"Who said they were going to take me away strongly? Judah quickly reacted, "Or are you going to leave me behind, your mind as a human race is unexpectedly changeable." "

"No, I didn't think so, I used to take you away because I thought it was difficult for you to adapt to such an environment, but now seeing you like this is obviously a bit underestimating you. The flow responded very smoothly, and this kind of thing has happened more than once, obviously not long after knowing each other, Judah was unexpectedly a little sticky to him.

"I'm going to go with you. "I want to go to different places with you." Stream was a little surprised, and didn't say anything, not very familiar with the current idea of young humanoids. Maybe there is indeed a gap, he thought like this while directly cutting off the contact, it is better not to have any magic interference when teleporting.

He returned to his spaceship, a familiar place, and saw poor little Jack reading the book he had written. It stands to reason that such a scenario would be difficult to happen, after all, Jack is the authentic human race of the Thunder Star Domain who has lived in this society for a long time, and the book he wrote only revealed the current situation and proposed a solution, which is almost what any serious sociologist should be able to make. And when I was writing this book, I also read a lot of related materials.

I don't really know what kind of education Jack received from Mia, and now it can be said that he is ignorant and a little naïve. Stream doesn't hate such a human race, and although it's a little late for a human race, that doesn't mean Jack doesn't have a chance.

"So, dear Comrade Jack, shouldn't you put down your book and come and see me, the author, and discuss with me something about the actual content of the plan. Stream tugged on the leather gloves on the handles to keep them tighter and tighter.

"So your first step is to spread the word about Emily's bad temper and the voice of the people. Then it was through public opinion that she smoothly abdicated. Is that so?" asked Jack, worried that he hadn't understood.

"It's not bad, it's not that simple, it's too hard to condemn a politician to death with a single video, and I'm mainly trying to announce my bad intentions with such a thing. Streamby performed some magical operations in his own spaceship, and then the inside of the spaceship, which had already turned on the life-sustaining system, suddenly lit up.

Jack didn't interfere with the flow, and he didn't speak, a man in his thirties sat very peacefully and quietly on the sofa on the boat, and the scene seemed a little subtle for a while, especially when another young man was busy, like a junior squeezing young labor.

Fortunately, Jack's face is young, which makes the scene not so embarrassing. When everything was done, the stream stopped his busy hands.

Then Jack restarted the conversation, "So you're trying to throw bricks and bricks?"

"If you don't know how to use a colloquialism, don't use it, it's to lure the snake out of the hole. There was no ripple in Liu's tone, and he could see that Jack wasn't very good at distinguishing the difference between such words. There were also some strange grammatical errors in the previous words, which made him a little suspicious of Jack's identity.

"I understand sir, it's just that there are some things I have some curiosity about. "

Say. "

"So what exactly are you going to do?".

"Quite simply, what would you do if a thief with bad intentions entered your house and you had no time to react?".

"Get the thief out?".

"But you can't get the thief out openly, you can't beat him. So you can only choose one path. "

"What do you mean?" asked Jack sincerely.

"That is to hide the things in your own house, which is an idea that normal humanoids will have, but in such a process, there will definitely be bigger flaws, and even because this is the latest action, it is easier to be discovered. As he said this, the ship suddenly shook, and they disappeared where they should have been.

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