"Yes, for a while, because of the actual ability problem training has been a problem.,The whole humanoid mental state is not good.,But now it's much better and there's no problem.,I'm mainly responsible for the area where the layout of the entire palace is.,And the defense map.。 "

"This should be a very important position, right?" Juji looked at Penari with some suspicion, "Isn't it inappropriate for a minor to hold such a position?"

"No, the main thing is that the screening mechanism in the entire guard team is about strength, so your personal abilities are very strong, and I'm one of the few types who can talk to all humanoids, so I'm actually the type responsible for settling them down. "

"Oh, that's right. That's why you like to read books here?" Judah looked at all kinds of books on warfare, as well as areas such as architectural structures, and it was clear that Penari understood Judji's hint.

"It's not really, it's purely an interest, after all, not all humanoids will have such an interest in reading, they also see that I like it, so they finally arranged my position, and as I said before, in fact, to be honest, our role is really not much. "

"Anyway, are there any books on magic here?"

"Yes, yes, but are you sure you want to read it? It's all long and smelly theoretical knowledge, and it won't teach you how to use it, I think if you want to use magic, Your Highness can go directly to the Second Prince, or His Royal Highness Luo Wei, although he doesn't like to talk very much, but he is very good to us. "

"It's the one who looks fierce and speaks with something like a glass plate, and then it seems to have a pattern on his face?" Or is it that he just wants to take a look at himself, Juji is not good at thinking about this kind of problem, the amount of information is too little, at this time it should be to let the flow understand, add this kind of information to calculate.

After all, Stream is still very good at collecting all kinds of magical consultations, which is not a strange thing, and Downey has mentioned the ability to gather information about Stream Horror before, but it seems that Stream doesn't know what happened to the second prince.

What could it be because, the pattern on the second prince's body is very strange, it seems to be a symbiotic existence with him, but it is difficult for people to remember, and Juji suddenly realized that he seems to have begun to remember the pattern of the pattern on the second prince's body. As if it was subjectively shielded, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

"Don't worry too much, although His Royal Highness Lowe is sometimes more silent and his size is taller, but he is really a good humanoid, and he loves His Royal Highness Emily very much, to be honest, they seem to be the three closest heirs of the same term in history, even now the relationship between the second prince and the eldest prince is not as good as among them, and when His Royal Highness Louville was still there before, it was not the same as now, and the relationship between His Royal Highness Emily and His Royal Highness Luville does not seem to be very good. "

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