wang Zheng said.

"Yes, any force that resists us will be destroyed," Yasuo Yoshioka said.

"In this case, youDoes the Eastern Army have any measures?"Wang Zheng asked

"Yes, the Kwantung Army troops stationed in northern Manchuria have formed a railway garrison to specifically protect the railways," Yoshioka Yasunao said

"That's good, the railway is our lifeline and must not be destroyed by the rebels. If necessary, I will send soldiers to assist," Wang Zheng said

""Thank you, Prince," Yasunao Yoshioka said.

Not long after, something happened on the outskirts of Shenyang (the new capital of the Puppet Manchukuo). The escort of the Puppet Manchukuo Emperor Puyi clashed with a squad of the Kwantung Army while they were training in the suburbs. The Kwantung Army squad ate After suffering a loss, they called in the gendarmerie to help.

Naturally, the gendarmerie was disarmed by the gendarmerie. The cause of this incident was that the soldiers of the Kwantung Army patrol team let the military dogs bite the gendarmerie, and the gendarmerie killed the dogs. Both sides Then the conflict broke out.

Afterwards, the Kwantung Army, which had long wanted to disarm Puyi's armed forces, used this incident as an excuse to sentence all the guards and send them to South Manchuria to build the railway. Puyi's"Imperial Palace" was all guarded by Kwantung Army soldiers.

Puyi was very angry and asked Yoshioka Yasuo to question him.

Yoshioka Yasuo talked back and forth and poured all the dirty water on the guards. He used this method to deal with Puyi.

Although Puyi could not accept Yoshioka Yasuo's remarks, he There is no choice but to swallow this bitter pill.

The camera returns to Guan Nei, in the Old Summer Palace in the capital.

"Husband, you haven't come back to spend the night for eight days." This is what Ji Yizhen said to her husband. It turned out that there was a problem with the relationship between the young couple. Wang Cong felt that Ji Yizhen was too rigid and did not understand the affairs between husband and wife, and he felt very boring. I often go out to dance clubs or watch plays, and often come back in the middle of the night. In the past few days, I have not even come back to spend the night.

This abnormal behavior of her husband made Ji Yizhen worried, and she finally asked questions

"Oh, it's nothing, it's just that there have been frequent wars recently, so I went to the Forbidden City," Wang Cong said perfunctorily. He didn't tell the truth.

"Husband, you have no errands, why are you going to the Forbidden City?" Ji Yizhen asked

"Okay, don't worry about my business." Wang Cong waved his hand impatiently.

"Well, husband, please take care of yourself." Ji Yizhen couldn't ask anything, so he had to give up.

"Well, I won't be back tonight, you should go to bed early." After saying that, Wang Cong actually left again.

"Husband, where are you going?"Ji Yizhen asked.

But Wang Cong didn't answer.

Wang Cong is now entangled with a female student from Tsinghua University. It's not that this female student is prettier than Ji Yizhen, but that the other girl can meet all Wang Cong's needs.

Wang Cong is right. Ji Yi really vented all his dissatisfaction on her, and the female student tried her best to satisfy Wang Cong, even though she was tortured and scarred.

But what Wang Cong didn't know was that this obedient girl let him The talented Tsinghua girl who vented her torture turned out to be a spy of the Kuomintang Military Command Bureau lurking in the capital.

After accidentally learning Wang Cong's identity, she hoped to get useful information from Wang Cong, and that's how she came to know Wang Cong. Be obedient and obedient.

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