"Then your employer is really extravagant. As he spoke, he suddenly realized, "Then if you don't finish the task." "

The flow is still obsessed with Juji's delicate hair, which is so cute, he thought to his heart's content. "I'll tell him when I have time, but my employer has been watching me, after all, they are all people who can make such a deal, and I have worked hard, and I have not been passive in my work. "

"Our plan is this, first of all, I will use you as a shield, because of the murder of the relevant members of the royal family, I will definitely give a reason, and I believe that the policy promoter at that time will also come, but count her 73 years old this year. "

"What ethnicity is she?".

"It's a human race, it's not easy to live until now, the life expectancy of the human race will reach about 85 years old, which is already an advanced age for her, and the average age of the human race in federal statistics should be about 40 years old, most of the human race has not been treated well, you know this. "

Judah is very clear about this, in the environment he is in, the most important thing is not to communicate with the human race, because that is likely to be the reason for you to be bullied, and the general large wandering area will also have a special human race settlement area, and Yu Er is very familiar with it, because the human race settlement area in the Thunder Star Domain wandering area is within Uncle Luo's jurisdiction.

Although Uncle Luo had never been in it himself, almost all of Jud's money came from there, and Uncle Luo would collect protection money and then give a portion of it to Jud.

Oppression is everywhere, just like Uncle Luo never cares about other people's bullying of him, and he has no time to care about the life or death of those people, but at that time, he was already somewhat aware of the short life span of the human race. He used to see a little boy every day, doing some manual work outside a low-rise self-built building, sewing, shining shoes, and sharpening knives for others.

Until one day, he saw that the man was sold by his parents because he couldn't pay the protection money, and in the end he never saw the boy again.

He may have died, and he didn't hear much about the parents of that family, because since that day, Judah has never passed by there again, and every day he keeps himself out of sight by taking a half-hour detour, at first he thought that Uncle Luo was also like this, so he never asked.

Later, Uncle Luo also knew that he took a detour every day, so he said, "It's okay to bypass, it's dirty there, and there are a lot of human species, why don't I give you money and you go buy a walker?"

The so-called mobility device, which is very cheap, is a mass-produced type of magic, relying on the energy in the environment and the magic material that can be replaced, it is generally a magic mine, to push forward, and it can float in the air about 10 centimeters, so there is no way to get on the very uneven road, and the material is also very fragile and cannot withstand too large impacts.

All things considered, it was really not worth it, Ju Er refused at that time, and Uncle Luo never mentioned it again.

"So what are you going to do?".

"I'm going to meet His Royal Highness the Grand Prince, you know, it sounds unreasonable, but the Grand Prince and Lucio are actually very similar, the same intelligence, the same familiarity with political things, and most importantly, the same idealism. "

"You seem to be very good at using idealism. "

"I don't like to use the word, I have the political demands I want to achieve, and my suggestions can also help them, how can this be called utilization, it's a win-win. "

Juji was speechless, this kind of thing was too early for him, and the environment in which he lived made him understand the vanity and grievances of adults, but he didn't know much about the actual content and methods.

This can't be blamed on Judas, after all, there are very few humanoids who have such a bumpy and bizarre experience at the age of twelve, and they belong to the lack of knowledge.

"My purpose is to give him this thing you've seen before. It's the one with a long name, and I forgot what it was called. "

"You killed a member of the royal family, and then went to the largest local gangster organization, and let their leader and family of three come to see you, just so that a prince could read a book about their local area?".

Liu pondered for a moment, then nodded hesitantly.

Juji completely lost his temper, "Isn't your way of doing this a little too aggressive, and it really won't be considered a provocation?".

"Don't you also know very well what kind of place the Thunder Star Domain is, if you can enter the royal family with some help from others, they won't look at me, I need to prove my strength, although I don't have any strength myself, so I can only take a detour. "

In fact, the more important reason is to let Judah have a legal identity, originally planned, it was planned to really use Judah as Uncle Luo's child, but later this plan went bankrupt because Judah was not really Rochester's child.

Stream has to admit that in fact, he still has a certain amount of selfishness in taking Juji to Donna, but judging from Donny's reaction, Judah should not be a witch race, and it is really time to guess other people's races every time, why did Rochester adopt this child, it can't all be to commemorate his deceased young son.

Such thoughts passed by, and Liu suddenly felt that maybe people really found it with their conscience.

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