"Father and mother are so happy, what else can I, a son, do besides send my blessings?" Wang Qi felt a little dumbfounded when he heard that his parents were fine and they gave him younger siblings.

"The King of Xining also said that he would try to have three children in two years and a hundred children in a row, haha," Chu Bufan said with a smile. Obviously Wang Yu was teasing him at that time. At this time, Li Xiaoman was completely speechless to his parents-in-law. If this was true, The next time she went back to visit relatives, dozens of boys and girls ran out of the Taishi's residence and called her second sister-in-law. The parents-in-law were holding two swaddles each, and a group of maids each held a swaddle in their arms. Oh my god, this is crazy.

"The teacher is here to convey the father's important order." After laughing, Wang Qi asked

"His Highness has no instructions, he only hopes that you can manage our overseas sites well so as to lay a good foundation for the upcoming world changes," Chu Bufan said

"I will, after all, this is also my second home," Wang Qi said

"Also, try to maintain a good relationship with the Qing court, which will also help us fight against the Westerners," Chu Bufan said again

"Don't worry, teacher, I'm already doing this," Wang Qi said

""Okay." Chu Bufan nodded.

After staying for a few days, Chu Bufan went back to the Great Zhou Empire.

After returning to the Great Zhou Empire, Wang Yu asked Chu Bufan to take a few treasures back to the land of Jiuzhou and Ten Thousand Kingdoms to see the emperor and empress. At the same time, he also gave Chu Bufan It’s a holiday.

The land of Kyushu and all nations, the Divine Kingdom of Zhongzhou, and the Imperial Palace of Divine Capital

"Mr. Chu, you have worked hard for the country." The emperor and the empress received Chu Bufan in the Shengji Hall.

"For the sake of the great emperor and the Kingdom of God, I will never give up." Chu Bufan stood still, dragging his military cap with his left hand, and responded sonorously to the empress.

"Mr. Chu is not an outsider, why do you need so many courtesy? Please sit down quickly." The Empress signaled.

""Yes." Chu Bufan found a seat and sat down.

"Did the emperor say when he would return to the imperial palace?"The emperor asked

"The war has started again over there, and the emperor is mobilizing troops to command the battle. I'm afraid he won't be able to escape for a while." Chu Bufan made up a lie.

"There are many people under the emperor who are capable of conquering and fighting, so why should he lead the army himself? Are those generals all dead?" The empress was dissatisfied and responded

"Empress, the emperor just wants us to have smaller losses and achieve greater results before personally commanding the battle. The generals have tried to persuade us many times, but the emperor has not adopted the generals’ opinions," Chu Bufan said.

"Okay, okay, I don't want to hear these things. I only care about the emperor. I hope he can come back soon." The empress waved her hands, a little impatiently.

"The Emperor and Empress, please take a look." Chu Bufan signaled to the soldiers outside to come in with the treasures, and then said to the Empress and Empress.

"This is"The emperor and empress were puzzled

"Empress, this is the treasure carefully selected by the emperor for you," Chu Bufan said

"oh?"The emperor came down from the throne and looked carefully at these hairpin jewelry.

"Was it really chosen by the emperor himself?"The emperor asked Chu Bufan

"Exactly, when the emperor selected these treasures, I was at the scene and saw it with my own eyes," Chu Bufan said

"Okay, I understand. When you go back, thank the emperor for me and say that the children and I will wait for his return." The empress accepted the treasure and said to Chu Bufan

""Yes" Chu Bufan responded.

In February of the 13th year of Chengkang's reign in the Great Zhou Empire (the 18th year of Daoguang's reign in Gongjilu, 1838 AD), an anti-Zhou independence movement broke out in Chaoxian under the instigation of Gaul and was armed with Gaul guns. The Chaoxian"Independent Army" took advantage of the night to raid the material warehouse of the 1008th Division of the Jiuzhou Army's Foreign Corps stationed in Chaoxian, causing the department to fall into chaos.

But after all, the department had a large number of people and was well-equipped, so after the 1008th Division reacted Immediately built a temporary position, set up machine guns and started a fierce battle with the Chao Xian"Independence Army".

In just one hour, more than 10,000 Chao Xian"Independence Army" were killed under the firepower net of dozens of machine guns. They severely damaged the 1008th Division. The plan was shattered.

At this time, the 1009th Division of the Jiuzhou Army's Foreign Corps, which was also stationed in Chaoxian, had not yet received news of the anti-Chou"independence movement" in Chaoxian. After dawn

, the 1009 Division received news of the"riot" by Chaoxian independents. , the ministry immediately went on alert and dispatched a regiment of troops to the Chaoxian capital to control the Chaoxian king.

However, they encountered a condescending blockage by a large number of Chaoxian independents halfway, and the troops were intercepted and unable to advance in the valley.

Fortunately, under the cover of artillery , Next, the Kyushu soldiers of this regiment still broke through the blockage and marched towards the capital of Chaoxian.

However, the delay of several hours gave the Chaoxian independent elements time to build a defense line in the capital.

When the Kyushu soldiers of this regiment arrived at the capital of Chaoxian, The opponent was already well prepared.

However, although the Chaoxian independents had the support of guns and artillery provided by the Gauls, they still could not hold the Chaoxian capital for a long time. In just a few hours, the Chaoxian capital was broken, and the Kyushu soldiers entered the city to capture the Chaoxian king.

The Chaoxian king and his family were so frightened that they hurriedly fled the palace and took refuge in the mountains. The Kyushu soldiers fled.

That is to say, when the anti-Zhou independence movement broke out in Chaoxian, a similar"riot" actually occurred in Yuenan.

In April of that year, The news spread back to Jiangning Andong Protectorate

"This is a conspiracy! Someone must be planning this!"Wang Qi slapped the table angrily and roared

"Prince, two riots occurred in our two vassal countries at almost the same time. I can guarantee that they are planned by Westerners behind the scenes," said Yuan Shu, the commander of the foreign corps.

At this time, several commanders of the foreign corps had been replaced, and Yuan Shu was the fifth. Ren, the military rank is a three-star second-class general.

"Prince, I also think this matter is not simple. If no one planned and provided weapons, how could those Chaoxian and Yuenan people dare to do such treacherous and unethical things?" said Foreign Affairs Director Huangfu Weiyan, who is the grandson of Huangfuqi and the third Three-term foreign affairs director

"So who do you think is behind this? Britain? Prussia? Or some other Western country?" Wang Qi asked

"Gaul, I thought that the mastermind behind the scenes was Gaul." Huangfu Weiyan found out the mastermind behind the scenes with just a few words. This man has extraordinary insight.

"oh? Our country has no enmity with Gaul, how dare they blatantly instigate my overseas relatives to openly rebel?" Wang Qi asked

"In recent years, many Gallic merchants have gone to Chaoxian and Yuenan for trade, and the quantity of goods is huge. However, as far as I know, Chaoxian and Yuenan cannot digest such a large amount of goods, and because of our lax inspections, a large number of Weapons and ammunition flowed into the two countries, allowing those rebellious people to obtain these weapons; in addition, Gaul businessmen in Jiangning also often mentioned Chaoxian and Yuenan intentionally or unintentionally. Thinking about it now, their words at the time seemed to be testing," Huangfu Weiyan said

"Well, it makes sense, but we currently have no evidence." Wang Qi frowned and said

"This is very difficult." Huangfu Weiyan also frowned.

Returning to the front line, the Kyushu Army captured a large number of legal weapons in the battle with the independent elements in Chaoxian and Yuenan. Among them, the Kyushu soldiers stationed in Yuenan also captured two high-ranking officials. Instructor Lu, this matter was quickly reported to Jiangning, and the captured Gaul instructors and the captured weapons were also escorted back to Jiangning. In

June of the 13th year of Chengkang (the 18th year of Daoguang's reign, 1838 AD), Huangfu Weiyan, Director of Foreign Affairs of the Zhou Empire, officially announced the human and material evidence that Gaul was behind the Chaoxian and Yuenan riots.

All countries were in an uproar for a while.

Huangfu Weiyan, the Director of Foreign Affairs of the Zhou Empire, obtained Wang Qi's permission and declared war on Gaul. , seized all Gallic chambers of commerce in Jiangning, seized the cargo of Gallic merchant ships, and arrested Gallic merchants. In

October of the same year, a Gallic vanguard force of 2,000 people arrived in Yuenan. By this time, the independence movements in Chaoxian and Yuenan had already begun were wiped out, and a large number of independent elements were killed or captured and executed.

The Chaoxian King was also forced to abdicate the throne to his younger brother, the Yuenan King was arrested and executed, and his nephew succeeded to the throne as the new Yuenan King.

Gaul After the army arrived in Yuenan, it did not actively seek combat. Instead, it chose to establish a beachhead and barracks in the Tamsui Port area to prepare for the upcoming follow-up main force. The

1010th and 1011th Divisions of the Kyushu Army stationed in Yuenan detected the movements of the Gallic army Immediately they launched an attack on each other from two different directions.

However, relying on the artillery cover of their own warships in Tamsui Port, the Gallic army unexpectedly repelled the Kyushu Army's attack. The Kyushu

Army, which failed in the attack, repaired slightly and launched the second attack. In this attack, they first bombarded the Gallic warships in the port with heavy artillery, and then used a large number of machine guns to cover the infantry to attack the Gallic army positions. The

Gallic warships were afraid of the power of the Kyushu soldiers' heavy artillery and fled Tamsui Port. They lost the artillery cover of the warships and were attacked again. A large number of machine guns suppressed it, and Tamsui Port was soon declared lost.

In this battle, more than 800 Gallic soldiers were killed and more than 600 prisoners were taken. The remaining Gallic soldiers took advantage of the chaos and fled to the warships outside the port in small boats, or their whereabouts were unknown during the battle..

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