"But in all respects, they all have common interests, don't they?"

"So they contradict each other, the share of the main political entities is very different, but in general they are all sharing a piece of the cake, originally when they were not yet rising, the religion still had the system of the Holy See, but with the change of some things, the strategy of the Apostle of Ray has changed significantly. "And most importantly, the blood of the royal family is not the same as that of Parliament, the two have taken different routes in the past two years, the Parliament is trying to draw together the different bloodlines that account for a small proportion, while the royal family is taking a route similar to that of Social Darwin, whoever is strong will cooperate with whom." "

"This is a contradiction due to different strategies, but in fact the role of the parliament has not yet surpassed that of the royal family, but the parliament can also be very much more suitable for the royal family. This is also brought about after a long period of gambling. "

"It's a bit illogical, isn't it, how could an organization like the royal family allow such an organization to emerge?" Judah did not understand this, because of his own experience, he had a deep understanding of the so-called social Darwinism, and he also understood more thoroughly that the so-called majority of those who ruled by power themselves lacked the courage to fight.

"That's what you don't understand, social Darwin will give a chance to humanoids like them, because the silent majority does not have the so-called right to speak in society, and this behavior itself will accumulate a lot of complaints, so under the intentional guidance, a new so-called resistance will emerge, the first is the parliament. "

"Deliberately guided, but in the end, the forces that were actually born were not the same as not speaking for the so-called people, but becoming part of the maintenance of royal capital?" Yuji felt that the irony of such a thing was even better than that of becoming a prince from the garbage heap.

"That being said, although it is true that the parliament is now very corrupt, it does not prevent it from having some effective bills, and there are also some humanoids running around for the bottom. Stream doesn't have any very practical ideas about an organization like the Parliament, for him it's just a story of a dragon slayer who eventually becomes a dragon, and he's glad that there are actually some powerful officials in this organization who speak out for the majority of the humanoids, no matter what kind of show that kind of voice is.

"You're going to start your set again, you can tell you anything anyway. Juji's dissatisfied tone made him suddenly feel as if he had been arguing with Juji about some conceptual content, but he could also make certain mistakes, so he was as good as Liu.

"When you have a chance, you can find a way to get Emily to take you, she will definitely do everything she can to keep you. After using the effective resources at hand to integrate, to achieve their own goals, it is a very effective means for a weak prince to seize the heart of those in power. The stream doesn't point out that this actually has a better effect on Emily, a humanoid with a heroic mentality.

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