"Boom..! boom!"

"Da da da"

Such sounds echoed continuously inside and outside Tamsui Port.

This is the fleet led by General Gaul Bertin who is confronting the Kyushu Army who has reoccupied Tamsui Port.

The roar of guns and artillery from both sides was really lively.

The Gallic warships were afraid of the power of shore artillery and did not dare to shoot close, so most of the warships' artillery did not hit the shore.

The machine guns of the Kyushu Army on the shore did not have enough range to attack the Gallic soldiers on the warship.

The rear artillery could only conduct exploratory shooting because they could not determine the specific location of the warship.

The shooting accuracy and hit rate of both sides were extremely poor, and a lot of ammunition was wasted.

After fighting each other for several days, both sides stopped this wasteful behavior of elixirs.

The Gallic fleet outside Tamsui Port soon received an order saying that the subsequent Gallic army had returned the same way, and asked them to evacuate immediately. At this time, Gaul was actively preparing for peace talks to end this meaningless war.

In March of the fourteenth year of Chengkang (the nineteenth year of Daoguang's reign in Gongjilu, 1839 AD). Zhou and France formally signed a peace treaty, in which Gaul paid an indemnity of six million francs in exchange for captured soldiers, detained Gallic merchants and their goods.

After the signing of the peace treaty, Wang Qi announced to the outside world that due to the ambition of the Gauls to blatantly interfere in the internal affairs of the Zhou Empire, from now on any Gallic merchants were prohibited from trading within the control of the Zhou Empire on Rooster Land. Since then, the two countries have been at loggerheads.

Jiangning, Andong Protectorate, De'an Palace

"Everyone, in order to celebrate this victory, we have this drink." Wang Qi held up a wine cup and said to a group of civil and military officials.

""Do it!" the civil and military officials agreed.

Everyone drank the wine in their respective wine glasses.

"The Western devils are nothing more than that. Under the fierce artillery attack of our corps, they were vulnerable and had to come back and beg for peace in the end. If they dare to go against us, they will be blinded." Yuan Shu, commander of the corps, said very arrogantly..This is the first time that the Corps has fought a war with Western powers since its establishment.

"What Commander Yuan said is absolutely true, but it is better not to underestimate the enemy. After all, in this battle, our army is waiting for work and has an absolute advantage in numbers. It is reasonable to win a complete victory," said Director of Foreign Affairs Huangfu Weiyan

"Hehe, Director Huangfu, you are just too cautious. Even if the Western Japs come again with dozens or millions of people, what are you afraid of? Our corps has 200,000 troops and thousands of heavy artillery. As long as they dare to come, I will let them die without burial. Land," Yuan Shu said

"Commander Yuan, that's not what happened. You underestimate the enemy like this."Huangfu said again:

"Okay, okay, we will only drink today, nothing else." Wang Qi interrupted the two of them in time.

"Okay, then let’s honor the prince and his wife," Yuan Shu said, holding up the newly filled wine baron.

All the civil and military officials agreed.

"Prince, please drink less." Seeing that her husband drank a lot, Li Xiaoman reminded her in a low voice.

"What do you know, everyone is so happy, but you are here to spoil the fun?" Wang Qi also scolded Li Xiaoman.

"snort!"Li Xiaoman snorted coldly and ignored Wang Qi. Then she went to sit aside.

After the celebration banquet, Wang Yu returned to his Tongxin Hall, because Li Xiaoman thought he smelled of alcohol, so he He did not spend the night with him.

Soon after, Lord Palmerston, who had become the Prime Minister of Britain, sent an envoy to invite dignitaries from the Zhou Empire to visit Britain on the order of Queen Victoria. The credentials were sent to the Andong Protectorate in Jiangning, and Wang Qi received the Shu and warmly entertained the envoy Charles Yilu.

After Wang Yu received the sound transmission spell from his son, the errand of visiting Britain was handed over to Chu Bufan, who had always wanted to see the scenery in the Western world. In the fifteenth year of Chengkang (Rooster) In May of the 20th year of Daoguang's reign (AD 1840), Chu Bufan arrived at the port of Portsmouth, Britain, aboard the sailing battleship"Chengfeng", towed by the British steam paddle steamer"Nemesis".

"The 120-gun sailing battleship"Chengfeng" was one of the seven first-class sailing battleships sold by Britain to the Zhou Empire.

The name of this warship has nothing to do with Wang Yu's character, it is just named randomly, and there are other words such as" Ship names such as"Talking on the Waves" and

"Breaking Waves". Due to Wang Yu's operation, the"One Crow" war between the Qing court and Britain on Rooster Land did not break out.

This time Chu Bufan was invited to visit Britain. In addition to some friendly talks with the other party, Then there is the plan to purchase some steam engine-driven warships from Britain.

Although with Wang Yu's ability, it is not a problem to get a steam engine, but it is not necessary at the moment.

In addition to purchasing steam engine warships, Chu Bufan also plans to station the fleet abroad The sailing battleships and cruisers in it were sent to Britain in batches to carry out modification projects of steam engines and propeller propellers.

Propellers had just appeared in the Western world at this time and were only installed on the small steamship"Rattlesnake" for testing. In reality, the first sailing battleship propelled by a steam engine propeller was the"Ajax" which was commissioned in 1846. It was a British warship.

After Chu Bufan got off the ship from Portsmouth, he first took a carriage for a while, and then Take the steam train to London, the capital of Britain.

After getting off the train, Chu Bufan took a carriage to Buckingham Palace to meet the Queen.

""The foreign minister has met Her Majesty the Queen of Britain. I wish you good health and may Britain prosper." After being allowed to visit, Chu Bufan saw Queen Victoria sitting on the throne in the hall of Buckingham Palace. At this time, Victoria had only succeeded to the throne for more than two years. She was still a little girl in her early twenties; but no one thought that in the next sixty years, this young queen would become the"grandmother" of Europe.

Some famous European monarchs in the future will be related to Queen Victoria.

The so-called" grandmother" of Europe."The Empire on which the Sun Never Sets" refers to the British Empire in the era of Queen Victoria. After the collapse of Napoleon's Gallic Empire, Britain became the leader of Europe until the outbreak of World War II a century later.

"My Prime Minister often talks about your country to me. Here I sincerely thank you for your efforts in safeguarding world trade freedom." Queen Victoria said, stretching out her left hand. Upon seeing this,

Chu Bufan stepped forward a few steps Kissing the back of Queen Victoria's hand

"Your Majesty, every country has the right to free trade, we are just following the trend of the world," Chu Bufan said afterwards

"Oh, what you said is so good." The Queen praised Chu Bufan.

"Thank you Her Majesty the Queen for the compliment. It is an honor for you to recognize me," Chu Bufan replied.

Although Chu Bufan was wearing a military uniform, his elegant temperament and humorous conversation left a good impression on Queen Victoria and the British ministers present.

From here on, a sixty-year honeymoon period of friendship was formed between the Great Zhou Empire and Britain, which did not end until the Qing Dynasty's"Gengzi Revolution" at the turn of the century.

Chu Bufan stayed in Britain for more than half a month. , on the return journey, we took the steam paddle-wheel gunboat"Newton" just purchased from Britain and returned to the sea off Humen, Rooster Land, thus ending the trip to Britain.

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