At the dinner table, Da Siming ate a lot of food, and Wang Yu and others looked at it dumbfounded.

In their impression, although Da Siming did not eat as little as Luna, he would never eat so much.

"What’s wrong with you?"Moon God couldn't help but ask,

"It’s nothing," Da Siming said as he prepared the meal.

"Eat more, the better." Wang Yu smiled.

""I feel sick." After finishing the meal, Da Siming took a sip of tea, and then suddenly retched for no apparent reason.

"What's wrong?"Wang Yu asked with concern.

"may be"Da Siming caressed his flat belly and hesitated with a reddish complexion.

She had the same symptoms when she was pregnant with Wang Qi more than a thousand years ago.

The Moon God took Da Siming's pulse and"scanned" his abdomen. Oh my God, there is actually a little life being conceived.

"Congratulations, you are going to be a father again." The moon god congratulated Wang Yu in a strange way.

In the past year, Wang Yu and Da Siming spent a total of ten months together overnight.

"Hey, God is not kind to me. He is trying to make me have more children and be more blessed." Wang Yu smiled, stood up and circled around with Da Siming in his arms.

"Put me down quickly." Seeing that there were others present, Da Siming said with a red face.

"Congratulations to my father." Wang Qi and Wang Song also sent their blessings.

"Congratulations to my father who is about to have another son," Li Xiaoman said.

Thinking that her father-in-law already has nine sons, and he has to add another big fat boy, the pressure of competition on her husband is increasing; Li Xiaoman feels that life is too uncomfortable. easy

"Xiaoman, you have to hurry up," Da Siming said to Li Xiaoman

""Mom, I must hurry up," Li Xiaoman replied awkwardly. After ten years of marriage, her stomach has no reaction at all. But I didn't expect that my mother-in-law could still be pregnant at such an old age. It is really a miracle of human science.

"Okay, okay, from today on you will take good care of your baby so that you can give birth to a big fat boy for me." Wang Yu didn't care at all that there were other people at the scene, he said to Da Siming

"Father, mother, sons and ministers will retire first."

"My sons also resigned first."

"You guys chat, and we’ll go out for a walk too."

The group of people quickly fled the Winter Palace.

"Prince, there is a question that has always puzzled me. Can you help me clear this doubt?" After returning to Beixuan Hall, Li Xiaoman asked Wang Qi

"Ask, is there anything else that you and I can't say between husband and wife?" Wang Qi said.

"How old are your father and mother?" Li Xiaoman asked

"I heard from my eldest brother that my father is about a few million years old and my mother is younger, only over 2,000 years old." Wang Qi said, his tone was very normal, as if everything should be like this.

"Why? What’s wrong with you? Stand up quickly." The next moment, Wang Qi suddenly pulled Li Xiaoman.

It turned out that she felt incredible after hearing Wang Qi's words. Li Xiaoman almost collapsed on the ground as if he had been struck by lightning.

"real?!"Li Xiaoman asked

"Why should I lie to you? I am over a thousand years old." Wang Qi helped Li Xiaoman to the bedside and asked her to sit down, and said

"I.. Oh my god.. What is going on? My dream of becoming a princess is completely shattered." Li Xiaoman said, covering her head.

"Why do you have to be a princess? Isn’t it good now?" Wang Qi said

"The princess is so nice, it sounds nice to say it out loud," Li Xiaoman said.

Wang Qi was speechless.

"If I get old in a few years, you won't kick me out, right?" Li Xiaoman suddenly stood up and grabbed Wang Qi's collar and asked

"Joke, will you age?"Wang Qi responded nonchalantly.

"Think carefully about the time when you and I just got married."Wang Qi then reminded her.

Li Xiaoman let go of Wang Qi's collar, sat back on the bed and frowned, thinking about it.

At that time, she had just married Wang Qi, and the two were still having a fierce quarrel. Once, Wang Qi brought someone to tie her up without any explanation, then drove the others out of the palace, took out a pill and forced it into her mouth. inside

"Is it that pill?"Li Xiaoman suddenly realized

"You're not stupid yet," Wang Qi joked.

"If you didn't tell me earlier, I was so scared that I couldn't sleep well at night." Li Xiaoman stood up and beat Wang Yu

"Okay, okay, it’s not appropriate to be so crazy." Wang Qi scolded him with a straight face.

""Go, ignore you." Li Xiaoman ignored Wang Qi.

On the sixth day of May, the fifteenth year of Chongning (1810 AD), a grand wedding was held in the Huangji Hall of the palace. Hundreds of officials paid homage to the queen and concubine.

Emperor Zhou A few days after their wedding, Wang Qi and Li Xiaoman said goodbye to their parents and returned to the Rooster Land.

In the blink of an eye, another ten years passed and they arrived in the 25th year of Chongning (the 25th year of Jiaqing in the Rooster Land, A.D. In 1820), a major event occurred in the Qing Empire. Emperor Jiaqing died in his summer resort at the age of sixty-one. His second elder brother Minning, who was thirty-eight years old at the time, inherited the throne and became Daoguang. Emperor.

Wang Qi learned the news and rushed to the capital in person to attend the funeral of Emperor Jiaqing. He also led the Kyushu soldiers to assist Qing court officials in escorting Emperor Jiaqing's coffin to the Qingxi Mausoleum Changling Cemetery in Yixian County for burial.

In addition, Wang Qi also donated money to the Qing court. One hundred thousand taels of silver were used to express condolences to the family.

After the funeral, Wang Qi attended Minning's coronation ceremony and returned to Jiangning.

In September of the 30th year of Chongning (the fifth year of Daoguang's reign in Gongjilu, 1825 AD), the bad news came , Ji Xuan, the emperor of the Great Zhou Empire and the Emperor of Zhou, died suddenly at the age of only thirty-five, and was given the posthumous title Emperor Wu of Zhou.

The basis for this posthumous title was that during his reign, the Great Zhou Empire achieved major successes in its foreign conquests, and also captured Many overseas territories, so they gave him the posthumous title of"武". In fact, this posthumous title is just that, it all depends on the mood of the moon god.

After Ji Xuan died, his mother, the Queen Mother, cried so hard that he His wife, Queen Wang, also burst into tears, and the harem fell into chaos due to the sudden death of Emperor Zhou. Yueshen and Yan Fei persuaded each other and finally stabilized the emotions of the aunt, nephew, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

With the succession of the nine-year-old Prince Chen Proclaimed emperor, the Great Zhou Empire ushered in a new Emperor of Zhou.

In the first year of Chengkang (the sixth year of Daoguang's reign in Gongjilu, 1826 AD), ten-year-old Ji Chen sat on the dragon chair in the Huangji Palace to accept the blessings of hundreds of officials. Worship.

Her mother, the Queen Mother, is revered as the Queen Mother, and her grandmother, the Queen Mother, is revered as the Queen Mother.

Due to too many affairs during this time on Rooster Land, Wang Qi was too busy to do anything, so she did not return to Luoyi in person to attend Ji Xuan's ceremony. The funeral and the enthronement ceremony of the new emperor, but he sent Li Xiaoman back with several memorials to watch the ceremony.

At the funeral, Li Xiaoman dressed in mourning clothes represented Wang Qi and knelt three times and kowtowed nine times to Ji Xuan's coffin to express his respect for the deceased. The condolences of the emperor.

At the coronation ceremony of the new emperor, Li Xiaoman kowtowed to Ji Chen, who had just succeeded to the throne, on behalf of Wang Qi to show his loyalty to him. After all these things, Li Xiaoman returned to Rooster Land.

Chengkang In October of the first year of the first year (the sixth year of Daoguang's reign in Gongjilu, 1826 AD), in the residence of the Grand Master in Luoyi

"I.. I'm pregnant again." Da Siming said to Wang Yu with red cheeks, holding his daughter Wang Fu who was less than one year old in his arms.

"ah? real?"

"Well, it's true."

Wang Yu felt incredible, but Da Siming was extremely sure.

"Hey, you said you used to look forward to the stars and the moon for children, but now you have given birth to so many children, are you satisfied, haha." Wang Yu smiled and took his daughter from Da Siming's arms.

But the Moon God watched the two flirting. Cursing, feeling very speechless

"Have you had enough trouble?" After a while, Luna said with a straight face.

"Moon God, don’t be anxious, I will try to get you pregnant too, and you two will give me a double happiness." Wang Yu said with a smile

""Vulgar" Luna scolded, stood up and left.

"Don't look at what you say, but you may not think so in your heart. I don't believe you don't want it." Wang Yu looked at the Moon God's leaving figure and said with a smile.

A few months later, Da Siming gave birth to another child for Wang Yu. His son, named Wang Hong, is Wang Yu’s eleventh son. In the past sixteen years, for some reason, Da Siming has given birth to two sons and four daughters for Wang Yu, plus the last In the beginning, Wang Qi also had seven biological children.

Now Wang Yu is going further and further on the road of having many children and many blessings. In the second year of Chengkang (1827 AD) when the eleventh Wang Hong was born, Wang Yu There are a total of eleven sons and thirteen daughters.

In April of the third year of Chengkang (the eighth year of Daoguang in the Zhou Empire, 1828 AD), Chu Bufan went on a business trip to Congji Land again.

With the final payment of one million pounds, In the Qing Dynasty, the Zhou Empire's overseas naval fleet had been basically established. This fleet would usually undertake maritime commercial transportation or provide paid escort services for merchant ships from other countries. Just imagine when a first-class sailing battleship escorts a Western caravan, That would be more respectable.

Jiangning, De'an Palace of the Andong Protectorate

"Teacher, are you telling the truth?"Wang Qi looked at Chu Bufan in disbelief.

"Yes, they have given you another brother," Chu Bufan said with a smile.

Li Xiaoman, who was sitting aside eating fruit, was speechless after hearing this. His parents-in-law were so clever that they gave birth to another child.

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