"No, there must be fluctuations in magic, Your Highness is only our detection level", said a respected old man, his voice trembling a little.

"Hal, you know that what I want is not this kind of answer, I want the result, do you understand?" Emily's voice was a little loud and emotionally unstable.

The man behind her patted her on the shoulder, hugged her, and whispered a few words in her ear. Such a scene was familiar to the humanoids on the scene, and Emily quickly calmed down. "I see. She responded to the man behind her.

Then she turned around and kissed it, and the kiss was not much ambiguous, and she also said a few words in the man's ear, and then saw the man leave, using magic. No humanoids heard what they said from beginning to end.

"Time is life, don't you all know?" Emily didn't have a very deafening voice, but the coldness gradually rose, and to be honest, it was even more excessive than just now, and the truth was not as outrageous as before.

"My time has been wasted by all of you, but I don't really care about it, now my only request is to find the space that has disappeared from your so-called powerful spaceship that has absolutely no magic power to fly out of, for no reason, and quickly find out the spaceship. Emily accentuated her tone on "for no reason, I don't know what to say."

It wasn't a difficult request, but Hal was visibly tired, and a cold sweat ran down his face. He wiped the cold sweat with his hand that didn't always exist, to be honest, as an old man who was still strong in such a position, it was obvious that there had been no breakthrough in the magic research of the Thunder Star Domain for a long time, but it was obvious that Lady Emily, or Her Highness, didn't care much about the so-called research progress.

"Your Highness really can't do it, we really can't do this, but we can do our best. Hal didn't refuse very decisively, but such a guarantee didn't please the superior either.

"Yes, so be it. If you can't find it, forget it, so be it. "Emily wasn't good at magic, but to be honest, she didn't really want to force an older humanoid to do anything anymore. "I've asked you before, what is the reason why your research has not progressed, and why you have not applied for much funding or done much research. "

"Your Highness, don't you understand? We really can't spare our hands for this research, and a large part of our resources have been sent to that project. Hal had no choice but to tell the truth, "We don't have a shortage of equipment and resources here, we don't have a shortage of humanoids to use them." "

Emily rubbed her eyebrows, "There are very few places in the laboratory given by the council this year, and I have tried my best to help you out, let me take a look at it again, this matter is indeed urgent, and I will give you a new place next week." "

"Ah, ah, thank you so much, Your Highness. "

"Don't thank me, this is something I caused myself, and I will definitely be responsible for it, and I have really paid too much for that project in the past ten years. Emily's voice softened slightly. "I'm too anxious, I won't have many good days for myself if you are short. "

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