"You're awake," a familiar voice came as Stream walked over from the front cabin, passing by with a healthy strawberry-flavored nutrition bar. "I think about yesterday's topic, maybe it's my problem. "

Ju Er remembered yesterday's picture again, ah, he suddenly felt ashamed, what did I say yesterday, I felt a lot of problems when I calmed down, "It's just that I didn't control my emotions well for a while, I don't actually have any opinions, if you really want to use me, use it, anyway, my life was left by you." "

"No, in fact, what I want to say is that although you had a certain emotional problem yesterday, I was also at fault, I shouldn't have told you that kind of thing, in such an indifferent tone. Stream took a sip of soda, yesterday's one hasn't been finished, but today it should be out of gas, Stream thought like this, and sure enough, he lost the blessing of carbon dioxide, it was a cheap flavored sweet water, of course, Stream didn't care whether it was gas or no gas, he just liked sweetness very much.

"Actually, it's because I'm angry, I realized when you came out of Donnie yesterday that you don't smell right, I thought she added something like stalking to you, but I didn't expect it to be a magic that affects your emotions. "Stream actually thought that Donnie was not so stupid, trying to hide the traces of magic in front of a human race who was proficient in magic, just like she once cast a spell in front of Stream, and she was beyond her strength.

"I haven't been sure what kind of it is, and Donnie wouldn't be stupid enough to cast deadly magic on you, I was going to confirm it after you fell asleep, but I didn't expect yesterday's situation to be so bad all of a sudden. Stream smiled and said, "Actually, you are already very good, the magic of emotions can easily change into a person if you don't notice it, I didn't expect Donnie to be like this now." "

Liu looked at Juji with some concern, "There should be nothing wrong with it now, but I don't know if she has any sequelae, I did something wrong, I'm sorry." "

Judah still didn't say a word, but he felt a lot better. Seeing this, Liu didn't ask much, explaining their next trip.


general summary is that they were tracked down by the royal family because they killed Uncle Luo, but they ran to the territory of the Black Tide at that time, so there will definitely be someone to interrogate, and the traditional interrogation method is to have a judge watch from the side to prevent the death of the prisoner, so he said himself, "This is because the royal family does not understand the endurance of different races in many aspects, and it is easy to kill people, so it needs a humanoid race who understands this and has some experience in the damage caused by the magic used by the royal family." "


kind of strange royal family is this, why do you have to do this kind of thing yourself, Juji's complaint in his heart seems to be heard, "You have to understand that the so-called royal blood is the first batch of outsiders who came here, about 500 years ago, it began to develop here, and the royal family here is those outsiders, but they are very strong, and the people here also complained at the beginning, but the fact is that the royal family is really good to them, so in the end they came to where they are today."

"Isn't there anything wrong with that?" Judah didn't think that such a powerful race would have such a good character, and in many cases, the stronger it was, the easier it was to become arrogant.

Liu wasn't surprised that he would say this kind of problem, "You really lack common sense, of course this situation was deliberately shaped by someone, due to the number of people at the time, no matter how powerful the wandering humanoid royal family is, in fact, the number of people can always kill them." "

"And in fact, the locals once had a very strong national sentiment, but now they have only gotten better since the end of the Third Unification War 400 years ago. The stream stopped, as if wondering how to describe it appropriately, "All in all, these are suitable for you for the time being, it doesn't matter, if you're curious, we'll treat it as a while traveling and tutoring, and then we'll talk about it when we meet." "

"You seem to know a lot about all of this, I remember that the human race doesn't live so long, and you don't know so much when you look at your age. Judah asked the question that he had been hesitating for a long time, "Lady Donnie has known you for a long time, and you look like you've been alive all along." "

Ryu touched Juji's head, buried his long fingers in his short jet-black hair, Juji looked at Ryuji, and suddenly realized that he and Ryu's hair color is the same, Ms. Donnie has a beautiful red hair, Lucio is light red, the horned security guards they have seen have brown curly hair on their heads, and dark black hair is not so common, because in most cases, dark black hair color is often the basic hair color of the human race, although the human race is spread all over different star fields, depending on the status of the human race itself, most humanoids ignore them。

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