"I don't know, I'm also a child who has just been born, you have to understand well, sometimes the words of adults are full of their own tacit understanding, it doesn't depend on my own understanding of life. In short, it's not uncommon for them to speak code language, not bring children, and have tacit dissatisfaction with the adult world between their words.

It's a pity that Judah is a qualified child, although he is a little restrained in life, but his thinking has not made much progress compared to humanoids of the same age, so he doesn't have a good way to persuade him, so he has to say with the same enemy, "Yes, adults are really excessive." "


teenager who was expressing his emotions was temporarily uncontrollable, and at the same time, he was like a fish in water in prison, and no humanoid race would be responsible for supervising him in the last few days, because the entire prison was temporarily under the responsibility of the Holy See.

"The reform of the Holy See decades ago, I think it's quite amazing, to be honest, to this day, Lei has not lost his status because of this reform, it can only show that Lei doesn't need me very much to a certain extent, after all, he can actually handle the problem very well, and he wants me to come, what's the point?".

"Is there a possibility that he is just here to meet you, Lord Ray Apostle is an apostle who expresses his emotions in a very roundabout way, and it is not the first time you have known it, and you are almost the only friend he can have other than to try and not worry about leaving because of his lifespan. "

"Do apostles like Him think about this? I thought they were all about to be assimilated to a large extent, after all, I would have gone crazy if I had been in that state all the time. "

"I don't know, but isn't every apostle like that?".

Theoretically, but that's not all, some apostles don't have to endure this painful process of transformation, or forced transformation, because they fit in with it. But Ray is very special, as an apostle almost a long time ago, the definition of apostle itself was still very imperfect at the beginning, so the initial apostles were somewhat unavoidably flawed. "

"Don't say that Lord Ray is some kind of strange creature, we all know that, don't we, the so-called apostles are just small beings buried in a huge terrible empty shadow, and they can't even decide their own lives. "

"You are also too one-sided, it is they who choose to bear, and they have to pay enough price for their choice, this is the truth, so whether you say that it is a small life, it cannot change the essence of them, they are the existence of countless humanoid beings in their hands, and the experience of individuals should not be an excuse in the face of such a huge base, the right to life is always the most important, no matter who you are discussing this with, any humanoid race with this basic understanding of the world will tell you this, and it does not depend on his position or actual experience, because the survival instinct of the humanoid race itself is like this, so after a thorough understanding of this, they will be more in favor of this. "

"Count-based statistics are inherently wrong, and life cannot be measured. "

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