But what I can feel is that in the past few days, Juji's attitude towards the flow has simply risen in a straight line, and I want to attribute all this flow to his excellent personality charm, but after thinking about it, I finally found that this is not the real reason, after all, Juji's style of almost forgetting to sleep and eat is not fake.

Judah had asked him many times in the past two days, and some of the questions about this book were so stupid that when he heard it, he realized that this little cub did not believe that he wrote this book, and came to test him.

"I'm at least a human race that has lived for a long time, and if it weren't for my status and the coercion of bad employers, I wouldn't have come to do this kind of work. "I should be able to become a very good sociologist, and I travel to different places every day." "

"Your idea is really unreasonable, if a normal person can really live a long time, he should be ideally at least a person like Ms. Donnie, only you would dream of studying sociology. Juji expressed incomprehension of the strange pursuit of the stream.

"If I decide to become like Donnie, you're in for a miserable situation. "

"You're very powerful, but you're just a human species. "

"If I want to, I have a very long time to do one thing, and that is, "I look at Judah with incomprehensible emotions churning in my deep eyes" to become a god. "

"But isn't your goal now to kill God, and if you become God, won't you be able to do it?"

"No, by killing a god I mean literally, not by a particular god, but by making no creature in that position possible. Liu didn't say any more, "I sometimes feel that I shouldn't tell you so much, after all, after knowing these things, if you look back at your barren life, I'm afraid you will be unwilling." "

Judah thought for a moment, "If you don't tell me, I'll be unwilling, I want to know." "Young children are always hungry for the world and knowledge.

Liu was rarely silent, "Sometimes, the so-called knowledge is more like a resource, but it is the same as the use of all resources, if there is no way to grasp it, it is better to destroy it in advance." And knowledge has an even more disgusting drawback, which can be difficult to remove once you know it. "

"But I see that among the royal punishments in the Thunder Star Domain is the removal of memories. "

"That's just for you, in fact, it's just that those memories are sealed, you think even a place like the royal family can only seal memories, it will be very difficult to really remove them, and the level of energy consumption will become extremely huge. "

"In this world, the only ones who can really have the ability to erase memories are the angels. "

Judah didn't say anything more, just went back to the book.

"By the way, what flavor of energy bar are you going to have today?".

"I want the blue one, I don't know what it tastes like, but it's delicious. "

"I've said it a third time, it's blueberry flavored, can you remember it, the book is pretty fast. "

"You're annoyed, hurry up and bring it to me, or I won't eat it." "

"Okay, it's not a rare treasure, and people beg you to eat it. "

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