He sat on the edge of the stream, and the expression on his face that should have been peaceful was a little distorted, "I don't know, I really don't know." It's so difficult, and as a bishop, I should be able to solve and deal with those difficulties for the congregation, and that's what we're trying to do, isn't it?".

"It's not your fault, it's not the gods' fault, it's normal, there are always things to go through in the long life of humanoids. The pain in your heart doesn't mean that what you're doing is meaningless, it's just the most meaningful. Stream did not look directly at the bishop, but spoke calmly, as he had done for many years.

The bishop was on his side, his body curled up and sitting in an unformed position, trying to hide his unbearable expression with his hands. Emotional torture is often more profoundly influential and devastating to an individual than so-called physical torture. From the day he began to think about it, his heart was tormented.

"Faith is undoubtedly something different from what you think. He doesn't give, it doesn't mean anything, and we even have to pay for it. However, this is not a reason for us to reject him, and any belief is often born out of the deepest despair of humanoids. "

"War, death, fear, loss. "Streams explain abstract content that all humanoids in this world are one day forced to face or may voluntarily face. "Their existence is enormous, and the greatest weapon we can hold on to an individual is faith. When confronted with the problem of humanity as a whole, faith does not give us the answer, it gives us a most important solution. "

There was an unnatural pause in his tone when he said this, "That's attribution, we can attribute it to what we believe in, believe it, it's not meaningless, and even that's full of meaning, the grander the narrative, the more it can give us a sense of confidence that we can live for no reason." So ah, what you do won't be meaningless, it's not up to me, and it's not up to you. Ask your followers what it means to believe. "

Stream stood up, the nappa leather gloves on his hands, even though they had been worn for a long time, did not affect the dark streamer under the window. He was ready to leave, but the bishop stopped him.

"You seem to know the faith. "

"I just know the apostle very well, he is not bad in nature, and the problem for you may be the same problem for Him. Stream replied with a smile, "The long life span is not an advantage sometimes, as if it took me a long time to believe in the existence of gods." "

Flowing off his gloves, his body had long black lines that spread from the skin of his fingertips until they grew out of sight of the bishop. The patterns seemed to be magical, but the bishop felt a strange feeling of nausea when he looked at them, and he couldn't help but look away.

"I didn't have to believe it until I was engraved with this knowledge, and they were literally coexisting with me and sucking my life. Liu looked a little helpless, "Those things that are beyond the comprehension of all humanoids can indeed be called magic, and compared to those things, the knowledge and technology that we are proud of are only the simplest contents. "

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