But Hal didn't care, these schemes, or what Emily's highness's humanoid character was, had nothing to do with her, an old man who was nearly two hundred years old. He has not always experienced a generation of royal humanoids, and he should actually know that some things should be said and some things will rot in his stomach until he goes to the grave.

Emily left, and to be honest, there wasn't much distance from the palace, after all, it was a scientific research institute. The Parliament's humanoids don't care about the development of scientific research, and the heirs of the royal family always come to supervise it, but over the years, Emily has siphoned off half of the humanoids in the scientific research institute for a project that Hal doesn't know very well, and they don't even know where they are, Hal sometimes wonders if these humanoids are really alive?

Of course, such a problem will only be his leisure time, the overall directors of various long-term projects of the scientific research institute are now only two, Hal was left as the director and deputy director of the entire research institute, and they are responsible for managing hundreds of long-term projects under their hands, but now due to manpower problems, the ability of these two old bones to be challenged by double-digit projects alone.

He pulled out of his thoughts, and saw that the other half of his hatred of iron and steel around him was the experimenter, all looking at him with mixed feelings.

"Isn't it obvious that you guys, hey, why are you still looking at me, if you can't find it, do a large-scale investigation, go find it out, go and talk to the traffic management department directly, I remember that there is a person named Maggie in the seventh project team, where is it?".

"I'm here. A delicate woman's voice came from the side, "Well, is there something wrong with Mr. Howl?".

"I remember that your research project was about the comparison of the efficiency of transportation modes between different planets, and the impact of the actual situation on the transportation of the planet itself in the first star field, right?"

"Well, yes, I'm in the late stages of my research, and I can publish it directly as long as I take a little more time at the end. "

"I remember that your previous data was directly quoted from the data of the Ministry of Communications, and this time you also go to communicate with them, just move Her Royal Highness the Empress out, and leave the carpet search matter to you to mainly manage, and let those humanoids from the Ministry of Communications trouble themselves. "

"Yes, yes," Maggie replied weakly. Then they just left, obviously to contact the humanoids in the transportation department, and although Hal knew that such a thing was really time-consuming and laborious, there were only two things they could do for now.

"And I'm going to find out the video tape at that time, I'm going to watch it again, and by the way, check again, if it really can't detect magic fluctuations. "Since Emily has told them these things, it is obvious that she does not want the police to know about this matter, and it is already a little risky for Maggie to go to the Ministry of Transportation, but in general, the situation can be controlled, the police department has been greatly infiltrated by the parliament over the years, to be honest, sometimes Hal will also wonder, in essence, there is no so-called direct conflict between the interests of the parliament and the royal family.

However, the royal family, each of the royal family has not shown any friendly attitude towards the parliament in terms of political leanings, and even the previous generation of Ina Lowell, who has always had the title of benevolent emperor, did not say that he had any intention of cooperating with the parliament.

It was as if from the very beginning, the two political entities had been at odds with each other.

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