"After we arrive in northwestern Shanxi, we will only attack the Kuomintang troops," Yoshio Shinozuka said to Kazuki Yamamoto.

"Um?"Yamamoto Kazuki was a little stunned after hearing this. His special agent team was formed and trained for unconventional armed forces like the Eighth Route Army.

"Yes, we are only responsible for destroying the Kuomintang army, and other resistance forces are not under our control," said Yoshio Shinozuka.

"Then, I'm afraid my special agent team will lose its effectiveness," Yamamoto Kazuki said.

"Your special agent team will come in handy, but not now," said Yoshio Shinozuka.

Eight days later, Yoshio Shinozuka led the First Army to leave North China and rush to northwest Shanxi to prepare for the battle with Yan Xishan's Shanxi Army.

The Forbidden City, a small In the palace.

It is heavily guarded, with three posts, two posts, five posts and two sentries, and machine guns are set up on the roof.

Soong Jinling is detained in this small palace.

Ms. Song and Mrs. Jiang can only move around in the palace and the small garden outside, and are under residential surveillance.

As long as Song Geng Ling tried to escape, she would be in danger of being directly shot to death by Kyushu soldiers. Song Geng Ling was not lacking in information here, as newspapers were delivered to her every day, which even included some news about Jiang. Jiang originally came from Chongqing. After escaping from the official residence in a hurry, he walked southwest under the protection of several guards in the chamber. On the way, he met Dai Li, Chu Cai and other military commanders who had also escaped in embarrassment. Everyone joined together and decided to enter Sichuan. At this time, the leader in charge of the overall situation of Sichuan and Sichuan They were Liu Wenhui and Deng Xihou. They had hundreds of thousands of Sichuan Army troops under their command. Of course, a considerable number of these troops existed in the name of security regiments before the war. Before the full-scale war began, Jiang ordered the Sichuan Army to abolish one-third of its troops. But Liu Xiang, who was still alive at the time, reorganized the troops that were about to be disbanded into security regiments, and thus barely preserved the basic base of the Sichuan Army. Not long ago

, Liu Xiang died of illness. Liu Wenhui and Deng Xihou saw that Chiang Kai-shek's direct troops were beaten and fled in panic. The part of the Sichuan Army that had been reorganized into a security regiment was restored to the National Revolutionary Army. At the end of

August 1938, just when the Sichuan Army mobilized troops to form the 22nd and 23rd Group Armies to prepare for the war of resistance in Sichuan, Chongqing fell, and Chiang's whereabouts were unknown. News of the annihilation of more than 900,000 national troops at home and abroad reached Chengdu.

People in Sichuan and Sichuan were panicked for a while.

Liu Wenhui and Deng Xihou immediately canceled the order to leave Sichuan, and the 22nd and 23rd Army shifted to a defensive posture. Liu and Deng Er People are very aware of the strength of the Sichuan Army. Their troops do not lack the will to fight, but they lack advanced and sufficient weapons and equipment.

Most of the Sichuan Army is still equipped with"Hanyang-made" rifles from the pre-Qing Dynasty, and the rifling of many rifles is almost worn out..

There are very few large-caliber heavy artillery, and not every division has small- and medium-caliber artillery. Chiang Kai-shek has implemented various blockades and suppressions on the Sichuan Army in the past few years, which has also aggravated the Sichuan Army’s equipment shortage.

I don’t know if he has now fled to Sichuan. Does Chiang regret his actions in suppressing the Sichuan Army? The Sichuan Army relied on the four to five million-strong equipment. Even with the geographical advantages of Sichuan and Sichuan, I am afraid that it will not be able to resist the massive attack of the Kyushu Army.

This time, Chiang ran away in panic. Settling down in the Sichuan-Sichuan region may also create new conflicts with the local Liu and Deng forces.

After the more than 100,000 national troops captured in the Chongqing Battle were released in batches, they could not find senior officers, let alone the whereabouts of Jiang. They were still unfamiliar with the local area, so most of them went home by themselves. Only a few people were still looking for their troops and officers. The camera returned to the Forbidden City in the capital.

The gate of the palace where Song Qingling was imprisoned opened, and a group of Kyushu people The soldiers escorted a woman wearing a beige long-sleeved cheongsam to the door of the palace.

"Song Genling, someone is visiting!"The translator shouted into the room.

After a while, the door opened and Song Genling appeared at the door.

"Madam, please." The translator stepped aside and let the woman in beige cheongsam go in. This woman is Li Xiaoman. She came to see what Song Genling looked like.

"you are.. Mrs. Chiang?"Nodding in response to the translator, Li Xiaoman asked Song Geng Ling at the door.

The Song Geng Ling she saw looked different from the black and white photo. The Song Geng Ling from Rooster Land looked a lot like the actress Liu Tao

"I am, who is this lady?"Song Genling did not know the identity of the visitor

"Can you invite me in and sit down?"Li Xiaoman did not answer the question

"Please come in." Song Jinling asked Li Xiaoman to come in.

"Thank you." Li Xiaoman thanked him and entered the palace.

After sitting down, the soldier brought two cups of tea.

"This lady hasn’t told me your identity yet," Song Jinling asked.

"My husband is an official stationed here from the Zhou Empire," Li Xiaoman said.

"He must be a senior official," Song Genling said.

"My wife is very discerning, my husband is indeed a senior official," Li Xiaoman said

"Not everyone can come in this place. If you can come in unimpeded, you must have a close relationship with Han Honglian," Song Genling said

"Haha, to be precise, my husband is the nephew of the president," Li Xiaoman said with a smile.

Hearing this, Song Gengling smiled bitterly.

"I sympathize with your situation. As the most distinguished woman in the country, you deserve better treatment," Li Xiaoman said.

Song Gengling listened and did not reply. The humiliation of being shown to the public twice made her deeply hurt and did not Knowing what her husband Jiang is doing now, why don’t you think of a way to organize a rescue?

"Mr. Jiang must be very worried about your safety, but he may not be able to protect himself at this time; you know clearly that he relies on the direct troops of the Huangpu faction. Now these direct troops have been basically eliminated by our army, so those who were once defeated by him I dare not imagine how the local warlords or the Communist Party who have been punished will treat him," Li Xiaoman said again.

After listening to Li Xiaoman's words, Song Gengling couldn't help but feel worried.

"However, the president has released hundreds of thousands of captured national troops. If they are well-informed and loyal enough, they should soon gather around Mr. Jiang again," Li Xiaoman said. After hearing Li Xiaoman's words,

Song Genling's eyes lit up. What does her husband, Jiang, rely on to intimidate local bosses? Isn't it just hundreds of thousands of direct troops? In this Wuhan-Chongqing battle, the national army lost nearly a million troops, and most of them were Chiang Kai-shek's direct troops. , without these troops, not to mention the local bosses in Sichuan, Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou, even the Eighth Route Army of the Communist Party of China would not look good on Jiang. I heard from Li Xiaoman that hundreds of thousands of national troops might still be looking for and Following Jiang was undoubtedly a life-saving straw. Of course, Song Genling overthought, and most of the hundreds of thousands of national troops had disintegrated on their own due to various reasons.

"Why don't you secretly execute these national soldiers and let them go without fear of raising tigers?" Song Genling asked

"My husband's family is a noble, and nobles behave like nobles. We will not massacre people who have surrendered and are unarmed. For them, the war is over and they should not bear anything anymore." Li Xiaoman said, looking down at himself There is a phoenix pattern brooch on the left chest, which is the symbol of the royal family of the Zhou Empire.

Song Genling listened to Li Xiaoman's words and captured her movements keenly.

"I have never seen your army’s fighting style like this before," Song Genling said.

"You know, raising hundreds of thousands of mouths consumes a lot of food, but the nobles will not bear the reputation of killing prisoners, so they can only release them," Li Xiaoman said.

Hearing this, Song Genling nodded.

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