"Aren't you talking to the second prince?" Liu walked out of the church, looking at the light in the sky that had gradually brightened, humanoids are always used to places with light, although they themselves have long since needed these things, the improvement of physical fitness, the inheritance of bloodline have made them have this strength beyond the human race, but at the same time, they are helplessly similar to the appearance of the human race.

"I didn't say anything, I think the second prince seems to have been transformed like this. As he chatted, he walked back to his room, shaking off the little guard.

"Oh, our dear little Yuer will now collect information on his own for speculation, great, next time I have the opportunity to tell you all the situation, you can try to help my employer complete the task. Liu's voice was full of ridicule, but it was true that he was drawing a circle now, and he casually found a hotel near the church, and after telling himself that he would leave early, he began to bleed in the room smoothly.

Theoretically, he should use special materials for magic, but it is obvious that he has nothing on his body at present, and he is in a state where he can't use money, not to mention that he doesn't have much money in the first place, and magic materials have been very tightly controlled over the years. On the one hand, it was a sacrifice, and on the other hand, the operation of large tools has been replaced with magical tools over the years.

In summary, under the combined influence of these factors, the price of some materials for magic is often unaffordable for some civilians, although their prices are more reasonable in the channel.

"You talk like this, it makes me want to dig my head straight down to see what is talking in it so noisy at the same time. While Juji's function as a spit service has been further developed, he has not forgotten to improve his observation ability, "I think there are a lot of lines on the second prince's body that are not in a very natural state, they seem to be living in a subjective sense, consuming the blood of this humanoid race." "

Such a description was nothing new to Liu, after all, he had just shown such a pattern to a bishop, but he believed that there must be no direct connection between the two. The things of the gods are not so easy to imitate, so they can only be said to be like the lines on Donnie's body, but they are not natural.

"Do you have a terminal with you? Check the actual figures published in the national database to see if the number of missing persons has been increasing in recent years, or if there is a certain trend. "I had a bad feeling in my heart.

"What's wrong?" Judah didn't understand the connection between the two, "Is there any connection between this?"

"If you look closely, especially with regard to children, are there some vintages that are a little weird as if they were directly transferred from other previous ones, or weirdly high or low. Juji quickly found it on the terminal, but in his own opinion, the data really didn't make any difference.

"I don't see the difference. He could only say this, and at the same time his terminal was taken from the little guard, not so much stolen, but rather that the little guard didn't care much about it in the first place.

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