The décor of the room was obviously too advanced for Jack, and he didn't react for a moment, but curled up and rolled up the blanket that had just been draped over him. Life always has the ability to make jokes about humanoids who are too slow to react, and such a scene makes Stream want to laugh for a while, but out of respect for Mr. Jack, he holds back.

"Mr. Jack, we are back, and I am sure that in the near future we will soon see the humanoid we want to meet us. "So there's no need to be so flustered, and you can put down the blanket in your hand, even if it's not hand-sewn, but given that this blanket may be older than you, I sincerely hope you don't tear it off." "

"Oh, oh. Jack slackened when he heard the stream's voice, "Okay, good." He replied to the flow, and it was clear that the lack of oxygen was not a quick recovery for humanoids who were still carbon-based. "What are we going to do now?".

"If I'm not mistaken, you've asked at least three times about something like this, and I've answered you in different ways and from different angles, and the only thing we have to do is wait, and what we have to wait for depends on whether our Judah arrives first, or Mia arrives first, and we have a third option as a last resort, but I don't really want to do that. Stream was a little impatient, Jack had honestly managed too much, and this was not an errand he was supposed to be in charge of right now.

"I see. Jack replied weakly, no longer making a sound, but very smoothly re-stretched his body and curled up again.

After all, he was the first humanoid among all the apostles to reach the realm of having a private realm, and now he should be more proficient than before. "

"I don't know, Lord Lei has his own ideas, but that's not something we should speculate. Tucker didn't really want to bring it up, so he got up and walked out the door, "You can do it here, you can do it in your own cell, whatever you want, I'm going to check the equipment here." "

"I know, you go first, we'll stay here for a while and then we'll go back, and we'll go back when Jack is sober, as for the inspection, I've seen it before when I was probing, but if you want to confirm it, I'm free, the facilities here can be used for another ten years." "

"Ten years? It's not a long time. "

"Nothing lasts long, you yourself understand, apostle, you, I, we will all have to face one day, to be honest, like the current Great Elder of the Angel Clan, I don't think it is advisable. "

"I don't care, the angels have their own code of conduct, and I can't deny that it's one thing, but it's a humanoid custom for thousands of years, and I don't reject them. Tucker walked away without continuing.

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